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Author Topic: Terrified again  (Read 2918 times)


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Terrified again
« on: October 10, 2014, 11:58:50 AM »

I'm so sorry for panicking and my husband tells me I'm a hypochondriac but the last few months I have been in such a state. I've posted about this before. But just to quickly recap. I changed from Femosten 2/10 which I believe is a cyclic hrt. I'm not very clued up on all this. In December last year I changed to Evorel patches. The aim was to get me bleed free. I'm been on HRT for 12 years. My biggest symptom was tension. After putting a knife to my husbands throat 12 years ago it was decided my mood swings would be helped by HRT. I was happy on it and bled every month. Then about two years ago the periods became a bit heavier, more clotty and painful. I wanted to stop the bleeds so Evorel was started. Except on Evorel I bled all the time. Mostly staining but throughout the month. Because of this they sent me for an ultrasound even though it was clearly hormones. I asked could I go back to Femosten 2/10 and this was agreed. The scan came back showing fibroids and a womb lining of 9mm which they thought had built up on the Everel. But I was told that otherwise womb looked healthy. I was told I could continue with the Femosten and to repeat scan three months later. The bleeding stopped.  I had second ultra sound, told lining was now 7mm and that was not unusual when on HRT but to have another a month later straight after bleed to see if it had reduced. I returned for 6 month check from the start of this and told ultra sound okay, still fibroids and still 7mm womb lining. I then mentioned that several days before my period I now have brown staining for a few days and then red blood begins along with bad cramping. To be prudent and because she wouldn't be offering me the full works she said a hysteroscopy should be done. I got this appointment for four weeks later but they couldn't do it in out patient as it was too painful and so have to have a GA. They told me it would be put through as urgent. I then of course panicked. Convinced I had cancer. I'm a terrible hypochondriac. I have no one to be with me the day after the op as my husband can't get time off. They say they won't do it if you don't have someone with you the following day. So the nurse suggested we book it for a Friday. I thought it would come through quickly but today I phoned after waiting two weeks and it is on the 31st of October. This is when my stepson comes to live with us. I'm stupidly in a state thinking if it is anything serious then it will be really advanced. Would they have said I needed to come in sooner if it was urgent. I'm stupidly anxious. Anyone to put my mind at rest would help. Should I phone and say any day is okay to get it done sooner? I have no family close by to be with me the next day. I'm terrified I have something seriously wrong with me. So sorry to ramble. Rois
« Last Edit: October 10, 2014, 12:01:01 PM by roisen »


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Re: Terrified again
« Reply #1 on: October 10, 2014, 12:12:33 PM »

Roisen I'm sure your period problems are most likely caused by the fibroids. I work for the NHS and rest assured if anyone is suspected to have cancer then they are seen within two weeks of referral. I also had a hysteroscopy under a GA and apart from a little cramping that same day, was absolutely fine afterwards. Hope this helps.


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Re: Terrified again
« Reply #2 on: October 10, 2014, 02:00:10 PM »

Hi Roisen

find it weird that your doctor hasn't offered you Conti option before now.
Can you say why you didn't move to Conti sooner?
Can't the doc provide a tablet based Conti option instead of going back to a Sequi option? Is there some issue doing that.
In terms of the patches there seems to be some of us that dont have good absorption thru the skin.

Assuming that the doctor put you on EVOREL CONTI* you have to also bare in mind that it can take 6 months or more to get used to Conti option, but not sure why the doc would not have told you that?

As on my earlier post, we should get our thickness checked before going onto Conti option.

Your not a hypochondriac ;) hope you get back to normal as soon.



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Re: Terrified again
« Reply #3 on: October 10, 2014, 02:58:14 PM »

You are not a hypochondriac!  You are worried, understandably.  Because this is happening to you, it's in your face all the while so you don't get any rest from it.

31 October seems a long while to wait but in reality and because it isn't expected by the Hospital that there is anything 'urgent', 31 is OK. If you husband is likely to be with you the next day then stick with the date.  You may need to wait a lot longer!

Is your step-son moving in for a long while?


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Re: Terrified again
« Reply #4 on: October 10, 2014, 02:59:31 PM »

It took me about six months to settle onto Evorel conti. I was spotting weekly but my GP told me to keep going and it would stop.......and it did.

Scans are only available if something is suspected of being wrong but I agree it would be a good idea.....can't see it happening though.



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Re: Terrified again
« Reply #5 on: October 10, 2014, 05:13:08 PM »

Hi, I had a hysteroscopy under GA last Tuesday and had absolutely no discomfort afterwards. I have a pretty serious health anxiety but was totally open with all the medical staff and they were very supportive. Even on the day I was trying to get out of the GA but I did know it was the best option and knew I had to trust everyone. I had a bad anxiety attack in the evening but after that I was back to normal the next day and proud of myself for going into hospital for an op. You will be fine and try and distract yourself from anticipatory anxiety. You can't  stop the thoughts but you can try not to engage with them x