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Menopause Matters magazine ISSUE 76 out now. (Summer issue, June 2024)


Author Topic: Hmmm ... which bit of the Menopause am I at  (Read 3030 times)


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Hmmm ... which bit of the Menopause am I at
« on: October 04, 2014, 08:28:46 AM »

Good Morning everyone.

I would guess that this has been asked and discussed at length before but I'm really not sure what to put in to search it so ...

I had a blood test last week at my doctors to check my hormone levels as I haven't had periods for quite some years due to various medications he wanted to check where I was up to with the Menopause, the results I was given over the phone were ..

Your levels are very low so you are going through the menopause. when asked if I should continue taking contraceptives the advice/comment was you don't need to because if you were to get pregnant with these levels you would make the newspapers.  Now the question that I have been left with is which bit of the Menopause am I at,  I'm not totally sure if I'm at Menopause or Post Menopause as I've never had the periods to indicate what is actually happening as far as a last period and then none for 12months is concerned.

Kaz x


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Re: Hmmm ... which bit of the Menopause am I at
« Reply #1 on: October 04, 2014, 08:58:47 AM »

 hi lady a question I have been on elleset duet 1mg and have taken my period half way on green tablets lasted 7 days then away this month I have two green tablets left and no period is this normal do your periods eventually go away ? Thank you


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Re: Hmmm ... which bit of the Menopause am I at
« Reply #2 on: October 04, 2014, 09:14:58 AM »

Hi Candycotton
It sounds to me as though you are definitely post menopause.  I'd make an appointment with your GP to discuss this. You don't give your age? Are you getting meno symptoms e.g. flushes etc.?  If you are below 50 then HRT may be necessary to prevent bone loss and heart disease.  Have you read all the info under the headings to the left of this screen - it's all very helpful.  Keep us posted   DG x

Hi gladys
Do start your own thread so that more of us can respond and help appropriately.
You are on a sequential HRT which means you should get a withdrawal bleed(period) each month a day or two after you finish the progesterone tablets.  If you are still peri menopausal then your own hormones can cause some additional breakthrough bleeding but this should settle down. Do read up all the information under the headings to the left of this screen - it may answer some of your queries and you then can get back to us with specific questions.
Once you are post menopausal - either aged 54 or your own hormones have dropped and you wouldn't get any natural periods  - then you can go onto a continuous HRt which will result in no bleeding.
DG x


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Re: Hmmm ... which bit of the Menopause am I at
« Reply #3 on: October 04, 2014, 09:18:26 AM »

Sorry to be daft but how do I start my own thread


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Re: Hmmm ... which bit of the Menopause am I at
« Reply #4 on: October 04, 2014, 09:23:55 AM »

Ok got it thank you


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Re: Hmmm ... which bit of the Menopause am I at
« Reply #5 on: October 04, 2014, 10:29:34 AM »

Thanks DG.  I am 52 and have been having hot sweats (ish) for a couple of years but they don't seem to be that bad, I don't perspire or anything I just get very warm and it lasts for about half an hour and if I wake up in the night feeling hot, i just move to a cool bit of the bed and fall straight back to sleep, so I wasn't sure these were true hot sweats.  I was put on vagifem a year or so ago because I was suffering re-occurring bouts of cyctitus and thrush and the doctor thought then it was due to the menopause and vaginal dryness, lucky for me he was right and within a week it had all cleared up and has remained so ever since, so I am still on the vagifem 10mg twice a week.

isn't this a strange time for us all, there seems so much uncertainty, doctors that lump everything as being Menopause or Menopause related and your made to feel you just need to get on with it and let it happen.

kaz x 


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Re: Hmmm ... which bit of the Menopause am I at
« Reply #6 on: October 04, 2014, 04:39:00 PM »

At least your GP was on the ball about the Vagifem - that is really good.  It sounds as though you are not suffering too badly with meno symptoms generally so may not need HRT. You may find the symptoms increase a bit as the oestrogen levels drop or you could just sail through with few if any more symptoms. HAve you had a hysterectomy? You mentioned that you haven't had periods? We are all different and the way our bodies adjust to the lack of oestrogen will vary.
At least on this site we can share our experiences and support each other through this often challenging time.
DG x