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Author Topic: Gallbladder Problems  (Read 18528 times)


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Re: Gallbladder Problems
« Reply #15 on: October 17, 2014, 08:14:06 PM »


It is some time ago that i had mine done but i'm pretty sure i had to sign something that said if they couldn't get them out laproscopically that they would do normal surgery.

Like HB has said i had got to the point where i had no choice.




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Re: Gallbladder Problems
« Reply #16 on: October 17, 2014, 09:06:00 PM »

He asked the consultant about how common dumping syndrome is....the answer was almost everyone experiences it to some extent. If he had not asked he wouldn't have been told.
My sister when she has a dumping syndrome episode controls it with a combination of herbal drops. She finds it successful for her.

Odd how some GP's think different to others.  As I said mine said dum;ing syndrome not common with GB removal.

Ju Ju

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Re: Gallbladder Problems
« Reply #17 on: October 17, 2014, 09:13:56 PM »

My doctor had never heard of it, so it's a question for the consultant.


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Re: Gallbladder Problems
« Reply #18 on: October 17, 2014, 09:21:41 PM »

That's where hubby got his info....the consultant.

I think it's important to remember that we are all different and what affects one person won't another.

Impossible to carry on with such pain so it becomes academic anyway. It's then a case of wait and see and probably be just fine .


Ju Ju

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Re: Gallbladder Problems
« Reply #19 on: November 03, 2014, 07:14:55 PM »

Hi, just wondered whether someone, who has experienced gall bladder pain, or knows about gall stone problems, can tell me if what I have experienced this last week is par for the course. Up to Sunday, last week, I had extreme pain episodes every so often, the last being last Sunday. Since, then I have had mild pain/ache in the same area in my back and passing mild pain in the upper right abdomen. I'm not ill, but not well either. Also, it feels like the early warning signs of an attack, but doesn't develop, which might mean I might not have any warning at all.


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Re: Gallbladder Problems
« Reply #20 on: November 03, 2014, 07:21:08 PM »

The sooner you get seen the better.

Before my sis had hers removed she had episodes every couple of months that floored her. It was not pain but sickness. Her pain was only when the GP pressed on the gall bladder area.
When my hubby has an attack which has been mistaken for a heart attack twice he gets extreme chest pain. He describes it as severe indigestion. His is controlled with diet and Milk Thistle.

Just shows everyone is very different.



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Re: Gallbladder Problems
« Reply #21 on: November 03, 2014, 07:55:22 PM »


It does sound like you can't carry on like this and something needs to be done. I kidded myself for quite a long while that i could manage as the pain would come and then pass off but then always come back again at some point.

It is a long time ago for me but from what i can remember my pain was all under my rib cage - smaller stones can pass through and may be causing you the milder pain the larger stones more severe pain.

After my post op check up the consultant told me i was cured and could eat anything - i had changed the fat content in my diet though and still stick to that - use olive oil for cooking now etc.

You will feel much better if you can get the gallbladder removed.   :)

Take Care

Hattie X

Ju Ju

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Re: Gallbladder Problems
« Reply #22 on: November 03, 2014, 08:01:19 PM »

Still haven't heard about an appointment with the consultant. I am to ring the GP in another week if I don't hear, so he can chivvy them on.


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Re: Gallbladder Problems
« Reply #23 on: November 03, 2014, 08:14:30 PM »

I would agree with what the others have said, it does sound like you may have either stones that are causing you pain or inflammation.  I was never really sick, it was more the pain that would come and go, at times it could last weeks where I even found my bra was uncomfortable.  My pain was more often central to left side which is why it was missed by GP, however I now know this was likely referred pain.  I did sometimes have burning between my shoulder blades after eating. 

If the pain gets worse, do not hesitate to call 999.



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Re: Gallbladder Problems
« Reply #24 on: November 04, 2014, 10:19:58 PM »

Well, well.....

I went to the docs about my twitching stomach (lower left side under ribs) which has been bothering me for the last few months and getting more frequent. When it's going I also feel like coughing and heart feels lumpy. I thought it was the vagas nerve maybe or a gut spasm, it wasn't painful just annoying.

She had a good prod and poke, sent me for an ECG and an ultrasound. ECG all good as was most of the ultrasound...

Came out with a sizeable gallstone and a slightly fatty liver! At the moment she thinks the twitching is a internal muscle (no other explanation at the mo) as it's so localised. Looking them up they are the ones that control breathing which is why I might be getting the cough. All other organs looking okey dokey.

The good news is that it's too big to get stuck in the duct and so far hasn't caused any thickening of the wall but of course I now know it's there!!!!

The fattyish liver is a nuisance though. I have put on quite a bit of weight over the years but I do watch what I eat, I've never liked fat on meat, hate things like bacon etc. I don't drink much alcohol now as it gives me a restless night. I do have a weakness for sweet things but again have cut down a lot over the years.  The look after your liver diet looks real fun.....but I'm doing a fair bit of it anyway.

She said to lose a bit of weight but it's not easy despite taking up more classes at the gym and trying to do a brisk walk everyday.

She did say the liver could still be in recovery as about 2.5 years ago my cholesterol went up to 7.1 where it had always sat at 5-5.5. I started making changes and 6 months later it had returned to normal so I have to go for another test after Xmas to see how that is doing.

I hope Mr Gallstone doesn't start acting up, it sounds pretty awful if it does. 


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Re: Gallbladder Problems
« Reply #25 on: November 05, 2014, 06:02:33 PM »


I have been getting this twitching as well. I have 2 Gallstones(I will raise you...haha)...
I also had to re-do a liver test function but the second one was ok.

I did ask my Consultant about whether my wall has thickened but he did not seem interested enough to even comment.
Nice to know I'm not alone..



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Re: Gallbladder Problems
« Reply #26 on: November 05, 2014, 08:41:12 PM »

Sparkle - that's what I thought! But what do I know compared to a Consultant!
I get the odd day feeling sick, usually when I have overdone it on the creamy things!
Only had 2 gallbladder attacks in about 5 years so that is not bad...  ;)



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Re: Gallbladder Problems
« Reply #27 on: November 06, 2014, 07:54:41 AM »

Hi Rebecca

Strange that he wasn't interested in the wall thickening as that is quite important! Glad you are coping with 2 :) and it's good to hear that on the whole they are behaving themselves.

I did mention the diaphragm to the doc but she said it was quite a tough bit of kit and was unlikely. I don't get hiccups but sometimes before the twitching starts I do get a bit burpy which is why I thought it must be gut related. Unless it's the twitchy muscles having a knock on effect. I've been trying to find if anything else on the left side could be gallbladder related but as they've said the wall is ok and there is no inflammation then I guess it's just sitting there.

It's good to know I'm not the only one with this twitch although I did find lots of references to it on the web but no one seemed to have an answer or cure. Some people had had lots of investigations but none the wiser. The only other thing might be to look at physiotherapy in case it's a trapped nerve or something out of alignment.

It was fortunate that it was twitching when I went to see her and had the Ultrasound done but nothing has shown up in that area. I did wonder if it was the big bend in the transverse colon as that's in that area.

Whatever it is I'm fed up with it! It was bad last night and couldn't find a position where it wasn't thumping away, it was fine when I got up to go to the loo so maybe I should sleep standing up! I did have a strain in that area many years ago so I don't know if that's related and I've had a pretty bad year so initial thoughts were emotional, unless it's all come out now I'm a bit more on top of things?

A twitcher now means something else than a bird watcher :)


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Re: Gallbladder Problems
« Reply #28 on: November 06, 2014, 08:15:20 PM »

My consultant told me many people have gallstones that never bothers them, lots don't even know they have them, as I didn't till I had ultrasound.  My liver count was normal which is uncommon in gallbladder disease.  How were they able to tell there was no thickening?  That didn't show up on my ultrasound, only the stones, and the reason I could not have it done keyhole is when they attempted it, they discovered the GB wall was so thick it had to be done open surgery which is very uncommon these days.  My pain was mainly central to left and was put down to non ulcer dyspepsia.  I never really had any major GB attacks, maybe a coiuple over the years, and the last one was the only one that landed me in hospital.  Don't just put up with the pain, if you have concerns go back and ask for more tests or call 999 if you have another attack.  One of the worst pains I have ever experienced, worse than giving birth!




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Re: Gallbladder Problems
« Reply #29 on: November 09, 2014, 09:41:24 PM »

I guess they can see the wall and if it's thickened like they do with uterus ultrasounds? Wonder how quickly it thickens if the stones play up?

Just to be prepared, if you start getting pain do you just take pain killers to start with? Does it go off or constant? Would you go to docs/a&e immediately?

Also it's a nuisance knowing it's there as I guess it's a pre-existing condition now for travel insurance...grrrr! 
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