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Author Topic: Help  (Read 4062 times)


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« on: September 30, 2014, 12:58:17 PM »

Hi everyone,

I am new to the group and feel like I am going insane. I feel that I cannot go on any longer.
My symptoms are really getting me down and I feel that I have no one to turn to; my doctor has just given me HRT which I have been taking for 3 days. Feel down just want to cry all off the time. Have tinnitus so bad that I can't sleep, it has got worse over the last month. FEEL LIKE THERE IS NO WAY FORWARD. Could not sleep last night with hot flushes and this bloody noise in my head.   


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Re: Help
« Reply #1 on: September 30, 2014, 01:41:22 PM »

Hi Kerry,

I just joined today too as feeling pretty much the same. How's the HRT going or too early to tell? I've had tinnitus for about ten yrs now but pretty sure it was caused from too much clubbing! ...I just got used to it but maybe it's not as loud as others. My main issue here, altho there are a few, is the anxiety. It's premature meno for me (36 when it all started, 38 now) plus fairly recent redundancy, so I can't tell what is due to what!! Been crying loads past few days too :(

To think I used to have a career whilst bringing up a young daughter and now I'm struggling on a daily basis with every day chores! Oh to be a man hey ;)

We are women so we will get thru it (trying to convince myself as much as you!) xx


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Re: Help
« Reply #2 on: September 30, 2014, 02:05:04 PM »

Sorry to hear you are the same :-\.... it really is the pits and I am feeling soooooooo sorry for my self today. I think the tinnitus has got worse because i am so upset and this also makes the hot sweats worse. Its killing me being at work, I just want to hide myself away but nothing stays the same  :).... know what you mean about being a man lol. 


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Re: Help
« Reply #3 on: September 30, 2014, 04:08:01 PM »

Hi and welcome Kerry and dazedandconfused
Kerry - early days yet - it takes a bit of time for the HRt to kick in.  Do tell us a bit more about yourself - age, stage of your meno etc.  What HRT have you been given?

dazedandconfused - at your age your should be on HRT unless there are other health issues that prevent this.  Oestrogen deficiency before the age of 50 can cause serious long term problems with bones and heart.  I do hope your GP is advising you to take HRT - if not you need to see a gynae or meno clinic who will prescribe what you need.
I had an early meno like you in my 30s and my GP simply said "if I was her daughter she would be insisting I take HRT"  - I did as I was told.  It sometimes takes time to find the right HRT - it did for me(sometimes you have to try a few different ones) but I'm now 58 and my bones are not too bad and my heart is Ok - I couldn't have managed without HRT.

Keep us posted.  Dg x


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Re: Help
« Reply #4 on: September 30, 2014, 05:42:23 PM »

Hi, I have had tinnitus for 34 years since I had a horse riding accident onto my head ???. I have it 24/7 this may seem odd but just try and make it your friend, mine is sometimes so loud I can here it more than the TV or radio, and if I get really tired or anxious it gets worse, if it is being really bad just lie down deep breathing and it will slow down , the more anxious you get about it the worse it will get.

My son in law has it also from being a drummer for years and not wearing ear protection.  :(


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Re: Help
« Reply #5 on: September 30, 2014, 07:29:30 PM »

Well just a bit about myself. I am 48 and just started to miss periods and having hot flushes, I hate the night time flushes the the most. I live with a lovely man that is very understanding. Bless him. Thanks Maryjane for the advice on the tinnitus, this has really got me down over the last few days and have not been able to sleep but I will try and relax and try to get some sleep tonight. Will let you know how I get on.


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Re: Help
« Reply #6 on: October 01, 2014, 08:20:58 AM »

Hi Dg :) Thx for the welcome.

After the most recent bloods I had taken - that confirmed prem meno -  I was sent a letter saying 'we're here to support you thru this transition...' by my dr's (I don't always see the same one). But there's been no mention of HRT. I don't know if I can/should request getting my bones checked...or what that's even called! All the symptoms are quite bearable tbh, it's the anxiety that's truly affecting my life. I saw the GP last night and he seemed to think it's more a general anxiety issue than meno related. He prescribed me Sertalin (?) antidepressants and referred me for counselling. I've had counselling before tho and altho she was a nice person, she seemed about 21 and I think I knew more about it all than her just from self help books!
So the plan at the mo is to try the antidepressants (altho I'm v wary) - tried Prozac once and hated it. Get fit (just joined a gym)! Eat better and go for the counselling. Here's hoping things will improve.
Like I mentioned in another post, I'm just not sure about what stage I'm at...once I've gone 12 mths w/out a period, does that mean you've HAD the meno or you're IN the meno???

Thx again :)


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Re: Help
« Reply #7 on: October 01, 2014, 08:38:49 AM »

dazedandconfused - You say you have been diagnosed as premature menopausal but you don't say how your mentrual cycle is? You may be in early stages with your hormones fluctuating and if this is the case antidepressants are not necessarily the right course of action unless you are truly depressed. HRT could help with the anxiety if it caused by the fluctuating and falling hormones.
The peri stage can go on for 5 years or more while the oestrogen levels fluctuate and fall before you go into full post meno.  Post meno would be beyond around 54 years of age or 2 years without an period. However the peri stage can be particularly tricky and often needs HRT to keep things in balance. If you are having premature meno then HRt is essential unless there are other health issues that prevent it e.g.close family member with breast cancer.
I think you need to see another GP at the practise - try to to find out who is more clued up about menopause.  If your oestrogen levels are falling then HRT would be the correct treatment at your age.
Do read up all the info under the headings to the left of this screen - there is a section on premature menopause.  Ask to be referred to a gynaecologist or menopause clinic.
DG x


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Re: Help
« Reply #8 on: October 01, 2014, 08:52:17 AM »

When I was 36 (2 yrs ago) I suddenly went 6 mths w/out a period - that was the start of it all. Oh and the fact we hadn't used contraception since the birth of our daughter (I was 31 when I had her) and not fallen pregnant was another big clue something was up...also my mum was late 30s when her periods started playing up. So since then I've gone a few mths here and there without periods and when they did come they were ridiculously heavy. But today will be getting on for 6 mths since last period - which was in April. I've had FSH levels taken a few times - both high. AMH test was done by consultant at Women's hosp - was told fertility was so low hadn't even registered - less than 1%. So all that combined with mum's history, lack of periods, lack of baby no2 all kinda conclusive! Just gutted about the fertility and the anxiety - can handle the rest...but would be lovely to know if I'm going thru the worst phase right now...effing hope so :) x


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Re: Help
« Reply #9 on: October 01, 2014, 11:06:19 AM »

dazedandconfused76 - Your story is very similar to mine.  You need HRT and will need it until you are at least 50 and probably beyond. If none of the GPs in your surgery are clued up about premature menopause then you need a referral to a meno clinic or gynae to get properly assessed and have HRt prescribed. If you are still suffering with anxiety after trying HRT for a few months then some ADs can be used alongside the HRT but HRT should be the first thing that is prescribed. HRT may well settle your anxiety down.  Don't let them put you on the old fashioned type of HRT like Prempac, it's good to start on something like low dose Femiston as the progesterone in it is kinder and well tolerated by many women. You can go onto higher doses of Femoston as your oestrogen levels fall or the flushes etc return because you need more.
You have a busy life and a young child to look after - you need to have your life more under control. HRT will help.   Keep us posted.   DG x


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Re: Help
« Reply #10 on: October 02, 2014, 11:48:33 AM »


I have been put on CYCLOPROGYNOVA 2MG. Can anyone tell me if this is any good and what is the best time to take it, i have been taking it just before i go to bed and have found that i am having problems sleeping. xxx


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Re: Help
« Reply #11 on: October 02, 2014, 02:42:02 PM »

 :welcomemm:  have a browse of menus left of screen.  Keeping a food/mood diary can help.  Eating regularly, exercising when possible - weight bearing helps stave off osteoporosis - if necessary make a double appt. if you need to discuss issues with your Practice Nurse or GP.
