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Menopause Matters magazine ISSUE 76 out now. (Summer issue, June 2024)


Author Topic: Discharge/Hysteroscopy Etc.  (Read 7326 times)


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Discharge/Hysteroscopy Etc.
« on: September 17, 2014, 06:03:06 PM »

Hi! I haven't posted in ages, but I'm looking for a bit of reassurance, I guess. Back in December and January I was experiencing spotting followed by horrible yellow discharge every day for a month or so. At the time I hadn't had a period for over a year.. probably getting on for two years.. and realised something wasn't right. I saw my GP on 27th Dec and she referred me to the gynaecologist at my local hospital. At the time I had a copper IUD fitted and it had been in for about 5 years. I had an internal scan, internal examination etc and to cut a longish story short, the gynaecologist thought the coil was the problem (there was obviously an infection there) and arranged for me to have a hysteroscopy, D&C and IUD removal under general anaesthetic. That was on 16th Jan and a week later I got the all-clear from the gynaecologist saying there were no pre-cancerous cells and the IUD had been the problem. She'd done a blood test on my first visit which showed I was postmenopausal, so I had no need of further contraception (hurrah!). Around the time of this infection I also had urinary infections, which made me quite ill and had two lots of anti-biotics. After the hysteroscopy etc I experienced some pain and discomfort on the right side of my lower abdomen. The gynaecologist had said it was a good job I was under anaesthetic when they removed the IUD, as it was very difficult to remove. Anyway, by the end of Feb, everything seemed back to normal. No periods, no discharge, no discomfort. However, since the beginning of December when this all started and throughout Jan, Feb and March I was getting horrendous night sweats. I started taking sage tablets, starflower oil capsules and soya isoflavones. Gradually the sweats at night disappeared, but I was getting quite bad hot flushes in the day (making me break out in a sweat). These finally stopped in July/August (hurrah again!). I was starting to feel 'back to normal'. Then a week last Saturday I noticed a little bit of blood and some discharge when I wiped. A few days later I had some pale pinkish coloured discharge (quite watery) which then became more yellow and thicker (didn't smell). Just how it went back in December/Jan. I'm now really worried as I can't blame the IUD this time. Yesterday and Monday I also experienced some discomfort in that lower abdominal area to the right and a dragging sensation as if I was getting a period. I plan to make an appointment with my GP tomorrow, but wondered if any of you have experienced something similar. I'm almost 52 (birthday on Sunday.. great timing!!). Thank you!


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Re: Discharge/Hysteroscopy Etc.
« Reply #1 on: September 17, 2014, 07:49:15 PM »

Hi yellowjo

I haven't experienced anything like this as I went onto HRT before I was post-menopausal.

However the fact that you felt better in July/August does suggest that your own hormones were coming into play again - and this could have caused the slight "bleed" or spotting. Interesting that it isn't yet a year since the past episode.

However because your gynae says that the last episode was due to an infection they may want to investigate again - or maybe not as it's such a short time and you were well looked at last time. Also you are still only 52 so only just at the average age of menopause so quite possible to still have a cycle occasionally.

The most important thing is to go to your GP as you are doing and then let her decide whether to refer you again.

Do keep us updated and enjoy your birthday!

Hurdity x


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Re: Discharge/Hysteroscopy Etc.
« Reply #2 on: September 17, 2014, 07:52:34 PM »

Thank you so much Hurdity. Your reply is very helpful and reassuring. I'll let you know how I get on.


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Re: Discharge/Hysteroscopy Etc.
« Reply #3 on: September 18, 2014, 06:20:29 AM »

Hi yellowjo.  I came across this when looking for info on postmenopausal bleeding.  I am 55 and had my last heavy period 22 months ago.  Then stopped suddenly.  I had slight bleeding last year.  In July I had my copper IUD removed and also a blood test which showed I was postmenopausal.
Last week I noticed a pink discharge, followed by blood and then a slight brown discharge.  Before this I had painful, nipples and breast discomfort.  This went when bleeding started. 
Went to gp on Tuesday.  She asked me lots of questions and said that it sounded like a period but investigstions needed to rule our anything sinister.  She said that she would refer me to clinic.  I then got a call back in the afternoon to say that I'm not being referred and that senatior gp at the practice can do the procedure.  I was advised to make an appointment for a womb biopsy.
I am holiday next week and the can't fit me in tomorrow, when minor ops take place.  Have to wait until I'm back.  I am now wondering why I had not been sent for scan and that it will be just a biopsy.  Feeling worried. 
I'm sorry for hijacking your post but saw that you were having similar issues.  Hope all goes well for you.



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Re: Discharge/Hysteroscopy Etc.
« Reply #4 on: September 18, 2014, 06:40:18 AM »

Hi Baggiebird! Sorry to hear you're experiencing problems similar to mine. I can't understand why they haven't sent you for an internal scan first. I haven't really had much blood at all - the tiniest speck the first time I noticed something when I wiped, then pale pinkish discharge a couple of times and the discharge is now pale yellow. I haven't had the painful nipples and breast discomfort, but have experienced discomfort in the abdominal area. Unfortunate that this has happened just before your holiday. Try not to let it spoil your time away, try not to worry and good luck with the biopsy. Keep us posted on how you get on.


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Re: Discharge/Hysteroscopy Etc.
« Reply #5 on: September 18, 2014, 06:51:32 AM »

Thank you yellowjo.  The gp who is doing biopsy specialises in women's health so hopefully I will get answers from him.  I'm hoping that all will be ok but  doesn't stop me from worrying.  Don't wand to share my worries with family.  Had abreast lump scare last year and my poor husband went through hell with me. .  Thanks again .


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Re: Discharge/Hysteroscopy Etc.
« Reply #6 on: September 18, 2014, 12:15:08 PM »

I'm now back from the doctor's and saw a lovely female GP I hadn't seen before. She took some swabs and a urine sample. She palpated my abdomen. She said all looked normal - vagina and cervix looked nice and healthy. There were a few white cells in urine, but she said she thought this came from my vagina where she'd noticed some mucus. She said I could have had a surge of oestrogen from another organ other than the ovaries, which could explain lacks of hot flushes, increased libido ( ::) ) and feeling more positive generally. She said that if all was clear in January when I had those investigations, then it should be fine still. She was lovely - very patient and answered my questions thoroughly. She seemed to think this was normal discharge and nothing to worry about. Phew! So relieved. Just have to hope the swab and urine results come back negative.


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Re: Discharge/Hysteroscopy Etc.
« Reply #7 on: September 19, 2014, 05:51:03 AM »

Good to hear your visit to doctors went well.  Hope everything  comes back clear.


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Re: Discharge/Hysteroscopy Etc.
« Reply #8 on: September 19, 2014, 07:28:19 AM »

There seems to be a very strong relationship between the disappearance of the night sweats and the start of period like bleeding. I went for 11 months and had very severe night sweats all the time and then suddenly they stopped, my libido returned and the mucus secretions came back. Then my periods returned and have been regular now since May. I am sleeping all night like a baby for the first time in ages. Only worry I have is that my periods don't just start like they used to, they dribble and are proceeded and followed by yellow/brown discharge. 


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Re: Discharge/Hysteroscopy Etc.
« Reply #9 on: October 03, 2014, 11:25:48 AM »

Hi - just come back from having my biopsy which was done by my GP.  It wasn`t painful just a bit uncomfortable.  I did however feel anxious and the GP told me to stop panicing. 
Same sort of routine as having an IUD inserted but then a suction device was used to take some cells.  I`m bleeding now but hope it stops soon.  Feeling a little shaky now. 
Now have to wait for about 2 weeks for the results.
yellowjo and Machair - hope you are both doing ok


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Re: Discharge/Hysteroscopy Etc.
« Reply #10 on: November 05, 2014, 03:56:34 PM »

Hi Baggiebird!
How are things? Any news since your last post? You must have had your results by now. Sorry for not replying earlier, I haven't been on here for a while. My swabs obviously came back negative, as no phone call from GP and it's been about two months now! I'm still getting some discharge. Some days hardly any and other days a fair bit, especially in the mornings. Hardly any night sweats, not many hot flushes. I notice that when I get a lot of discharge (like yesterday and today), I hardly get any hot flushes at all and when I do, they pass very quickly.