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Author Topic: Melatonin - advice please  (Read 9718 times)


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Melatonin - advice please
« on: September 17, 2014, 01:00:52 PM »

Hi everyone
Like many of us in meno I'm really struggling to get quality sleep and I know some of you have used a melatonin supplement. I see you can get a melatonin supplement online - which ones are reputable? What dosage should you take? Feedback and advice please?
DG x


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Re: Melatonin - advice please
« Reply #1 on: September 17, 2014, 01:17:36 PM »

Silver Lady will be able to help with this one.

I know she uses it so hopefully she will be along soon to help.



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Re: Melatonin - advice please
« Reply #2 on: September 17, 2014, 03:38:27 PM »

DG, I was taking melatonin for about a week or so this spring when lack of sleep was horrendous. I cannot recommend a brand though as I an not in th UK. I was taking 3 mg one hour before the desired time of sleep. Worked wonderful for me. Then started Hrt and didn't need it any more.


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Re: Melatonin - advice please
« Reply #3 on: September 17, 2014, 03:53:04 PM »

Thanks Milamam
I have tried all sorts of herbs and remedies in the past for meno symptoms with no success.  I am trying Red clover and have increased my soya intake as my research into phytoestrogens claims it helps the heart, bones & sometimes flushes and night sweats but at the moment the flushes seem to be worse!!
I long to have a better nights sleep so am willing to try the melatonin as I believe it is sometimes prescribed my doctors for sleep problems so there is good evidence that it helps. It seems to be very expensive so I hope silverlady is along soon with advice about the right brand to go for.   Dg x


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Re: Melatonin - advice please
« Reply #4 on: September 17, 2014, 04:07:42 PM »

Dancinggirl I get the MELATONIN 3mg 50 Fast Dissolve Tablets from

They cost £7, I usually dissolve one under my tongue, they are strawberry flavour. I don't use an whole tablet just bite one in half and save the rest for the next night.

Its best to experiment with the dose.

Take when you have turned off the light and try not to take after midnight.


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Re: Melatonin - advice please
« Reply #5 on: September 17, 2014, 04:28:24 PM »

There was something in the news recently saying that it was important not to use screens and technology in the evenings (which give off blue and uv light which interferes with melatonin production) and to have a completely dark bedroom to make sure your melatonin levels rose to optimal levels.

It was in relation to the effectiveness of cancer drugs, but maybe reviewing this will help you make the most of the supplement?

Happy sleeping  :)


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Re: Melatonin - advice please
« Reply #6 on: September 17, 2014, 04:48:23 PM »

Hi sorry to hear your not sleeping. I can sympathize as I also had insomnia fir 3 months. I had a short course if benzos to get through it. Then have had ti reduce slowly. I know the consultant I'm under has said red clover hope this helps. X


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Re: Melatonin - advice please
« Reply #7 on: September 17, 2014, 06:02:31 PM »

Thank you all for your help, advice and thoughts.
Thank you silverlady for the recommendations on where and what to get and the dosage advice - I knew you would give the best advice on this.
I have always resisted the temptation to have a television or computer in the bedroom(though my husband would love a TV!!!) and even the bedside lights are not strong. I have made light blocking blinds for the window so the room remains really dark. I've recently bought a new mattress that is more supportive (fab bargain in the John Lewis sale) and a 2.5 tog feather duvet with cotton/linen mix covers to help me keep cool but warm enough to sleep.
I tend to have a good bedtime routine to wind down.  I have a lovely warm shower, a good rub down with the towel and then massage in moisturiser.   I usually read for a while and often do some meditation and when I feel sleepy I switch off the light. I sometimes fall to sleep quite quickly but I often get anxiety type dreams and tend to wake several times during the night either because I'm over heating with a flush or need to have a pee. After I've been to the bathroom I always find it hard to go back to sleep as I get that horrible creeping sensation through my legs which ends with a major flush and this makes me feel wide awake.  Some nights are better than others - the humid nights we've had this summer and at the moment have been torture.
I know I have Nocturia so have to pee at least twice a night. When I was on HRT it was not as bad as it is now. My GP prescribed some diuretics to take late afternoon (she thought I was retaining fluid in my legs!! - I don't think I do) but they make me really thirsty through the evening, I still get up at least twice in the night and I get a headache in the morning.  I tend to have most of my fluid intake during the day and very little during the evening but, again, this often doesn't work. I know there are drugs you can take for this but they bring some nasty side effects and I'm reluctant to go down that route.   
I have tried herbal remedies like Herbal Nytol, teas etc. - I know that Hops are supposed to be really good to help with sleep (I work for a brewery so I know all about hops - hops are related to cannabis!!!) but sadly they haven't really helped. The only way I can get a good night is if I take a Nytol that has an antihistamine but of course you can't take that too often as it will stop working. I usually take a Nytol the night before a busy work day or when I've had a run of bad nights.
To me it makes sense that if I am not making enough Melatonin - which apparently is quite common as we get older - then this might be giving me a more disturbed night. I think it's worth giving it a go.
The only thing I haven't tried is acupuncture and that may be my next experiment if I can afford it and also I'd need to find a good practitioner.

It's been nearly a year since I came off HRT and I thought I was doing really well and was rather relieved not to be dependant on HRT(for me HRT was always a necessary evil as I always had issues with progesterone) but at the moment I'm starting to feel a real craving for oestrogen - the quality of sleep, the energy etc. I think the very hot, humid summer has drained me a bit - I'm a very active person and I'm having to pace myself so much more without HRT. Maybe when the weather cools down I will feel differently. I am not ruling out going back on HRT - I'm very tempted to try just one squirt of Oestrogel with 7-10 days of Utrogestan monthly to see how I feel.

If anybody has any other thoughts or ideas I'm open to your suggestions.
Thanks again everyone. DG xxxxxxx


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Re: Melatonin - advice please
« Reply #8 on: September 17, 2014, 09:27:22 PM »

I have been having terrible sleeps for at least 18months & have used Melatonin extra strength 10mg (1 per night). I can honestly say that I didn't really notice any benefit at all. I got them off Ebay, they are made by Swanson & last cost me i think around £10.99 for 2 bottles (60 in each) I took them for over a year but nothing..... Everyone is different though & maybe my body just got used to them. You could try the 10mg 1 per night & see if any good for you. The only thing i can say that has ever helped me stay asleep through the night & also enable me to get back off to sleep if i woke have been Nytol (not the herbal ones) Unfortunately i got into a habit of having them 4 or 5 nights a week & eventually the potency wore abit thin. Each time i bought some the pharmacist would say "these can be addictive so make sure you only use them occasionally" So i now try having one once a week & i will say they most definitely help me.
But now i'm on day 17 of my HRT i'm hoping that my sleeps will start to improve. I do actually think i'm starting to sleep a bit more deeply now.
Good luck anyway - all we can do is try these things out.


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Re: Melatonin - advice please
« Reply #9 on: September 17, 2014, 09:57:55 PM »

Hi Dg

I've been struggling with sleep quality and getting to sleep recently too. I've always been a light sleeper but never had problems getting off to sleep or getting back to sleep if I woke up, I do now!

I sometimes use rescue remedy night drops and they seem to help me, might be worth a go? x


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Re: Melatonin - advice please
« Reply #10 on: September 18, 2014, 07:42:38 AM »

Have to say that 10mgs is far far too high a dose of melatonin, less is more with melatonin, taking that much will cause you to wake more often and with a headache, google and you will see.

There are lots of way to take melatonin, Biovea give you a choice of liquid drops, slow release, Quick dissolving, tablets and capsules, its just a matter of what suits.

dahliagirl is right about avoiding blue light of screens, that's good advice, also a sleep mask will help you produce your own melatonin .

Melatonin has many more health benefits including bone health.


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Re: Melatonin - advice please
« Reply #11 on: September 18, 2014, 08:41:07 AM »

Melatonin is a great supplement and has worked mirracles for me over the years when I was travelling extensivelly overseas with  my job. Great help to go over jet lag and do my job the next day. I have never taken more than 3 mg/night, one hour before sleep. It does provide great quality sleep without headaches or dizziness the next day.

There is a lot discussed about melatonin as help for menopause symptoms in Dr Uzzi Reiss book "Natural Hormone Balance for Women".



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Re: Melatonin - advice please
« Reply #12 on: September 18, 2014, 09:03:29 AM »

Its said to be antiaging and good for the skin too  :) not to be confused with melanin which is the skins pigment.


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Re: Melatonin - advice please
« Reply #13 on: September 18, 2014, 09:33:50 AM »

Thank you again for all the feedback everyone.

silverlady - I did do some research amount melatonin which is why I'm prepared to give it a go.  I like the sound of all the benefits and I believe it can be prescribed under the NHS so must be recognised as beneficial. It makes sense to me that just as we take HRT to replace a hormone we are lacking, if with age we lack melatonin then replacing this could/would be beneficial - I wonder if HRT helps us to produce more melatonin which would explain why one tends to sleep better when on it?
I've actually ordered the 3mg you suggested but also the slow release pills as well so I can experiment with what is the best option.  On the biovea site they recommend taking the quick release at bedtime but to take the slow release before that if you get repeated awakenings through the night as I do. I will start with just the pills under the tongue and see how I go and then try the slow release if need be.
I read many posts on here about ladies trying to increase their HRT dose to very high amounts in the hope it will reduce all their symptoms. silver lady, I really agree with your point about 'less is more' - I never used more than one and half pumps of oestrogel and maybe that is all I needed to keep things under control but I do feel there is danger of over doing things - a cautious approach to things is sensible.
I'll let you know how it goes.   DG xxx


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Re: Melatonin - advice please
« Reply #14 on: September 18, 2014, 09:57:21 AM »

Thank you for starting this post DG, I have found it very interesting and am considering trying it myself.
Anyway, good luck and let us know how you get on - hope it works for you. PN xx
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