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Author Topic: really didn't think I'd be asking this...  (Read 5419 times)


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really didn't think I'd be asking this...
« on: September 12, 2014, 02:36:07 PM »

..... As I thought meno would be done and dusted by now. Been on HRT 12 years since I was 52, now am 64 and the new young lady doctor has recommended I wean myself off. I only use my Sandrena gel three times a week together with progesterone. I have had a few nighttime hot ones lately, which I can cope with as I didn't feel the need to increase the dose, which is low anyway. Doc says my risks are increased even with Low dose and she printed off a whole load of papers for me to read. Nothing I didn't already know but just brought whole subject back to the front of my mind. I'm just so convinced my symptoms would come crashing back if I gave ip the HRT altogether. No unsure as to whether to continue - any thoughts anyone!?!


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Re: really didn't think I'd be asking this...
« Reply #1 on: September 12, 2014, 02:57:56 PM »

No - thats just wrong.  :o

If your happy to continue then continue.

Just updated info on the following thread and same applies :),25501.0.html

There should be no limit, age, reduction, weaning or any other silly half measures employed.
All your doc is doing is peddling fear and causing you to worry quite literally.

Don't give up  :-*



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Re: really didn't think I'd be asking this...
« Reply #2 on: September 12, 2014, 04:11:01 PM »

If you feel good your should follow what your body is telling you.
I know a lady who is 86 and she is still using HRT - she is amazing - still works, has a brilliant memory and has not shrunk at all. My mother is the same age and is definitely struggling mentally and has lost 4 inches in height!!  Dg x


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Re: really didn't think I'd be asking this...
« Reply #3 on: September 12, 2014, 04:39:54 PM »

Life quality skkb. I have had many a GP nag me on this, I'm on oestrogen only. I'm trying to cope on lowest dose I possibly can. Some days fine, others not so. Meno consultant says 60, so I have just under 2 years to wean off completely. Thing is I don't want to turn into sweaty grease spot again, blubbering over silly things. So may have to fight my corner.


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Re: really didn't think I'd be asking this...
« Reply #4 on: September 12, 2014, 05:19:15 PM »

No meno consultant should give a date for any women to stop HRT unless there is a medical reason why not!

I'd be interested to know what the papers are the doc gave you.

Over the past 12 months or so there have been several threads discussing this and all the pros and cons and the latest thinking - if you do a search you should be able to find them.

The main thing is that on this site - the nationally recognised resource for all things menopause - states that overall - between the ages of 60 & 70 the risks are equal to the benefits.

Even so there has been little or no research looking at the long term effect of bio-identical HRT that you are using, and at such a low dose skkb, and specifically in older women, as far as I know.

The data that is always quoted refers to the Women's Health Initiative Study which was flawed, and later re-analysed and in any case was carried out using equine oestrogens and synthetic progestogens adminstered orally.

As I am always saying on here - the British Menopause Society, and NICE, do not state that there should be an end date but that continuation of HRT should be decided by the woman having had the risks explained to her. I can dig out the references but I have quoted them on other threads.

Again as always stated on here (re breast cancer risk) and elsewhere - other factors are more likely to increase the risk of breast cancer ie to much alchohol, being overweight, not taking enough exercise, bad diet etc.

I am not far off the same age as you - 61 and been taking it since just before 54. I am still taking medium dose patches (50 mcg) and on a 6-7 week cycle, and while my health allows it, intend to carry on.

Your new young lady doctor needs to  be a bit more up-to-date with latest thinking so do not be fobbed off if you want to continue! As you say you are on a very low dose!

Hurdity x

Ju Ju

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Re: really didn't think I'd be asking this...
« Reply #5 on: September 12, 2014, 06:25:32 PM »

I am 60 and have started low dose HRT less than a year ago. I went to a private gynaecologist, mainly because I am trying testosterone in order to have a better quality of life. We discussed the risks, which like you I was aware of, but as Hurdity says, some of that research is faulty.  I chose quality of life, over the possibility of shortening my life. I could live to a great age as many of my relatives have, but what's the point if you are living a half life as I was. I have told I can carry on for as long as I wish. I do have the support of my GP. I worried at first, but now I feel better, I don't.


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Re: really didn't think I'd be asking this...
« Reply #6 on: September 12, 2014, 09:14:49 PM »

How dare she give you stuff to read!  Unless the research is current and Peer reviewed, it might well be useless  :bang: :bang: :bang:

Have a read of menus left of screen to see if there is anything you can take along to discuss with your GP.  Her time will come  ;).  They have to point out the guidelines and risks but it should be up to the patient whether we accept those risks ........

Let us know how you get on!  Tell her you want quality of Life and what will she do if you have to keep returning because you feel ill ........


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Re: really didn't think I'd be asking this...
« Reply #7 on: September 15, 2014, 02:05:38 PM »

Thank you ladies for all your thoughts. As it happens I've just been to visit a friend and we got onto this topic "Over a coffee as you do". My friend is a couple of years older than me and has been prescribed Vagifem. She gave me the leaflet from the box so that I could have her read. Well it is HRT in a different form....... On reading through the leaflet it has all the benefits and side effects of ordinary HRT, and clearly states that it is intended to post menopausal women. So why is it okay to have HRT over 60 directly into the vagina but not as gel which I presently use, when the risks appear to be exactly the same. Does anyone have any knowledge of this Vagifem?


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Re: really didn't think I'd be asking this...
« Reply #8 on: September 15, 2014, 02:44:44 PM »

Is it a different way of delivering the product?


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Re: really didn't think I'd be asking this...
« Reply #9 on: September 15, 2014, 03:52:53 PM »

Yes it is a different Application but the point I'm making is that it appears to be ok from 60+ In postmenopausal women and she can stay on this for ever, so why not Sandrena gel on my inner thighs, what's the difference??


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Re: really didn't think I'd be asking this...
« Reply #10 on: September 15, 2014, 04:10:52 PM »

The warnings on the Vagifem are the same as for full HRT in order to cover themselves I think but the amount of oestrogen you are getting is very small so doesn't really carry the risks and side effects associated with full HRT. It is such a small amount that you can use it all of the time without having to add in a progesterone to protect the womb. Vagifem is still not advised for women over 65 though which is a worry as dryness doesn't go away.

Taz x


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Re: really didn't think I'd be asking this...
« Reply #11 on: September 15, 2014, 05:55:40 PM »

Oh ok, so Vagifem could be an alternative for me if I come off HRT as my present low dose could be equivalent ?? And not to have to take progesterone would be a bonus 😜. Tiredness is my biggest problem at the moment as I never go more than two hours at a stretch......again I've read this can be attributed to low estrogen


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Re: really didn't think I'd be asking this...
« Reply #12 on: September 16, 2014, 07:43:15 PM »

No vaginal symptoms, I put that down to the estrogen....which is fine. Guess the Vagifem may not be the right thing, I was hoping it would keep sweats at bay if I stopped the Sandrena. Does anyone know how 0.5mg Sandrena equates to 25mcg of Vagifem ? Which is the greater 1.5mg Sandrena (as I only use it 3 times each week) or 25mcg daily, I'm guessing it's the latter, in which case my Sandrena is the lowest dose !!  If so, I'll stick with until doc says "no more" then I'll fight my corner 😝


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Re: really didn't think I'd be asking this...
« Reply #13 on: September 17, 2014, 08:27:29 AM »

Vagifem is not systemic HRT - the amount of oestrogen is tiny -  so will not have any affect on flushes etc - it is simply designed to help with vaginal atrophy.  DGx