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Author Topic: Erratic Bleeding  (Read 6379 times)


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Erratic Bleeding
« on: September 09, 2014, 10:59:29 AM »

Hi ladies

I'm so new to this - currently going through the estrogen flooding stage I think, with very low progesterone, and stress in my life at present is not helping progesterone one little bit to do its work efficiently! 

FSH tests have come back normal at the moment which I guess they would do as I'm in early peri (I'm 47), but for those of you who are further down the line, did you get worried about the erratic bleeding at the beginning, thinking something sinister was wrong, until I guess you got so used to your body playing up, it just became normal? 

Might look into progesterone cream and see if that helps  ::)  Any advice on this?

Sorry for appearing to be making a mountain out of a molehill, but I don't trust my body enough lately to go without a liner, even on my 'good' days!!!



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Re: Erratic Bleeding
« Reply #1 on: September 09, 2014, 12:20:08 PM »

Hi Topsy,

It's not a molehill when you flood like that. It's blooming scarey.

I went through something similar at the same age. At one point I called the ambulance as the bathroom floor was covered in blood. I was convinced I'd cut an artery somehow. All the hormone tests came back normal but after much to-ing and fro-ing I was referred to a gynae consultant and had an ablation - the mirena that was put in to stop the bleeding, came whooshing out with one of the flooding episodes!!

The ablation was the best thing I ever had ...

Looking back, it's clear that this was the start of the perimenopause for me. The periods after the op were regular again - easy to cope with. As time has progressed, they got lighter and lighter - I only need a panty liner during the day. They were coming closer together and lasting a day or two. Now they are further apart and still light.
One appeared yesterday and is either 3 weeks late or one week early  :D

Incidentally - I was stressed to the max too. I'm taking supplements to help support my adrenal function which is helping me greatly.

Acupuncture is another avenue you could explore.

Good luck with getting the help you need :hug:

Galadriel x


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Re: Erratic Bleeding
« Reply #2 on: September 09, 2014, 01:55:59 PM »

Hi there,

Don't worry we are here to help. I am the Queen of period problems and the ladies on here have been my best friends through all of this. What are your periods doing in terms of bleeding days? It helps to chart them so you can take any concerns to the GP if you are not happy, or at least see a pattern to them.

I used to have the periods that were flooding. One time three years ago we drove to Essex from The Outer Hebrides, and I reckon I was in every other motorway service area facilities with bleeding problems. I even had to go to Carlisle Tesco to buy new pants it was that bad! We had two dogs in the car and my daughter who is a vet. I think she thought I was dying!

Anyway flash forward to now and things are very different. Weird still but not the same. Very very light but last for ever- 2- 3 weeks with PMT off the chart always all month, and yellow/brown blink and you would miss it spotting mostly in the morning leading up to the period and after it. I went 11 months and now have had three periods with another one due soon. However the bleeding is very minor. This worries me too so you see it is all part of it!



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Re: Erratic Bleeding
« Reply #3 on: September 09, 2014, 02:18:03 PM »


I am also 47 and blood tests indicate that I am perimenopausal and I too have erratic bleeding. I can't keep track of what would be my 'normal' period now as I can have constant bleeding with just a few days off here and there. I have had flooding in the past which is horrible and you think that there must be something awful going on and right now I am experiencing what I can only refer to as 'constant dripping', not enough for tampons but as you say Topsy I can never be without a liner.
I've had an ultrasound which showed up a small fibroid and a small cyst on my left ovary which I'm told is the type that will disappear naturally. I've got an appointment with my GP again next week as to be honest it's annoying me more than anything. I'm not experiencing hot flushes so it may be that I just need something to regulate the bleeding? I haven't heard of ablation so I'll read up about that.


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Re: Erratic Bleeding
« Reply #4 on: September 09, 2014, 03:31:26 PM »

On a more practical note I have found that reusable sanitary items that are soft and washable are absolutely fantastic during this time of unpredictability. They are so lovely to wear and can be purchased online from various places. I love -these are really pretty and shipping is easy to the UK. Amazon have various sellers too that supply similar pads and liners. I just wear these every day and then I am always prepared -they are just so soft you don't notice them.


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Re: Erratic Bleeding
« Reply #5 on: September 09, 2014, 06:33:42 PM »

I remember having the flooding too around the age of 50 everything went haywire and the cramps were worse at that time also...then periods just got longer and longer instead of them gradually tapering off. Thing that surprised me most that when you read anything on Meno nothing is really mentioned that some of us get heavier bleeding as things go along  :-\    Anyway finally had a hysterectomy and that put an end to all that but I now there are so many options why put up with it.


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Re: Erratic Bleeding
« Reply #6 on: September 09, 2014, 07:43:38 PM »

Hi Topsy

If you read the article I linked to when you joined, about the peri-menopause - you will see that flooding is often caused by anovulatory cycles: as the ovaries begin to pack up, sometimes ovulation does not take place and oestrogen continue to stimulate the womb lining which gets thicker as a result, and then flooding occurs - the article explains it better.

There is a whole section on this website about bleeding problems:

Progesterone cream won't help with this - the amount absorbed is insignificant compared with the amount needed to thin and shed the womb lining, especially if you are missing periods.

I would suggest you go to your GP practice and try to see a doctor in the practice who specialises in gynae issues to see if they can advice on hormonal treatment. If you are missing periods then HRT might be an option because this will give extra progesterone as well as oestrogen which gradually declines the further into peri-menopause you get ( even though it still fluctuates)

Hurdity x


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Re: Erratic Bleeding
« Reply #7 on: September 10, 2014, 12:30:00 PM »

This is such an excellent place of support.  My flooding is nothing compared to what some of you have described. I hope it's not going to happen to me as it sounds very scary.  This month has been very strange, I was under immense stress, I'm certain ovulation didn't happen, then on 30th August for a week I had a very scant brown discharge which gradually got slightly heavier (no need for a full pad, just a liner at its worst) and then the period seemed to start properly on 6th September, and it's still going, but hasn't really got going if you know what I mean.  It's just mucous tinged with blood.  My boobs were so sore when it first started on the 6th, but over the last day or so have calmed down no end.  I ride and I need to wear a body protector, but it got to the stage when I couldn't bear it over my chest!  I'm usually just on for 3-4 days, but this is day 5 and it's not changing at all.  I think it's over and it starts again when I've had a wee!!  Sorry, TMI....  It's all so confusing and scary.  Will see how I go for a couple of months and if it doesn't settle will visit the docs.  But do you think this is normal peri?  I'm very early on in the process I think with estrogen being dominant and little progesterone - well that's what it feels like anyway.


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Re: Erratic Bleeding
« Reply #8 on: September 10, 2014, 01:05:15 PM »

Topsy this is happening to me and like yourself I am now wondering if it is time to visit the GP. I am on day 22 of my cycle and have brown spotting but so slight- liner enough and PMT off the scale. Last month my bleeding was so slight in that period. I am waiting to see, but if it continues I might go and have a chat and maybe a scan if he thinks it is needed. I hope it gets better soon for you.


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Re: Erratic Bleeding
« Reply #9 on: September 10, 2014, 01:17:39 PM »

Poor you - you just think the worst but know deep down it's hormones! PMT has been rubbish for me for the past year, and now when I think of everything - complaining to hubby 6 months ago that 'everything hurts' and being very mardy, tearful over stupid things, anxious, lower belly aches and pains for no reason which would come and go, gum problems, sleep issues, etc.  It's all something and nothing when in isolation, but when you add it all up, it does make sense being as I'm 47.  Trouble is it's only in the past month I've actually twigged when this erratic bleeding happened, although I have been averaging only about 21-23 days between over the past year and have been keeping a diary as I thought it might be helpful if I ever had to have a chat with the doc about that bit only.  But now I have a huge list, lol.....!  I'd love to try and control it naturally for the moment as it's not taking over my life by a long way, just this silly bleeding and not knowing if I'll ever wear a pair of pants without a liner again!!!  How old are you?  x


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Re: Erratic Bleeding
« Reply #10 on: September 10, 2014, 02:39:14 PM »

Hi Topsy.

I am 54 but I was regular with no symptoms until I was 52 so a late starter.

I had a lot of strange periods last year and then went almost 11 months until I noticed my night sweats had gone. Then periods came back but much lighter, and only there when you wipe and had the brown discharge before and after. Altogether the loss was for far more than a week probably nearer three altogether. But the PMT is off the scale in fact today it is dreadful. Exercise helps- my new puppy is a real companion on walks!
« Last Edit: September 10, 2014, 02:44:07 PM by Machair »


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Re: Erratic Bleeding
« Reply #11 on: September 10, 2014, 03:31:34 PM »

Oh a new pup - just the tonic.  I'm certainly having a look at my life now.  I got a new horse two weeks ago, and just sitting on her makes the stresses ebb away - that's until she's in season I guess and she's suffering the same as me!!!  Hubby said he will disappear for a week if we both happen to time it together, lol...! Poor you - it's so scary and you think you have something horrible going on.  I'm reading John Lee's book at the moment and it's helping to make me understand things a bit more.  x


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Re: Erratic Bleeding
« Reply #12 on: September 10, 2014, 03:54:36 PM »

Hello ladies.

I was one of those women whose periods remained absolutely regular but got heavier and heavier, I also started to pass clots which scared me. I was 49 and a scan revealed a small fibroid but no other problems so I was advised to manage it all as best I can and wait for the menopause. Well at 52 I had my period as usual and then nothing, the whole thing just stopped and the flushes etc really kicked in ( I am 58 now btw).
The point of this story is to say that there seems to be many versions of normal and although I agree that seeing your GP is a good idea, erratic bleeding appears to be just one of the options mother nature throws at us when our ovaries have had enough!

Wishing you well.



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Re: Erratic Bleeding
« Reply #13 on: September 10, 2014, 04:43:45 PM »

I think the thing I'm most scared about being so new at all this, is will this bleeding ever stop?  it's gone on since 28th August and although only the last 5 days could be classed as a proper bleed, it's bothering me a bit.  But I'm certain it's because no ovulation took place and my levels of stress are probably blocking the action of progesterone at the moment.  A new lifestyle needs to be forthcoming!  But on a good note, my bust doesn't hurt half as much today lol....!

Thanks Kathlene - this must be a nightmare for the docs to suss out as everyone's experiences are so unique.


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Re: Erratic Bleeding
« Reply #14 on: September 11, 2014, 11:14:13 PM »

I think some of us here have experienced extra long bleeds Topsy so your not alone by any last one was seven months non stop and even though I had ovarian cysts/fibroids my doctor feels it was hormones that kept it going. I should mention that after a few months with one doctor who seemed not to be concerned I went to another who immediately got me in for a hysterectomy as I was ill and anemic by that time  :-\   I did try those Progesterone creams and herbal remedies but nothing worked...anyway good luck Topsy hope you can get it all sorted soon
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