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Author Topic: Anxiety - Worth a Health Scan to reassure?  (Read 6764 times)


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Anxiety - Worth a Health Scan to reassure?
« on: September 08, 2014, 06:27:20 AM »

Hi again

Anxiety is taking over my life now, Im on everol sequi just started new pack, was hoping to feel great back on the estrogen only and its only been since Sat I started new pack, but Im worried to death, Im getting palpatations a lot or it feels like a lot, tight chest and general feelings of anxiety, if I go back to the gp about the palpatations they will say well you  have had an ecg which was normal, but can it be wrong, surely if the palps are not happening when you have the ecg how do they know its normal? the other thing they mentioned is if im no better to put me on beta blockers (despite my asthma apparently there is a kind you can take with asthma now), Im seriously considering paying to have a full health scan to reassure myself Im fine, Im not going to have a heart attack or something similar, how are others dealing with anxiety, Im trying to excersise, try to do the correct breathing, but it still getting to me :(


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Re: Anxiety - Worth a Health Scan to reassure?
« Reply #1 on: September 08, 2014, 07:52:13 AM »

Hi Karenja

I feel exactly the same.  Anxiety is ruling (and ruining) my life.  I believe my symptoms are of some illness that is not being picked up, and causing me to worry so much, but doctors are telling me the symptoms are all caused by anxiety, which I am finding hard to believe.  I was also prescribed betablockers but they made me feel really spacey, which made my anxiety worse.  They do work for a lot of people though, so they may be worth a shot just to take the edge off.  There is no harm in trying.  I'm off to docs today to find out the results of blood tests, which I am sure are going to turn out negative.  I actually hope they show something up, then I'd at least be able to start to have something to make me feel better.  I also have had an ECG and 24 heart monitor re. palpitations, and like you, everything was OK.  I am trying the breathing techniques too, but when I'm in full blown panic mode, that just goes out the window!  Just to let you know you're not alone but I do know how awful it is. Have you tried antidepressants at all?


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Re: Anxiety - Worth a Health Scan to reassure?
« Reply #2 on: September 08, 2014, 09:14:42 AM »

Hello karenja and holidaylover.

I just wanted to send my sympathies to you both, I know how awful anxiety is and how vulnerable it can make you feel. Lots of ladies suffer with this and I'm sure others will be along soon to offer advice and support.

Wishing you both well and here's hoping for a better time of it today.   

Take care.



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Re: Anxiety - Worth a Health Scan to reassure?
« Reply #3 on: September 08, 2014, 09:19:58 AM »

Hi ladies I have posted about this before but just to say I'm feeling the same had all the ecg , monitors all fine . Anxiety is a funny thing it can put your lives on hold which is what it's doing to me  :( hubby is retired now feel awful not doing much at the moment but he so understanding bless him . Off to counselling tomorrow fingers crossed that may help x


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Re: Anxiety - Worth a Health Scan to reassure?
« Reply #4 on: September 08, 2014, 09:25:21 AM »

Hi Karenja - one thing to ask your GP for is a 24 hour monitor to check your heart palpitations. You will probably find that they are just ectopic beats and this will put your mind at rest. It is easy to use and will record all the palpitations during the time you are wearing it. It's important to carry on your normal life so that the doc can see what the heart is doing while under stress - exercising for instance or just general housework etc.

I'm not sure that a health scan will help to be honest. Anxiety is a strange thing to deal with - I have it for most of the time and it does affect so much of your life - and I've found that once I've ruled out one thing then another takes over and that then becomes the focus of my anxiety. It is important to learn ways to deal with it from inside yourself, be it with certain anti depressants, counselling, CBT or whatever you find can help. Although it sounds unlikely learning to meditate for a certain time each day can calm down the anxious feelings. What medication are you on for the anxiety itself? Sorry if I've missed you already posting about that.

Taz x

vanessa spain

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Re: Anxiety - Worth a Health Scan to reassure?
« Reply #5 on: September 08, 2014, 10:03:39 AM »

hi i know how you feel ive had palptations etc but the hrt seems to of stopped them im on perifem which i have said before the anxiety is there 24 /7 im sure friends think im mad because i just cant face soceil things with them they are all so happy laughing and having fun but this anxiety just spoils everything and as for excesise how are you suppose to do it when you feel sort of dizzy just walking i find it so hard to think menopauce can do all this stuff to you the doctor has put me on deprax now said to take 1 100mg 3 times a day ive read reviews and it just sedates you so im trying 100mg a day to see if it takes the edge off the names of these pill im on are differant here in spain xx


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Re: Anxiety - Worth a Health Scan to reassure?
« Reply #6 on: September 08, 2014, 10:18:56 AM »

I would not recommend a full body scan. All you will do is increase your chances of cancer later in life as you will be exposed to radiation. I know anxiety is hard, but screening tests of this nature may actually increase your worries. Most of us walk around with lesions and abnormalities all our lives, but when picked up they may require treatment, or at the very least will add to worry as you know they are there.Believe me I am a trained nurse and have seen the stress these tests cause.


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Re: Anxiety - Worth a Health Scan to reassure?
« Reply #7 on: September 08, 2014, 10:36:45 AM »

Have to agree with Machair many health screenings cause too much anxiety, quite a few Doctors think the same way.

A good book to read is "The Patient Paradox" by Margaret McCartney. I downloaded it to my kindle.

Its an eye opener.


Margaret McCartney is a GP in Glasgow. She started writing for the press after being infuriated by an article in a newspaper which claimed the CT body screening was the way to stay well. Since then she has written for most UK newspapers, as well the British Medical Journal, other magazines such as Vogue and Prospect, and has had columns in the Guardian and the FT Weekend. She has won prizes from the Medical Journalists Association, the Healthwatch award, and from the European School of Oncology.

She has three children, a strong interest in evidence, professionalism, screening and risk. She blogs and tweets. The Patient Paradox is her first book. Her second book, Living with Dying: finding care and compassion at the end of life, is published late 2014.
« Last Edit: September 08, 2014, 10:40:18 AM by silverlady »


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Re: Anxiety - Worth a Health Scan to reassure?
« Reply #8 on: September 08, 2014, 06:12:25 PM »


I am so greatful for all your replies and will take your comments onboard. I have made an appointment to see the nurse at my gp's surgery tomorrow so maybe she will suggest the 24 hr ecg monitor? I don't want to pay for a health scan as they are costly I just thought it would put my mind at rest, thanks  to all the comments from everybody having the same symptoms, they are very scary, I sound dramatic but I keep thinking something bad is going to happen to me, you wouldn't think menupause could cause so many horrible symptoms x


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Re: Anxiety - Worth a Health Scan to reassure?
« Reply #9 on: September 08, 2014, 06:14:09 PM »

I have tried citalopram but took only 4 I swear they made me feel very very down even after just a few, I know that you are meant to give these things a chance but I couldn't any longer, apart from that Im just on evorel sequi patches and I take bach's rescue remedy x


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Re: Anxiety - Worth a Health Scan to reassure?
« Reply #10 on: September 08, 2014, 06:16:24 PM »

Speak to your nurse about anxiety. You can get CBT to help you cope or maybe discuss anti depressants to help with your anxiety.

Obviously a heart check might reassure you but I think it goes a bit beyond that.

Let us know how you get on.



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Re: Anxiety - Worth a Health Scan to reassure?
« Reply #11 on: September 08, 2014, 07:13:10 PM »

My son's on citalopram long term karenja - the first three weeks he felt really down and much worse - couldn't go to work but his helpful GP signed him off - but after that it gave him his life back. He can now travel, eat out, arrange to meet friends and generally enjoy life again. If he drops his dose the old symptoms return and he retreats to his house. He sees it the same as some people need B12 injections as their body can't make enough themselves so he is the same with whatever chemical his brain can't manufacture.

Taz x


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Re: Anxiety - Worth a Health Scan to reassure?
« Reply #12 on: September 09, 2014, 05:05:00 PM »

not much joy in the dr's saw the nurse, she thinks palpatations part of menopause/anxiety but if Im really worried to make an appointment to see gp, she took my blood pressure its a little on low side, so may feel a bit dizzy when bending over, nothing much you can do about low bp apparently just drink plenty of fluids, she took my height and weight, weight has piled on but still within my bmi, she is going to send me for cholesterol test as not had this for years and I feel I eat a lot of fatty foods, so going to see how it goes again, still no bleed but keep feeling as if something will happen on day 4 of new pack of everol sequi x

vanessa spain

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Re: Anxiety - Worth a Health Scan to reassure?
« Reply #13 on: September 09, 2014, 06:34:13 PM »

hi karenj when you go to the doctor you hope and pray that some treatment or medication will work its horrible when you try 1 thing after another and nothing changes its strange that 1st of all you se the doctor for hrt then over time your given pills to calm you down and for anxiety i think ive just about given up with it do you feel like that? vanessa spain x


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Re: Anxiety - Worth a Health Scan to reassure?
« Reply #14 on: September 09, 2014, 07:31:21 PM »

What worked for me was doc gave me a low dose of ativan. When I had palps and anxiety I took one and 30 mins later, no palps no anxiety - that worked to show me it was not a serious problem, it really was just anxiety! Also if you have a serious heart problem there are many many symptoms - not just palps! Relax - cbt is great - ask to be referred for it and just let the hrt do it's job. Incidentally too much estrogen can cause palps and anxiety - that's why I get on better with daily progesterone - completely cut mine out ....
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