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Author Topic: Peri Anxiety Upsetting  (Read 5406 times)


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Peri Anxiety Upsetting
« on: September 06, 2014, 07:45:56 AM »

Hello again

Well it was my last day on my everel sequi patches yesterday (not sure evorel spelt right) lots of ups and downs not so much with the estrogen but with the conti patches with the synthetic progesterone combined, last few days on the conti patches I was actually feeling fine, then last night terrible couldn't sleep, anxiety back, sweats (though not as bad as before hrt), then today feel very uptight which is usually the case following a bad night, reduces me to tears its so frustrating, you think things are getting better then feel back to square one!, Ive put the 50 estrogen only patch on this morning and hoping things will calm down, have not had a bleed but have been advised this is nothing to worry about, I sympathise with everybody experiencing anxiety and there are so many of you so I know Im not alone, I can feel it now the tightness in my chest feel very uptight, I hope it gets better :( x sorry ranting again


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Re: Peri Anxiety Upsetting
« Reply #1 on: September 06, 2014, 08:44:33 AM »

hi karenja I cannot comment on your experience with HRT as I have not used it but I can relate to the wound up anxiety feeling. I get it especially in the mornings at the moment so just wanted to post to tell you that you are not alone (which I am sure you know). It won't make it better but I find knowing others feel the same sometimes helps me.


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Re: Peri Anxiety Upsetting
« Reply #2 on: September 06, 2014, 08:56:48 AM »

Morning anxiety is very common. I find mine much worse if I can't sleep.
I am five years in with HRT and still get nights when I have sweats and wake up feeling drained.
For me HRT has helped with some things but not all especially anxiety. I do know that I feel worse off it than on it though so I keep on ploughing along.

Hope you feel better as the day goes on. Try and get out for some fresh air. That can help a lot. I find a seashore walk picks me up.


Mrs January

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Re: Peri Anxiety Upsetting
« Reply #3 on: September 06, 2014, 09:08:06 AM »

Hey Karenj

Me too, have anxiety in the mornings, sometimes so hard that I feel physically ill. I am wise enough to know it eases if i own it and just carry on.

I send you my hugs lovely lady

Mrs January xxx


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Re: Peri Anxiety Upsetting
« Reply #4 on: September 06, 2014, 09:51:01 AM »

Hello Karenja.

Another anxiety sufferer here so I sympathise. I am always worse in the mornings and I'm convinced the anxious feelings actually wake me up, that certainly happened this morning. I find once I get the day underway the tension begins to ease. The only things I've found that help are being active and of course talking to the ladies on this forum.

I was talking to my 21 year old son the other day and telling him about some recent experiences of mine where I would wake up about 5 am feeling really calm and at ease, it was lovely. I then realised that I was thirsty so I would go to the kitchen, drink a glass of milk, go back to bed and fall into a deep, relaxing sleep. I would then wake up about 8 am in a total panic, quivery, sweating, the whole works. I was telling him this tale and  complaining that the first waking was fine but the second one horrible and he suggested something that might help. Now before I reveal his idea, bear in mind that he has a first class degree in History from Southampton University so the kid ain't stupid, but his suggestion for avoiding the unpleasant second waking was simply don't go back to bed after the first one!

I hope that made you smile Karenja I certainly laughed when he said it. Men, such simple souls, they just don't get it do they...

Wishing you well and I hope your day improves. Take care.



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Re: Peri Anxiety Upsetting
« Reply #5 on: September 06, 2014, 09:58:30 AM »

Kathleen - your post has made me laugh but, amazingly, this is what I did quite a few years ago now and it worked. It meant that I was up really early each day of course but it was worth it.

Taz x


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Re: Peri Anxiety Upsetting
« Reply #6 on: September 06, 2014, 10:04:50 AM »

Hello Taz2.

Wow, really? Maybe the kid's on to something!
I may just have to give it a go.

Thanks and take care.



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Re: Peri Anxiety Upsetting
« Reply #7 on: September 06, 2014, 10:20:06 AM »

Think you have something there Kathleen as I have found that happens to me, I wake up early feeling well and no aching, I go to the loo, back to bed, go to sleep and wake up a few hours later, feeling awful and aching and the quivering feeling.

For me I think its because I wake up in the middle of a sleep cycle, each sleep cycle lasts 90 mins, if something wakes you suddenly even if you are not aware of it and you have not completed the cycle, you still have the hormones in your body that you produce that stop you acting out your dreams, I always seem to dream before I wake up in the morning too.



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Re: Peri Anxiety Upsetting
« Reply #8 on: September 06, 2014, 11:29:24 AM »

thanks for all your replies again ladies, I may try that Kathleen, staying up if I wake and feel ok :), scrapped all my plans today even though I would probably have felt better if Id gone shopping and to lunch, just so tired though and still uptight even now, but it will pass eventually x


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Re: Peri Anxiety Upsetting
« Reply #9 on: September 06, 2014, 12:11:27 PM »

It may be your natural waking up time as SL says. I find that as long as I'm in bed for around five hours nowadays then I can get by. It's more difficult at the minute as the hot sweats wake me up every fifty minutes or so but when I was on HRT then I could cope. So, if I went to bed at 11 I would wake up at 4 which wasn't very good but by staying up till around 12.30 - 1ish I would then wake up at 6 which is fine as a getting up time for me.

Funnily enough all through my life if I've had a lie-in at the weekends I would go through the day with that horrible out-of-sorts/hangover type feeling. My dad was the same - always up at 6 even on holiday if he didn't want to waste the day feeling ill.

Does the same thing happen if you have a drink of water and not milk?

Taz x


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Re: Peri Anxiety Upsetting
« Reply #10 on: September 06, 2014, 12:24:27 PM »

I waken really early these days. I used to lie there and try and go back to sleep. The longer I stayed in bed the worse my anxiety got.
Now I get up and feed the dog.....She doesn't care how early that happens and then I make a cuppa a go back to bed and read my kindle. It sort of eases me into the day. I relax and the anxiety goes a bit.

There is a recurring theme here.....most of us seem to feel better if we just get up. it would seem.



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Re: Peri Anxiety Upsetting
« Reply #11 on: September 06, 2014, 01:39:59 PM »

karenja I'm glad you made this thread as I have just read about myself in the replies  :)

Now I'm not sure I am ready to get up at 6 just yet but who knows.....  Something must happen between the ok waking time and the not ok waking time, hormone surges or dips or something. I need to think about this a bit more.


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Re: Peri Anxiety Upsetting
« Reply #12 on: September 06, 2014, 02:50:47 PM »

Hi again, I have tried drinking hot milk before bed and will certainly try it again tonight, Ive just been asleep for a few hours this afternoon to make up for last night so may not get to sleep easily otherwise, ive been sleeping better for previous few nights until last night don't know why it should happen then, im back on the estrogen and going to see how that goes, if im still having problems when I started the combined patch again, I will definitely go back to the gp, at least ive given it one month already that's the longest Ive gone when trying different things previously including the elleste duet, anxiety is the worst symptom for me without doubt x