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Author Topic: New here and ? perimenopausal at 41  (Read 5764 times)


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New here and ? perimenopausal at 41
« on: August 27, 2014, 01:15:45 PM »

Hi everyone,

I'm looking for any help, advice and experience people are willing to share. 

I'm 41, married with 2 boys age 11 and 6.  I've been having a few different things going on mind and body wise for the last few months and I've finally put them altogether and think I might be perimenopausal, which at 41 I'm completely taken aback by.

I'll list symptoms to make it easier to read;

last 3-4 months much lighter periods, 2 days instead of usual 4-5 days, same cycle length 28 days

constant period cramps for first 14 days of cycle, had this 6-12 months

BAD pmt, depression and anxiety second 2 weeks of cycle - enough to cause marriage problems

hairloss - a good few months


increased hunger/sugar cravings

FORGETFULNESS - hate this and is happening all the time


I haven't mentioned to my husband yet what I think it is, I think he'd be shocked but relieved to know it is something and not actually our marriage! I went to see GP this morning and she has said to get bloods done.  She is checking my thyroid too as I have a history of over active thyroid twice, radio active iodine and now on thyroxine. 

I'm getting the bloods taken Tuesday which will be day 12.  She said we could repeat them on day 2 or 3 of my cycle if they are inconclusive. 

I've got a couple of books out of the library and I feel I need some help now with symptoms, probably the pmt/mood ones mainly.  I've bought Evening Primrose Oil 1000mg and will start taking that today but have no idea how long it will take to work.  Can anyone else suggest ANYTHING to take please?

My husband is away with work just now and I feel quite alone with the kids and feeling so rubbish.  If it is the perimenopause I feel too young to have it.  I will speak to him when he gets back Sunday.

Thank you everyone and sorry for the long post.


Mrs January

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Re: New here and ? perimenopausal at 41
« Reply #1 on: August 27, 2014, 01:23:31 PM »

Hi Fiona

Welcome to a lovely and supportive site. I don't have the answers but some one will be along that does.

I too am peri menopausal and life can be hard.....hang on in there, seek advice and it will seem easier

Hugs and smiles

Mrs January xxx


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Re: New here and ? perimenopausal at 41
« Reply #2 on: August 27, 2014, 02:09:22 PM »

Hi Fiona, and welcome to the forum!

I can so much relate to you story. I too started experiencing weird symptoms at probably your age, 41, staring with shorter periods, less heavy, nervousness, anxiety. I am now 43 married with two girs 12 and 7. Since I have never had such anxiety before in my life, i was quite worried what could be wrong with me. At the time I was prescribed AD and told that probably work stress and much travel were the reasons. A year later and anxiety did not subside despite the fact that I left my job which was quite intense, and had more time for myself and to rest. Fast forward to the begining of this year when I begin to feel dizziness, weakness, nausea, anxious to go out by myself, and excessive night sweats. I visited my gynea who did blood tests on day 3 of cycle (previous tests were done on different dates of cycle and weren't conclusive). I was quite low on estrogen, and fairly normal on progesterone. FSH was high bordeline. The doctor said that I am probably beginning perimenopause and prescribed herbal . Three months into the herbal stuff I didn't have any improvement, in fact I think I even got worse. Nausea, anxiety and sweats every single day to the point where I could't do my normal house tasks at all.

I then went to a different private gyneo and repeated the tests. He said I am definitely premenopausal and that all my problems stem from low estrogen and the disbalance that was occuring. He prescribed Femoston 2/10 and I am on it for 4 months already. I want to say that I feel much better now, most problems disappeared with some low moods and some anxiety still lingering but I hope with time these will improve, too.

Whether the age of 43 is normal or not for menopause I don't know, and I don't want to worry about this. My husband has been very supportive and we have both accepted that this is the case with me and we will together make everything necessary so that I feel normal again. Everyone is different but it is not unusual to begin experiencing symptoms at such an early age.

Good luck with your tests, and keep us updated,

Milamam xxx


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Re: New here and ? perimenopausal at 41
« Reply #3 on: August 27, 2014, 03:30:38 PM »

Hi Fiona. Welcome to the forum.

Peri-menopause can last for eight to ten years and usually begins in your early forties so it seems as if you are on track age-wise.  There is some helpful information here, although you may have already read it of course,

You'll find lots of help and advice on here. Any questiones then ask away!

Taz x  :)

Mandy H

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Re: New here and ? perimenopausal at 41
« Reply #4 on: August 27, 2014, 04:33:38 PM »

Just to say hi FionaJ. I'm new to the forum but from response I've had looks like we are going to get lots of support from other members as well as lots of useful info. x


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Re: New here and ? perimenopausal at 41
« Reply #5 on: August 27, 2014, 06:06:42 PM »

Hi Fiona I hit perimenopause at 43/44 and struggled for years not knowing what it was! Didn't even occur to me for 2 years that all these things could be linked. I am on hrt but also take magnesium and b complex - I find them very helpful for palpitations, cramps and mood (have put my two daughters on vitamin b and their moods are also much better!) try to be patient and be thankful you seem to have a decent gp.


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Re: New here and ? perimenopausal at 41
« Reply #6 on: August 28, 2014, 04:01:39 AM »

Hi Fiona and Mandy

I hit peri menopause in my late 30s and the menopause at 39. I am now 61 and in good shape and live (well) to tell the tale, lol.

I also developed thyroid problems at the same time, going from hyperthyroid to hypothyroid and have been taking thyroxine since the age of 40. There is a definite link to thyroid problems and early menopause, so it is not surprising when a lot of us have both 'conditions'. Also, the symptoms of both are very similar, so it can often take a while to get the right diagnosis and then to get the balance of treatment right.

There's a great support on this forum though  :). You are in the right place.


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Re: New here and ? perimenopausal at 41
« Reply #7 on: August 28, 2014, 08:19:17 AM »

Hi FionaJ,

You are not unusual in being perimenopausal at's just that no-one mentions this to us in our human biology lessons at school, or generally in the media, so most of us have grown up unaware that this crappy stage is waiting around the corner, when we least expect it!!
I thought it would happen to me in my late 50s / early 60s!!  However, at about age 36/37 I had very similar symptoms to you and a dr that despite the evidence, did not at first suggest peri meno as a possibility.
The symptoms came and went until i was about 42 when they peaked and I had a meltdown...

It all seemed very unfair as my children were at uni and senior school and therefore I had more freetime to pursue my own life again, only to find i was trapped in horrendous anxiety and floods of tears! 

HRT has definitely helped, a good quality vit b complex and oil of eve. prim and starflower oil too.  I also use relaxation cds, a book called the happiness trap, and exercise.  Overall though, it is the HRT that makes the difference as it is giving your body back, something that it is lacking!
I still have a way to go in terms of being comfortable with car journeys, foreign holidays, planes, crowds etc.  but I know it's all achievable now (maybe ;)).
Good luck and I hope you get some relief soon.  (beware of gps tendency to handout anti-depressants as the first treatment...i was not depressed and refused to accept body was lacking hormones and that was what my body needed).


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Re: New here and ? perimenopausal at 41
« Reply #8 on: September 01, 2014, 12:17:14 PM »

Hi kind of new here too and am also peri at 42 although im pretty sure it all started about a year ago just wasnt expecting such a viciously quick transition!
Its not the pleasantist of things is it :-( wishing you well :-)

2cats..funny i said something similar yesterday. About lack of education in this matter..i would say im a pretty informed person but had NO idea about this whatsoever!no wonder its such a shock to the system..i guess its just another thing that women are expected to shut up and get on with eh!


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Re: New here and ? perimenopausal at 41
« Reply #9 on: September 01, 2014, 01:08:47 PM »

My mum was the one who said she thought I was "leading up to menopause" when I was around 45 and then I bought this book when it came out and found it really helpful

Since then it's been passed around lots of younger friends and acquaintances and I just think it helps to know that although we feel horrible it is normal for our forties. So much for "life begins at 40" I remember thinking!! xx



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Re: New here and ? perimenopausal at 41
« Reply #10 on: September 01, 2014, 01:44:59 PM »

Hi FionaJ

I am also perimenopausal, the symptoms vary as everyone is different. It can be a very scary time and knowing that it can go on for years and years is frightening. It sounds as if your GP is on the ball and speaking from my own experience it did make me feel better when I was officially told by my GP that I was perimenopausal as I felt that I had some explanation for the changes in my periods and for the strange things that seemed to be happening to my body and my personality.
After looking through old posts on here I now take vitamin B6, Starflower Oil (which has a higher GLA than Evening Primrose) and a combined calcium and magnesium. Lots of women have gone down the natural route first but from what I've read on here HRT is what really seems to make a difference.
Good luck x


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Re: New here and ? perimenopausal at 41
« Reply #11 on: September 01, 2014, 02:05:44 PM »

Taz...i am sure i talked to you on here several yearsago!but i cant remember if my user name was teh same then??i was having period problems back then!and it all makessense to mewhy now!lol


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Re: New here and ? perimenopausal at 41
« Reply #12 on: September 01, 2014, 02:56:28 PM »

You probably did - I've been around for EVER!!!  ;D


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Re: New here and ? perimenopausal at 41
« Reply #13 on: September 02, 2014, 11:00:23 AM »

I think we spoke on the ferritin and dizziness thread taz?ring any bells??