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Author Topic: Is there anyway of starting a period?  (Read 4402 times)


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Is there anyway of starting a period?
« on: August 26, 2014, 08:36:15 PM »

Haven't seen one since June and the meno symptoms are in full drive; intense hot flushes, breasts twice their size, sooo tired and lacking energy, aches and pains everywhere.  This all disappears when I get a period but I know I haven't even ovulated yet, so can't see one coming for a while.  Just want to feel normal for a change!!


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Re: Is there anyway of starting a period?
« Reply #1 on: August 26, 2014, 09:29:40 PM »

I never knew when I ovulated.  But my cycle was 28/32 days ………. and nope, short of being on some form of medication, a bleed will start: or not ……...


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Re: Is there anyway of starting a period?
« Reply #2 on: August 26, 2014, 09:33:39 PM »

It's all part of meno I'm afraid. The only way to regulate things is to go on a sequi HRT.
If you wait for a natural bleed you could be waiting for ever. The first time my period stopped it was absent for 8 months. It then returned for six months and then stopped again. After about seven months i went on HRT as I just wanted to feel better.



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Re: Is there anyway of starting a period?
« Reply #3 on: August 31, 2014, 08:51:11 PM »

I empathise with you mate..its like one long continual  never ending pmt.. im curious what your stance on HRT is by the way?have you considered it?and what are your general feelings about it?
I do hope you and i both get a period soon..if only for the 3-4 days out of themonth relief lol :-\


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Re: Is there anyway of starting a period?
« Reply #4 on: September 01, 2014, 10:46:09 AM »

I am exactly the same! Last period 8th July, but in August, I had the sore boobs, etc. it eventually died down a bit, but still a liutle tender etc. I also feel so bloated.

Today I have woken up with sneezing, itch eyes, hot flushes and a liitle anxiety, do somethin is happening on the hormone front.


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Re: Is there anyway of starting a period?
« Reply #5 on: September 01, 2014, 02:28:45 PM »

Its so weird annie,all those symptoms and its like yay! The pmt is SO bad i MUST be about to have a period!and period :'(
Rubbish :-(


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Re: Is there anyway of starting a period?
« Reply #6 on: September 01, 2014, 07:16:17 PM »

Well i finally started ovulating on Saturday, so there is light at the end of the tunnel now!!  Tabbycat I personally won't take HRT because I am a really bad hypochondriac and I know that if I took it I would be forever thinking about breast cancer and over checking myself.


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Re: Is there anyway of starting a period?
« Reply #7 on: September 02, 2014, 07:52:22 AM »

Oh yes I know exactly how this feels. I have had such bad PMT and waiting for a period to start is hell. Also the strange this is I used to have heavy periods so at the peak of the PMT I would start and feel better straight away. Now though periods are much lighter, and so the relief is actually less when they do start and is much more gradual to fade.

I hope you feel better soon :)


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Re: Is there anyway of starting a period?
« Reply #8 on: September 02, 2014, 10:41:18 AM »

I have exactly the same issue machair..theres only a few days minor relief then symptoms start again after a week and continue constantly till next period which at the moment are 6-8 weeks pmt-ing for atleast 6 weeks at a time..and its very extreme like you..

Mandy,i ovulate but still get no period:-( i feel the same about HRT plusim very sketchy about the pharmasutical industry really not sure if i can go on like this when i have so much on plate..
Theres the bone issue aswell..
hmmn decisions! hope you get a p very soon :-)


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Re: Is there anyway of starting a period?
« Reply #9 on: September 02, 2014, 06:09:53 PM »

oh wow, Tabbycat.  I've never ovulated and not got a period, so fingers crossed... I too feel like you, not usre how much more I can cope with this, but I'm really not one for taking drugs.


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Re: Is there anyway of starting a period?
« Reply #10 on: September 02, 2014, 06:58:45 PM »

The only way to get any relief from symptoms like this and some quality of life back and that's HRT.

I know it's a very personal choice but why have the thought that this may last for many years unless you do something about it.



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Re: Is there anyway of starting a period?
« Reply #11 on: September 10, 2014, 08:48:13 AM »

Mine finally arrived! I was in a right temper and dreadful mood on Friday. Arguing with everyone, then it arrived on Sunday. Very heavy yesterday though,  it will ease off, but probably dribble on for weeks. Amazing what a difference it makes. So low last Monday, but full of energy and hope Monday just gone.  Hope yours comes soon, Tabbycat.


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Re: Is there anyway of starting a period?
« Reply #12 on: September 10, 2014, 09:27:07 AM »

Perhaps try Black Cohosh.  Only speaking form personal experience but it really helped me when experiencing similar problems.  I'm not a great fan of HRT, or any form of medication for that matter, unless absolutely necessary.  I think it's safer to try something more natural first.  You never know, it might work. 

It seems to me that there are as many people on the forum relating problems with HRT as those expressing satisfaction.  Would be interesting to see a pole to see if I'm right.


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Re: Is there anyway of starting a period?
« Reply #13 on: September 10, 2014, 10:37:05 AM »

Hi rosebud57
I'm pleased to here your are finding Black Cohosh is helping you. However, I feel I must point out that herbs carry many risks and side effects and should be taken with caution, probably under the supervision of an experienced herbal practitioner. Many drugs are derived from herbs and botanical sources and actually many HRT preparations are now bio identical - in other words the same type of hormone that we produce - so can be termed as 'natural'.  When I was first diagnosed as peri menopausal in my mid 30s I tried various herbal remedies and even Chinese herbal medicine - it was very expensive and when I found out the highly toxic effects that can result from herbs I quickly stopped and my GP was very relieved I chose to use HRT instead.
Sadly many of the problems with HRT that women experience is often due to poor management by GPs and other health professionals who are not well informed in the treatment of menopausal symptoms.  Using HRT is a personal choice but the so called 'Natural Route' would be without the use of even herbs. Many herbal preparations should not be taken if you are on other drugs or have certain health issues. Many find the right diet and exercise regime can be very beneficial (increasing the intake of soya and other foods containing phytoestrogens are supposed to be good for heart and bones) but if the meno symptoms are ruining your quality of life it is well worth trying HRT.  DG x


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Re: Is there anyway of starting a period?
« Reply #14 on: September 10, 2014, 02:09:39 PM »

Sorry, I completely understand your point of view, but you won't change mine.  Everything you take carries a risk, herbal or prescription.  However, a least with herbal the individual is in control (it's common sense to stop if they make you feel bad).  My mother nearly died from anaphylactic shock caused by a tablet she had been prescribed for over two years, and every drug you take has adverse effects (herbal too).  I recently had to take a course of penicillin for an infected cyst.  They made me feel terrible.  A one week course took me a month to recover from.  I absolutely admit it was necessary for me to take them, but I also know they had a bad effect on my system, as well as good.  HRT makes a lot of women feel better, but some feel worse or no better.  It's not possible to know what adverse effects they have because not all show as symptoms.  Now two years past meno I have very few symptoms apart from being over hot at night sometimes (no real nights sweats any more).  If other posts on the forum are correct many post meno ladies experience a surge in problems once the come off HRT.  It's as if it justs act like a dam and once you stop taking it the symptoms all come back with a vengeance.  This makes me double pleased I did not take it.