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Author Topic: evorel sequi patch and vitamins  (Read 8047 times)


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evorel sequi patch and vitamins
« on: August 23, 2014, 09:50:28 AM »

Been on this patch for around 5 years now.  I'm 45 yrs
told I need to be on for another 5. 
I have found that I feel generally ok on it.. however I look pretty rubbish, which is odd as it doesn't really reflect my ok feeling
My skin looks grey and aging, hair looks awful, dry brittle, terrible.. 
Wondering how safe / compatible to take some extra vitamins.  I really just take cod liver oil but wondering if I should supplement with some of the Well Woman vitams or something targeted to menopause??
Anyone any ideas what could be best for hair, and skin etc..?  and also safe to take along with evorel sequi patch
My diet I would consider to be pretty good, vegetarian diet.
« Last Edit: August 23, 2014, 10:00:41 AM by owenlana »


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Re: evorel sequi patch and vitamins
« Reply #1 on: August 23, 2014, 10:53:36 AM »

I would take omega 3and 6, a good vitamin/mineral plud Vitamin D3 with calcium and magnesium. These are the basics.

Lots of veg and fruit, try blending if you are not keen and if you can afford it get some whey protein powder to add to smoothies I guarantee you will see the difference, especially as you say you are vegetarian.

Sometimes a "healthy" diet might not  enough.

To be honest I don't think a vegetarian diet is sufficient for a woman, the vegetarians I have seen do not look all that healthy ( sorry to vegetarians) but this has been my observations especially those who work in Health Shops.

Salmon and oily fish is fantastic for the skin.

You need a varied diet from all the food groups for health, good skin and hair ext.

HRT depletes some vitamins and nutrients

Both young women on oral contraceptives and female baby boomers on hormone replacement therapy (HRT), can be depleted of vitamins B6 and B12, folic acid and magnesium. These nutrients are critical for heart health, as well as for mood.

Something I have known for many years.

« Last Edit: August 23, 2014, 11:14:17 AM by silverlady »


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Re: evorel sequi patch and vitamins
« Reply #2 on: August 23, 2014, 11:16:50 AM »

Thankyou so much for your wonderful advice.
Going to check out some of these vitamin combinations.  Wondering if there is a magic single vitamin formula on the market as opposed to taking many different ones.
Will look into this. 
To be honest I find looking at vitamins a bit of a minefield, so many choices out there!



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Re: evorel sequi patch and vitamins
« Reply #3 on: August 23, 2014, 11:21:02 AM »

owenlady I would advise going to the library and looking in the Health Section, they will have lots of books on Vitamin/minerals for health, or have a browse on amazon you can get books for pennies sometimes.

I could advise but the list would be long ::)


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Re: evorel sequi patch and vitamins
« Reply #4 on: August 23, 2014, 11:27:56 AM »

I'm not really into minefields of info..
just one magic vitamin that contains everything I need LOL!!!


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Re: evorel sequi patch and vitamins
« Reply #5 on: August 23, 2014, 01:29:14 PM »

Perhaps anyone on evorel sequi patches, vegetarian with glowing skin and beautiful hair.
Please share your vitamin regime?  x


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Re: evorel sequi patch and vitamins
« Reply #6 on: August 23, 2014, 05:16:03 PM »

Hi owenlana

I have a very healthy diet indeed with lots of fish, fresh fruit and veg, nuts and pulses as well as some meat - I've had blood tests at the doc and I am not deficient in anything. I take exercise, live in the country have lots of sun etc. However despite all this my hair is definitely dry and brittle - but perhaps because I've been colouring it for years  ;D. I use lots of things on it to make it shine etc. This is an unfortunate sign of menopausal years - when we are young and fertile we have lovely glossy locks but these disappear once menopause is reached. Re skin - my skin is quite dry and again has got drier with age but I use plenty of lotions and creams to keep it moist especially as I go out in the sun a lot.

I'm not sure about the vegetarian thing - ie it not being enough - I haven't time to look this up at the mo'.

You say you take cod liver oil so you are not vegetarian but I presume don't eat meat? That diet is excellent and provided it's balanced and fresh as above should be OK. If your skin is ageing or lifeless you need to look at everything - drink lots of water, get outside a lot, take exercise, limit caffeine, alcohol and don't smoke etc.

My vitamin regime - I take pure cod liver oil every few days just to give an extra boost which I probably don't need as I eat so much fresh fish, and chew the odd calcium tablet - again every few days - for what good that does. In addition because I still have a cycle I have some herbal iron tonic again every few days. That all seems to do the trick. I don't think you need to spend a lot of money on vitamins. The website about HRT and vitamin depletion is an American one which is trying to sell you products! The general feeling now is that you should get most of your vitamins and minerals from your diet.

Oh - you say you are 45 - might I suggest at your age you could have a higher dose of HRT (ie more oestrogen) especially if you reached the menopause a while ago? You could take separate oestrogen and progesterone which would allow you to tweak the dose.

Hope this helps!

Hurdity x


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Re: evorel sequi patch and vitamins
« Reply #7 on: August 23, 2014, 06:50:12 PM »

Disagree about losing shine and health after menopause, my hair is very shiny thick and healthy and I colour it regularly. My skin is very good too even OH says so and with him compliments are thin on the ground.

Also it is correct about vitamin depletion and HRT and contraceptive pills

Sorry but it is a fact!

Smoking can also be very detrimental to the skin too even just being around cigarette smoke can have an impact.

Even health experts say even if you are or think you are eating a varied diet say that taking a multi Vit/min is advisable especially when you are older.
« Last Edit: August 23, 2014, 06:53:13 PM by silverlady »


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Re: evorel sequi patch and vitamins
« Reply #8 on: August 23, 2014, 06:54:01 PM »

and thankyou too Silverlady
You are lucky to have thick glossy hair!!  I guess my hair has always been pretty thin so now its going grey it is of course more brittle..
Thinking its just how it is!!! 
Never around smokers at all, no one in my family smoke.
Plan to look into a good multi vit also. 
Some very smart advice here all round.
« Last Edit: August 23, 2014, 06:57:13 PM by owenlana »


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Re: evorel sequi patch and vitamins
« Reply #9 on: August 23, 2014, 07:12:44 PM »

It is a personal choice owenlana just remember if you do decide to take some vitamins etc.. don't expect to have in instant results, it takes about six months. No quick fixes I'm afraid.


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Re: evorel sequi patch and vitamins
« Reply #10 on: August 26, 2014, 09:14:20 PM »

Yes you are indeed lucky silverlady re skin and hair.

However looking at the links - both are just articles stating as "a fact" that HRT significantly depletes vitamins and neither provide any references documenting this.

Now I am not going to state categorically that it doesn't but I would want to see the evidence in proper studies,

In any case - I would be very doubtful that HRT using transdermal and bio-identical preparations are likely to do anything adverse to the body since they are replacing our own hormones at a similar level. Obviously our physiological processes do use up vitamins and minerals - I mean oestrogen causes the uterus lining to build up which of course requires everything that promotes cellular growth and blood vessels ie vitamins and minerals!

I would also agree that anyone who is shown to be deficient in a mineral or vitamin would need to boith change their diet and maybe use a supplment in the short term, with the aim of achieving optimal levels mainly from diet as soon as possible.

A lot of these article are from people who are in some way linked to places that sell vitamin preparations and interesting that the Huffington Post article is from someone in US where people are unfortunately persuaded to buy all sorts of things they may "need".

owenlana - I take Floradix herbal iron tonic - but only a little every few days - as I said, just to make sure my iron levels are topped up as I still have a cycle - when I last had a blood test they were a very healthy level.

Hurdity x