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Author Topic: Cheeky/rude teenagers  (Read 7886 times)


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Cheeky/rude teenagers
« on: August 21, 2014, 05:49:35 PM »

Anyone else finding some teenagers attitudes awful???

The neighbours across the road have sold their house and have relocated to their bungalow near the sea. They have left their teenage son (19) at home alone and has been having parties at weekends and during the week. Their noise level has been high and gone on till 3am in the morning. I got so angry last night I opened the window and shouted at them to shut up now as it is 3am in the morning. He replied: that is a bit rude isn't it. Well, I saw red then and said : no, you are being rude and inconsiderate making such a noise at 3am and I was not going to warn him again I shall just call the police.  He then called me a f*****g B***h as well as the c and ending in t word. I was horrified did not respond but could not get it out of my mind for 2 hours. His parents have not returned as yet but I should not think they care as they have sold the house.

I was in Co-Op shopping last night walked up to the till but stopped to browse at some offers at one of the tills, the teenage cashier shouted something and I kindly said " Sorry, are you talking to me? " she replied:  well you are the only bloody one standing there aren't you? - I was stunned by what she said and replied - Unfortunately I don't have eyes in the back of my head, do you think that was a polite thing to say to me?
she just shrugged and didn't answer me before I left I asked who the manager was and she said he was not here at the moment so I said can I have his name? Spoke to him today and he apologised and said he would have a word with her.

I don't go looking for these confrontations but they seem to be on the increase, I went to the cinema the other day and there were 4 teenagers sitting behind me talking throughout the film and using their mobile phones! Hubby and I had paid £18.00 to watch a film we could not hear properly.  What is happening in the Uk that we have these self obsessed, rude teenagers who have an attitude problem and think that life is all about THEM!

Rant over !  anyone talk me through this?  :-\



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Re: Cheeky/rude teenagers
« Reply #1 on: August 21, 2014, 05:59:36 PM »

It is a minority. Most kids are fine. I have one teen....turns 20 this year and a 25 yr old. They were generally fine and never rude to any adult to my knowledge. Manners were drummed into them.
I agree that a small number have no respect. One thing I have learned is not to challenge no matter how tempting. If you have trouble with parties then call the police. That will be more effective than shouting.

I do feel for you. All you want is a bit of respect but some have not been taught it.

Don't judge them all as some/most are great. Same as adults really. There are some very unpleasant oldies around me who should know better.



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Re: Cheeky/rude teenagers
« Reply #2 on: August 21, 2014, 08:11:53 PM »

Keep a record of noise/parties etc. Next time just phone the police, let them deal with it. Do your other neighbours complain?


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Re: Cheeky/rude teenagers
« Reply #3 on: August 21, 2014, 10:06:07 PM »

I had a 'discussion' with a group of teenagers, about 8 of them, at midnight on Saturday, me in my pyjamas, them having come from drinking in the park. They were in my drive. They apologised profusely for the noise, no swear words or anything, and ending up by asking me if I was married (I said yes even though I am not) and I was told to tell my husband he had a good one! I had a good chuckle when I came in.

But it could all have gone horribly wrong I know. On reflection I probably should not have gone out.



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Re: Cheeky/rude teenagers
« Reply #4 on: August 21, 2014, 10:26:48 PM »

I just think that some people's attitudes are awful - it's not just a teenager thing unfortunately. I have more sympathy for teenagers as they are still learning but other, older people are just impossibly rude with no excuse!

Taz x

Ju Ju

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Re: Cheeky/rude teenagers
« Reply #5 on: August 22, 2014, 07:30:30 AM »

One thing I have learnt is never tackle situations, whether with people close to me or not, when fuelled with anger, however tempting. When I have calmed down, I can assess a situation, and be clear about the outcome I want. I can even use humour, when I am calm. When I am angry, I say things I regret later and can't take back. I refuse to talk to people who are angry, until they are calmer. Anyway, when I am really angry I have the annoying habit of bursting into tears!


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Re: Cheeky/rude teenagers
« Reply #6 on: August 22, 2014, 09:58:18 AM »

My husband used to work with troubled young people and it taught him a lot. There are those who you just cant reason with but on the whole he found that they can react to how they are treated. He never had much problem with them because he is very patient non judgmental and a good listener. Other members of staff had trouble with them because they were bossy and ordered them about and didnt listen to them. A lot of them came from poor parental background and hadn't been taught how to interact properly. Then there are the ones that are just ignorant and insolent but they are not all like it.

Ju Ju

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Re: Cheeky/rude teenagers
« Reply #7 on: August 22, 2014, 02:49:44 PM »

Yes it's all about treating people with respect. I think I started falling for my husband, when I witnessed him, when he was a police officer, dealing with a drunk man, who had come into the police station shouting that he wanted to make a complaint to the chief constable. The man
was met with kindness, humour and respect and left calm and smiling.


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Re: Cheeky/rude teenagers
« Reply #8 on: August 22, 2014, 04:06:23 PM »

and he probably treats you with the same doesnt he JuJu? I know mine does, even when I don't deserve it.

Ju Ju

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Re: Cheeky/rude teenagers
« Reply #9 on: August 22, 2014, 05:17:39 PM »

Yes! 34 years later! Still love him. :)


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Re: Cheeky/rude teenagers
« Reply #10 on: August 23, 2014, 12:53:23 PM »

We had a young lad last year driving his radio controlled car around the cars, under ours and generally being noisy  >:( ……… he's 11.  I went over and explained that should a vehicle drive up the Estate the driver would not be looking for a small car on the road surface and perhaps he ought to be aware that it may well get squashed!  I also asked him not to run it into my car as I am sure he couldn't pay for any damage.  "I didn't know" was the response, because his parents hadn't bothered to explain the possible consequences  ::)

Your Environmental Dept at the Council will give a record book so that you can note any disturbances which occur on a regular basis, also I would find out where the parents are!  Surely they don't expect their property to become damaged etc. ……..