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Author Topic: Prempak C  (Read 8008 times)


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Prempak C
« on: July 24, 2014, 08:58:08 PM »

Hi! I am in such a dilemia, I went to see my GP as my periods are all over the place, I go about two weeks then im on for 10 days... etc. I also have mood swings, I'm low on iron, and my head feels like I have taken one of these night time cold rememdies, it feels like its in a haze, I have also had some hot flushes but im coping with these at the moment!!! Doctor said to try Prempak C but I think I have scared myself after reading the reviews!!! For the past 2 months I have been taking a multi vitamin and 1000mg of evening primrose oil, not sure whether its connected or not but this is the first time I went 3 weeks in between and only came on for 7 days... now I'm not sure what to do, do I take the prempak C or do I carry on with my multi vitamin and evening primrose oil, I have also been looking at menopace plus as well........... I am so confused................ has anyone got any advice as im not sure what to do, by the way I'm 49 years old...... Thanks


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Re: Prempak C
« Reply #1 on: July 25, 2014, 03:39:42 PM »

Hi robotwars

The frequency of your peirods will not be affected by the supplements you are taking - they are general health supplements. Evening Primrose Oil was originally given to help with breast pain - there is some information on this site about it (scroll down):

I didn't start taking HRT until my periods were very infrequent and flushes were severe and I couldn't cope. Mood swings are typical of peri-menopause due to the dramatic hormone fluctuations. There is a good article on peri-menopause on this site here:

It's up to you whether you take the Prempak at this point. Personally if you can cope I would wait a little while. Some women find this preparation too strong - and happens to be the cheapest ( it's made from horse oestrogens and therefore not bio-identical to our own oestrogen).

Re vitamins - it is far better to get your vitamins from your diet - plenty of fresh fruit and veg, nut, fish, beans, pulses, dairy etc, and not refined/processed foods. I presume you are low in iron because of the extra bleeding so you could take an iron supplement only if your diet is also deficient, and until your levels are back to normal? I use Floradix herbal iron tonic which is natural and very gentle on the system.

Peri-menopause is the time to look at diet and lifestyle - weight and exercise - so that your body is in the best possible shape to cope with the challenges ahead!

Hurdity x

walking the dog

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Re: Prempak C
« Reply #2 on: July 25, 2014, 05:56:47 PM »

Hi robotwars

I am not an expert on this and hurdity has lots more advice to give than I do so I can only speak from personal experience...

I was on femoston 1/10 for about 18 month it did nothing  it was then changed to femoston 2/10 for about a year this did nothing.

I am now half way through my 3rd month on premak c and the difference is amazing! my mood has lifted loads my hot flushes and night sweats have stopped and at last i feel like myself a little bit again. I dont want to catch my chickens etc but hope it lasts.

So all i can say is in my experience premak c is good .

wt dog xx


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Re: Prempak C
« Reply #3 on: July 26, 2014, 07:14:18 PM »

Me too ! My experience on prempak c has been great - a few blips due to my hormone fluctuations - in general feel 10 times better & peri symptoms are minimal, magnesium and b vitamin supp have also helped, mood was a serious issue for me, feel much more 'level' now long may it continue   8)

walking the dog

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Re: Prempak C
« Reply #4 on: July 27, 2014, 11:25:34 AM »


that is great to hear. I am so glad  your finding it helps, at first i thought i was imagining it! Long may it last for us both and any other users out there xx wtdog


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Re: Prempak C
« Reply #5 on: July 28, 2014, 08:54:08 PM »

Its great to hear of positive experiences with prempak C. If I'm going to take it I was told to take it on day 1 of my period so I need to make a decision soon. Thankyou so much for your replies, the doctor said this was my best option as I went in looking at the mirena coil but he said this was a much better option..... ummmmm!!!! decisions! decisions!

walking the dog

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Re: Prempak C
« Reply #6 on: August 10, 2014, 10:41:10 AM »

Hi Robotwars

what did you decide to do ? Mirena or premak c? I have just started month 4 on premak and still doing well, i havent felt so good in years



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Re: Prempak C
« Reply #7 on: August 10, 2014, 01:58:56 PM »

Hi Walking the dog
I decided to try the Prempak C and see how I get on. I am on day 8! so far so good.
I did have a headache for a few days but that seems better today... fingers crossed!
By the way is this normal to get headaches!!!
« Last Edit: August 10, 2014, 02:42:29 PM by robotwars »

walking the dog

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Re: Prempak C
« Reply #8 on: August 10, 2014, 05:09:23 PM »

I'm honestly unsure about the headaches but when I was on Femoston I had one for awhile. I think different HRT seem to work on people differently. Hopefully it will go soon.

WtDog xx


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Re: Prempak C
« Reply #9 on: August 14, 2014, 02:09:17 PM »

Well, just thought I would update you. I have been having a dreadful time with headaches, feeling sickly and stomach cramps, last night was the worst ever, I woke at 2am with severe stomach cramps and then had a really bad upset stomach. I have phoned my GP today who has recommended stopping my HRT to see if symptoms subside and making an appointment for next week to come in and see a doctor, well phone GP and guess what cant get in for four weeks....... I'm actually not sure what to do now!!!!!!!!


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Re: Prempak C
« Reply #10 on: August 22, 2014, 07:39:33 PM »

Well to update you. I went back to my GP and suggested I try a mirena coil and use the Gel. He suggested I try the mini pill for a couple of months to see if I have any side effects before having it fitted , as apparently it contains the same ingredients as the coil.... now I'm confused! I'm not sure whether to take the mini pill or I have also telephoned my family planning clinic who said they could fit the mirena coil if I wanted it.... just wondered if anyone else had been told this?


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Re: Prempak C
« Reply #11 on: August 22, 2014, 08:17:52 PM »

Hi robotwars

The Mirena coil is used both for contraception (changed every 5 years) and as the progestogen part of HRT (changed every 4 years) so I can see that the FPC can fit it.

Theoretically very little progestogen is absorbed systemically through the Mirena, although sensitive (ie progesterone intolerant) women may react badly to it ie experience side effects. Doses getting into the body from the mini-pill would be much larger I imagine. Looking at the list of minipills on netdoctor there is only one type which contains the same progestogen as the Mirena and that is Norgeston so unless you took that one it would be pointless.

Also if the tablets are affecting your digestion and making you nauseous you may not want to try this option anyway. With the Mirena you could then have oestrogen only patches or gel so this would be nil-by-mouth HRT!

Hurdity x


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Re: Prempak C
« Reply #12 on: August 22, 2014, 08:39:35 PM »

Thanks for your reply, he has prescribed cerazette

walking the dog

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Re: Prempak C
« Reply #13 on: August 23, 2014, 09:00:59 AM »

Sorry robotwars i have been away.

Shame premak didn't work for you. Is cerazette a form of the mini pill? I asked my doctor a few years ago about this and she said she thought the side affects of the mini pill  could be as bad as some of they symptoms i was having so i decided against it and went with the hrt. Keep us informed how you get on

wtdog xx