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Author Topic: Anxiety Again!  (Read 8933 times)


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Re: Anxiety Again!
« Reply #15 on: August 22, 2014, 07:39:22 PM »

Hi Suzyq, being an anxiety sufferer also since starting peri, Im on patches now, just ending the estogen only and about to start the ones containing progesterone, I didn't get on well with the progesterone in patches as had bad chest pains so am v nervous (the gp didn't think they were related to hrt) but seems strange I was four days into taking the progesterone ones when it happened


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Re: Anxiety Again!
« Reply #16 on: August 22, 2014, 08:31:56 PM »


Many women are sensitive to progesterone or progesterone intolerant (which can have a depressive effect rather than calming as well as pms symptoms) in addition to being sensitive to the rise and fall in progesterone ie the fluctuations.

SuzyQ falls into the latter group and is not progesterone intolerant and presumably (I can't speak for you SuziQ!) does not suffer pms - and therefore is benefiting from continuous progesterone. Most post-menopausal women take progestogens continuously ( unfortunately usually the synthetic type) which may or may not give rise to continuous low grade progestogenic side effects (in the words of the British Menopause Society)

However I think she is in the minority, as I have read that continuous progesterone does interfere with the beneficial effects of oestrogen - personally I wouldn't want to risk detracting from this or minimising the effects since the oestrogen dose is quite low.

As you are still on a cycle, karenja it is only natural for you to experience the ups and downs of the menstrual cycle and the associated hormone changes. I sympathise because there is no easy answer!

Hurdity x


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Re: Anxiety Again!
« Reply #17 on: August 23, 2014, 06:18:08 AM »

Thank you hurdity well here goes with my first combined patch everything crossed it will be fine will keep you updated - must be on mind as I dreamt about it last night and that the patches were butterfly shaped :)


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Re: Anxiety Again!
« Reply #18 on: August 23, 2014, 02:40:56 PM »

I am glad I found this post, anxiety is something I can struggle with on and off.  but I so relate to the "doing anything out of the ordinary" part, big events, anything planned really, and not even necessarily big events,
even going to the hairdressers, shops, parents evenings, etc..!!  is enough to  cause a panic.. Not sure if this is due to my lifestyle of working from home..and not being out in the world on a daily basis, but also partly due to my age, hormones I expect..
I read a lot of self help books.. right now I am reading Eckhart Tolle, "The Power of Now" 
Brilliant read, some real helpful techniques to bring me into the "Now" and helps remind myself what is important
Worth a read..


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Re: Anxiety Again!
« Reply #19 on: August 23, 2014, 04:24:24 PM »

well its been a few hours since I started the conti patch, been ok, though ive had bad cramp in both feet, this does not seem a problem that comes up very often with hrt that ive seen, but I do get it quite bad and can only think its related, also a few times ive had a really tight feeling in my chest and had to take some rescue remedy as Im sure Ive asked before if its ok to take this, I spent a few hours with a friend and was fine then but now Im home feel a bit odd, tight chest again, cram and tingly, hoping it will all pass and im just getting use to the progesterone I don't like the stuff, but Ive got to have it for protection so will see how it goes, Ive asked this before but just to check if I really really cant stick it I assume I can just remove the patch at any time? x


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Re: Anxiety Again!
« Reply #20 on: August 23, 2014, 08:45:27 PM »

You can take the patch off at any time.

I think you are suffering from anxiety to be honest. If you can go out with a friend and feel fine and only suffer from strange symptoms when you are on your own then that must tell you something.

I do sympathise as I am much the same. If you keep occupied to take your mind off things then you will be fine.

Keep going, you are doing fine x



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Re: Anxiety Again!
« Reply #21 on: August 24, 2014, 08:22:22 AM »

 I am off on holiday soon and anxiety and panic attacks have kicked in with full force!! Worrying about everything... Going with some family but dd not going so I am worried about her, hasten to add that she is married and got family but she might need me???  I even got anxious about going to the hairdressers and having my nails done! WHY?????  Hey ho I will panic about the journey there, the holiday itself but when I come back I will have had a fab time....... It does help when I am in full panic mode to remember that there are lots of ladies like me on here. I sometimes take propanolol to ease it but not sure if it does help. Any one got any suggestions to help with this horrible feeling?


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Re: Anxiety Again!
« Reply #22 on: August 24, 2014, 10:05:58 AM »

Hello ladies.

Since beginning this thread I've been reading all the comments and so much of what has been posted relates to me. For example I only recently plucked up the courage to go to the hairdressers for a cut and blow dry, I hadn't been for four years and relied on my daughter trimming my hair, not good as she isn't a hairdresser but I just couldn't sit in a salon for an hour, crazy I know.

I think the worst thing about menopausal anxiety is the way it shreds your self confidence. The sooner this phase ends, the better, in my opinion.

Wishing you all well ladies and take care everyone.


vanessa spain

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Re: Anxiety Again!
« Reply #23 on: August 24, 2014, 10:16:06 AM »

hi again i really dont understand this anxiety every day i wake up hoping to feel happy and anxiety free but the days turn into wks nothing changes still taking 15 mg mitrarizprine perifem hrt 40mg citralapram i go back to doctors 5th sept and i know she will probaly say increase mitrazrprine which i really dont want to do i try so hard to be positive but it doesnt work i feel im missing out on everything sosciealy because i dont want to be with people its so opposite my personality because ive always loved to go out and meet people now i just feel like a hermit im 52 and feel like an old woman


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Re: Anxiety Again!
« Reply #24 on: August 24, 2014, 11:22:13 AM »

Hi Vanessa, I know exactly how your feel to wake up each morning waiting for panic to take hold, I find the evenings and the night bad too, are you managing to sleep ok? or are you getting anxious through the night too?, Im not on ad's they didn't agree with me though I didn't give them long!, Im on hrt patches evoril conti, the first lot of patches estrogen only helped, but now ive changed to the progesterone, I think because Im anxious about using them anyway after past experience, Im worst, Ive just tried a relaxation tape, but its hard to even unwind, I hope you feel better soon, it does interfere with everything you want to do x


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Re: Anxiety Again!
« Reply #25 on: August 24, 2014, 11:48:28 AM »

I had this, exactly like some of you are describing. I became a recluse and didn't want to do anything I had no confidence and I worried all the time about nothing, always saying 'what if'. My husband didn't know how to deal with it. But we got through it. I am now 57 and post meno and only in the last few months I have noticed the hot flushes getting less, my weight fropping and the anxiety getting less irrational. I know we are all different but I am beginning to hope that there is a natural end somewhere to all the meno madness.


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Re: Anxiety Again!
« Reply #26 on: August 24, 2014, 11:48:58 AM »

fropping!!! ???  should read dropping  :)


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Re: Anxiety Again!
« Reply #27 on: August 24, 2014, 12:29:39 PM »

My mother suffered anxiety going through meno. It was called nerves then.She was almost housebound at one point.
She says it just goes, little by little over time.
She said it was not something that just stopped but one day you do something and realise you were just fine.

I kind of hold onto the thought that in time I will be better. Just wish I had a date  ::)



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Re: Anxiety Again!
« Reply #28 on: August 24, 2014, 12:56:38 PM »

honeybun that's what I am finding recently. Of course my anxiety was high just before and during my daughter's wedding I was running on nervous energy but since we have been back I seem to have a calmer approach, less like a headless chicken. This meno has a lot to answer for turning us into people we don't recognise.


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Re: Anxiety Again!
« Reply #29 on: August 25, 2014, 08:49:22 AM »

Hi Kathleen. You were kind enough to reply to me, so I feel I should tell you that I think the anxiety was what "kick-started" ALL my symptoms! I had a few niggles, nothing to cause any real issues, then had a bleed 18 months after my last period, which I now know was atrophy after a hysteroscopy, that freaked me out before I knew, and at the same time I had a MASSIVE row with my then boss in front of a whole office full of people, went home ok, but the following day when I had to face her, I had a full blown panic attack, a belly full of digestive weirdness, had to run to the loo, couldn't breathe, and that was how it has stayed for 3 years! Wake up with anxiety, and the slightest thing gives me stress. Always have a lump in my throat. Probably is the cause of my pelvic tightness, IBS, and head fog. My lovely GP has just started me on AB to calm me down, and a nerve drug to release the pelvic pain!

I don't know if it was just coincidence, but GA is terrible, and controls my life. So I really do understand how you feel.

Hug from me this time.  xxx
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