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Author Topic: Stopped doing things they used to enjoy  (Read 5896 times)


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Stopped doing things they used to enjoy
« on: September 01, 2014, 05:16:11 PM »

Is it just me or has anybody stopped doing things they enjoy due to peri symptoms, I used to excersise only go on a stepper three times a week or walk or a short run, last time I ran I had palpitations and have been to afraid to since, even when I do manage a walk Im worried Im going to have some sort of symptom when Im out, and excersise is supposted to help a lot but I nervous of doing it, scared Im going to have a heart attack or something:(, ive also stopped drinking coffee and alcohol for fear it may increase my anxiety but surely some in moderation will be ok, its quite miserable really!!

Mrs January

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Re: Stopped doing things they used to enjoy
« Reply #1 on: September 01, 2014, 05:36:25 PM »

Hey lovely

Yep. I had to give up alcohol and makes me race even more than usual ...GRR

I haven't the energy of drive at all to do some things that I use to do, guess it isn't the change for nothing so hope for better things zoo.

Hugs for now

Mrs January xx


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Re: Stopped doing things they used to enjoy
« Reply #2 on: September 01, 2014, 05:48:26 PM »

Have you had your palpitations checked out Karenja? It seems as if you have stopped doing the things you like to do because you are scared that it may bring on a heart attack? The first step would be to make sure your heart is healthy and then you will know that the palpitations can't hurt you. Do you only get them as a result of exertion or do they happen even when you are just sitting still?

Taz x


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Re: Stopped doing things they used to enjoy
« Reply #3 on: September 01, 2014, 05:58:49 PM »

Both Taz, I get them sometimes when Im sat doing nothing and if Im up and down the stairs, I have had an ecg I called an ambulance one night as I wasn't used to panic attacks, palpatations etc at the time they took me in, did all tests and sent me home, I know this should reassure me but Im still scared of something happening, its my age as well, I know lots of people older than me run etc, but the anxiety does not help x


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Re: Stopped doing things they used to enjoy
« Reply #4 on: September 01, 2014, 06:12:53 PM »

It's quite natural to be scared of them, they are awful. I also get them when exercising and when doing nothing. Lately I seem to get them when I lay down to go to sleep at night, I concentrate on getting my breathing right and they fade. I had ecg and other treadmil tests many years back and it showed i have an ectopic heatbeat, the consultant said I had probably had it all my life and was only now noticing it. Its 20 years since then and it did rule me for a while but I got to a point where I got so angry one day and just thought,'' oh well if I die, I die'' and now it doesnt rule me anymore. I find mine start 10 days before a period, always. Next time you get them try haed to concentrate on breathing correctly from the belly and regulate your breaths, I bet it helps xx


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Re: Stopped doing things they used to enjoy
« Reply #5 on: September 01, 2014, 06:24:59 PM »

thanks for all your lovely replies ladies, everyones mum glad to hear that anxiety is not ruling your life anymore well done to you, im still practising the diaphragm breathing xx


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Re: Stopped doing things they used to enjoy
« Reply #6 on: September 01, 2014, 11:38:45 PM »

I have them too when I'm not on HRT - such as now. I decided that as I had the ecg and the 24 hour heart monitor and nothing showed up then it was definitely hormonal. This was borne out by the fact that they disappeared, mostly, when I was on HRT. They are very annoying but don't let them stop you doing what you want to do. This explains it a bit and mentions the hormonal link

Taz x


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Re: Stopped doing things they used to enjoy
« Reply #7 on: September 02, 2014, 04:54:12 PM »

Hello karenja, I know how you feel. For me it seems more like the enjoyment has been taken out of things, activities I used to get excited about now leave me feeling flat, meno has just sucked the joy out of everything. I hope I regain some enthusiasm when all this is over and frankly that day can't come soon enough!

Take care.



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Re: Stopped doing things they used to enjoy
« Reply #8 on: September 02, 2014, 05:38:26 PM »

 I can totally relate to this. My palpitations come and go but since a course of penicillin a few weeks ago they seem to have stuck.  Notice them especially at night.  They wake me up early and I can't get back to sleep.


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Re: Stopped doing things they used to enjoy
« Reply #9 on: September 02, 2014, 06:32:27 PM »

its awful isn't it, nice to know Im not alone, I keep thinking about everyones mums post on here and how she has managed to overcome this its very encouraging x


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Re: Stopped doing things they used to enjoy
« Reply #10 on: September 03, 2014, 09:11:17 AM »

I am really pleased to read you are mulling over my post and just hope it is helpful to you. I think Kathleens post hits the nail on the head when she said 'meno sucks the life out of everything' never a truer word said. I feel that Anxiety causes this downhearted feeling of, cant be bothered, whats the point, negative thoughts and the dreaded,what if what if which is what anxiety is all about 'what if'. I wouldnt say I fight against anxiety as it would just wear you out and keep you in the circle but I do work at making sure it doesnt have the negative impact it used to to have on me. For fear of repeating myself I find my absolute best self help is walking. I walk 2-3 miles in 40 mins 3 times a week, if I slack off and dont walk for a month or so my symptoms rocket and depression sets in. I have had a really busy year and have slacked on the walking but last week I gave myself a kick up the bum and have felt the benefits already. I actually look on it like medication. The other thing I do is relaxation, I am constantly slowing and regulating my breathing and dropping my shoulders as they are always up near my head in a hunched/crunched position which is telling my body we are about to go to war !! If I dont do do all that then I just get more and more stressed and totally miserable. Next time you are feeling stressed/anxious, take note of the position of you shoulders and your breathing xx


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Re: Stopped doing things they used to enjoy
« Reply #11 on: September 03, 2014, 06:44:28 PM »

Hi everyones mum, you have done amazingly well, I used to walk too only 30 mins three times a week or Id go for a short run, or on my stepper, now I find excuses not to walk too tired, afraid of anxiety, palpatations. not feeling right, Ive stopped and as Im not as toned I feel flabby and awful, you said you thought to yourself if I die I die, and I keep thinking this as the likelihood is I wont die if I run or walk or do any of the things I used, and it will help my anxiety, so I need to kick myself a kick up the bum thank you x


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Re: Stopped doing things they used to enjoy
« Reply #12 on: September 04, 2014, 07:04:04 AM »

Hi Karenja

20 years ago when I first noticed the palpatations I made sure I got them thoroughly checked out, 2 day heart monitor, treadmill test  ect. Once that was done I slowly tried to lead a normal life as I had children. After 2 years I was still leading a very muted existence and this angered me as I was only 30 and was being controlled by these heart thumps, heart racing things. It was probably the anger that got me over the hump as I had just had enough. I would advise you to make sure you get a very thorough heart check and if alls well I would start the walking, keeping in mind your heart is very strong and concentrate on getting your breathing right. This will all pass my friend