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Author Topic: amitriptyline and weight gain  (Read 29391 times)


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Re: amitriptyline and weight gain
« Reply #45 on: September 07, 2014, 08:56:56 PM »

Hi thats what my GP said to try one and half last week but, today I tried to get my size 12 jeans on and couldnt get them on did it for me, I cant handle to weight gain, its very depressing for me :'( :'( :'( :'(


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Re: amitriptyline and weight gain
« Reply #46 on: September 07, 2014, 09:12:09 PM »

I think they all have the potential for weight gain, I have just looked up the cost of  noratriptyline it is £12.06 x a 100 of the 10mg, if you had 15mg a day that would last a long time. Ami and Gaba are very cheap, pregagablin is very expensive. I think your GP is being unfar not allowing you to try the Nora, I may be wrong but if you feel another drug would be better for you, isn't he supposed to allow you to have it? Don't quote me though.

Although I think you will still have problems with foggy head to start with, what about beta blockers for the head and IBS?  or the anti depressant Prozac and the like, but again all these drugs can put weight on with some people.


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Re: amitriptyline and weight gain
« Reply #47 on: September 08, 2014, 07:37:21 AM »

Thanks  Maryjane for your help, I am going to wean myself off the AM,  and then see if my weight  drops, I will then see how things go, and if in a week or two I will go back to the GP if my headaches are that bad, cross fingers they will not be bad x


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Re: amitriptyline and weight gain
« Reply #48 on: September 08, 2014, 10:14:55 AM »

Do you know what's causing your headaches? You're off to see the meno specialist soon I think so perhaps you will get some answers then?

Taz x


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Re: amitriptyline and weight gain
« Reply #49 on: September 08, 2014, 11:02:09 AM »

 its worth a try asking him, I am not coming off HRT as I hate the menopause symptoms I was getting, I am on Estradot 100mg, thought maybe gel will be helpful!! thanks for your reply :) just have to wait and see, I use to get bad headaches around the time of the month and was hoping they would go when I had my op.


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Re: amitriptyline and weight gain
« Reply #50 on: September 08, 2014, 12:20:33 PM »

Which op? Sorry I've not been keeping up with posts lately!

I meant what investigations have you had re your headaches?

I know you are hoping that testosterone may be prescribed. Have you got your date for the clinic? I'm sure they will be helpful.

Taz x


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Re: amitriptyline and weight gain
« Reply #51 on: September 08, 2014, 02:21:53 PM »

Taz 2, hysterectomy, not really had any investigations, just sent me for physio, which has not helped much, as I said had terrible headaches all my adult life, it happen around the time of the month and was hoping after the op they will go but Noop, physio  said my posture is bad, my neck or something, been doing the exercises but has not helped, what I have decided to do is come off the Amitriptyline slowly and see if my weight drops, I am afraid to try Gabapentin as that can cause weight gain, I will mention to the consultant about my headaches but what i am afraid of is he will say to come off the HRT and I dont want to as its been great for all that meno stuff, I know u say well whats worse weight or headaches but surely there has to be something out there that can help me head but dont cause me to gain weight cause I get real depressed when I do x


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Re: amitriptyline and weight gain
« Reply #52 on: September 08, 2014, 02:47:38 PM »

Hi moonbeam

Just caught up with your posts, I'm on Nortriptyline and they were initially prescribed for my tension headaches, they do work I no longer have pain just slight tight feeling every so often.

I notice you are on HRT, is it pill type, I'm on patches as they are recommended for headache suffers.
I believe Consultants can prescribe Nortriptyline as they have more authority, or maybe higher budget allowance.

On the weight side side of things I have put on weight, I was 7stone in 2010 before having throat surgery, and thyroid problem and having to also take thyroxin and then Nortriptyline I am now 10 stone 5 I'm not sure if any or combination of the drugs are responsible, but I also have ms so Nortriptyline will probably stay as I now also have nerve pain which this drug also works for.
I had a bit of dry mouth when I first started taking it, but no tiredness at all, and I take 70mg at night.

If every thing else fails why not try switching HRT to the patches, if of course your not already on them, it could solve your headache problems and maybe help your ibs? I also walk my new puppy three times a day but no weight loss yet !



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Re: amitriptyline and weight gain
« Reply #53 on: September 08, 2014, 04:15:26 PM »

Smokey, I am on the patches, and as I said they have been great for my meno, but these b....y headaches are the bain of my life,  I have always been a size  8 to 10 but after my 4th child a 12 was it and i was happy on that but since the Hysterectomy I have struggled hard to keep to the size 12 and since taking the Amitrypline its been creeping up to a 14 and I have been so depressed by this, there has to be something they can do or something I can take that can help but wont make me put on weight, I have  started to exercise but with these Amitrypline they make me feel very tired, even on the 1 1/2 dose ,  thats another reason why I need to change them, I shall wait a few weeks before I go back to the GP and then I see if he will give me the Nort x


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Re: amitriptyline and weight gain
« Reply #54 on: September 08, 2014, 04:34:56 PM »

As i replied to you before and Just reading what Smokey has said about a consultant prescribing Nortriptyline for her. Thought i ought to say that a pain consultant had my Amitriptyline changed to Nortriptyline - my GP usually follows what a consultant has said but might not prescribe Nortriptyline readily herself.




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Re: amitriptyline and weight gain
« Reply #55 on: September 08, 2014, 06:22:49 PM »

I only got Nortriptyline because my Neurologist recommended it.

I have  talked to a recent GP about trying it again, she said it was off licence.
Didn't persue the fact that I had been prescribed it by one of the other GPs........ ::)


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Re: amitriptyline and weight gain
« Reply #56 on: September 08, 2014, 07:04:21 PM »

The GP said he will only give me Nort if the AM still makes me feel like a zombie and the Gabapentin doesnt work but I will not try  the Gab as everyone I have talk to and read about  says its side effects can be horrible, so thats enough for me to be put me off, I am going to give it a few weeks and then see the GP ask politely that I want Nort as the others have not worked, or wait till I see the Meno consultant on the 2nd Oct and see if he can suggest anything x


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Re: amitriptyline and weight gain
« Reply #57 on: September 08, 2014, 07:20:21 PM »

Gab works well for pain control but sleepiness and weight gain were not good for me on 900mg (3x300) a day. 500mg (2x200+100) works mostly for pain control and not bad for feeling groggy


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Re: amitriptyline and weight gain
« Reply #58 on: September 08, 2014, 07:30:45 PM »

Limpy , what about the weight , has it been a problem even at the lower dose x


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Re: amitriptyline and weight gain
« Reply #59 on: September 08, 2014, 07:36:13 PM »

No - It's stayed controllable.
Sometimes, not often, I need to take Sumatriptan or Paracetomol and Codeine for migraines or other pain.

If you time the doses so the 100mg is in the morning, about 8 or 9am, sleepiness isn't a problem.
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