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Author Topic: I'm new today too, looking for opinions/help!  (Read 3891 times)


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I'm new today too, looking for opinions/help!
« on: July 24, 2014, 06:53:34 PM »

Hello everyone! As I say, I'm new and looking for some advice.

I'm 43 and would appear to be in perimenopause. (Self diagnosed!) Some background - started my periods when I was 15 and have never been regular, apart from some years when I was on the pill. In the past 2 years or so I've noticed that my periods have started to change. The cycles have become even less regular. The shortest cycle I have had so far has been 16 days. The longest - well, I'm on day 64 at the moment! Prior to this, my longest was 45 days.

Other than that, my memory is terrible, and I seem to be having what I *think* are hot flushes but they don't seem to be terribly dramatic so I'm not actually sure if they are. What happens is that, out of nowhere, I get really hot but without any real sweatiness, and it only lasts a minute at most. Also, I have never been a fan of hot weather but this year I seem to be feeling it much more than ever before!

I suppose what I'm hoping you can tell me is whether my 'hot flushes' sound like they are the 'real deal', and also, if I need to be concerned about the (so far) 64 day cycle.

And finally (thank you if you've made it this far!) I have been taking Agnus Castus for ages, but have read about Black Cohosh, so not sure if I should be on that? Instead of, or AS WELL, as the AC?

Sorry this is so long, thank you for reading, and thank you in advance for any help/advice you can offer. :)


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Re: I'm new today too, looking for opinions/help!
« Reply #1 on: July 24, 2014, 07:20:34 PM »

Hi Welshcake71


I can appreciate it is difficult for you to tell how far into menopause you are if you have never had regular periods. However if your cycles continue to be longer like this then it sounds like you could be having an early menopause in which case it is important for you to take extra oestrogen (as part of HRT) at least until the natural average age of menopause of 51-52, to help protect your bones and heart, if there is no medical reason why you cannot take it.

Unfortunately blood tests are unreliable indicators of menopause but in your situation a series of blood tests might help.  The timing is crucial I understand. here is what it says on this site:

If you are unsure whether or not you are having hot flushes then hot flushes proper have not hit you yet - you would know definitely!  Many of us are like you initially. You start to overheat just like you say but not terribly dramatic. In some cases they never get worse than this so you may be lucky!

Also re the supplements - there is no evidence that they work - most women who take them are peri-menopausal, when hormone levels are fluctuating - so the  effect could either be placebo or your own hormones rising. I took Black Cohosh when peri and thought it worked but of course it didn;t really - as soon as my hormones levels dropped and stayed low - the flushes were there all the time and no supplements would do any good - only oestrogen. Long term studies of this substance are also lacking. There is info on this site about it too (scroll down):

By the way you don't need to be concerned - do you think you might be pregnant - but I expect you've already thought of that?

Hope this helps!

Hurdity x


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Re: I'm new today too, looking for opinions/help!
« Reply #2 on: July 24, 2014, 07:33:19 PM »

Hi and welcome to MM Welshcake71
What you are describing could very well be early peri menopause.  I started getting very similar symptoms in my mid 30s and after a D&C and then blood tests they diagnosed premature peri-menopause.  I tried herbs etc (what a waste of money)but eventually my GP simply said "if I was her daughter she'd insist I use HRT' - so I did as I was told.  She sent me for a bone scan and I was already borderline - I really needed HRT!!
Your could ask for a FSH and oestrogen level blood test but these are notoriously unreliable. It sounds as though your hormones are fluctuating which is typical for the peri stage and this is why blood tests can be unreliable  -  symptoms will come and go. I'd keep a diary so when you see the GP you can present an informed view of what is going on.
Read up all the info to the left of this screen so you are really clued up. Print stuff off if need be to show the GP to back up your concerns.  Many GPs are not very clued up so, sadly, you may need to be assertive. Ask for a referral to a meno clinic if there is one locally - perhaps ask if there is a particular doctor at your GP practise who specialises in womens health. You are too young to be deficient in oestrogen so it's important you get diagnosed - HRT until you are at least 50(and possibly well beyond) will protect your heart and bones.
Keep us posted.  Dg x


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Re: I'm new today too, looking for opinions/help!
« Reply #3 on: July 24, 2014, 08:04:56 PM »

 :welcomemm:  browse the menus, left of screen.  Keep a food and mood diary, some ladies find this helpful.  I was fortunate, I didn't experience hot flushes for very long and always related to taking medication. 

If herbs worked for menopause, they would be offered on the NHS!  Also herbal remedies can interact badly with prescribed medications so always tell your prescribing practitioner what you are/have taking/taken.



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Re: I'm new today too, looking for opinions/help!
« Reply #4 on: July 25, 2014, 01:54:04 PM »

Thanks everyone for your replies!

I can definitely state that I am not pregnant!

Looks like a trip to the GP may be in order.

One more thing I was hoping you could help with (forgot to ask this in my original post) was that I am rather dreading my next period, when it eventually decides to appear. I fear that it will be heavy and horrible. Also, I am going on holiday in about 5 weeks and it would be absolutely typical if it decided to finally turn up then!  >:(

Silly question I know - but is there anything that can 'encourage' it to get started?! I suppose it's just a waiting game...



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Re: I'm new today too, looking for opinions/help!
« Reply #5 on: July 25, 2014, 03:11:40 PM »

When in the peri meno stage it is really annoying that periods are so erratic it makes it really difficult to know where you are. I'd definitely go to your GP and ask about this. He/she may be able to give you something to control when and if you have another period. Maybe consider a Mirena as this will prevent heavy bleeds and then you can simply add some oestrogen in gel or patch form to keep the flushes etc. under control.
Good luck  DG x

gorgeous fluffpot

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Re: I'm new today too, looking for opinions/help!
« Reply #6 on: August 13, 2014, 07:56:21 AM »

Hi Welshcake, can I put my two penn'orth in.  Hot flushes come in all sorts and, in peri-menopause, I would have what I called 'hot moments'.  Sometimes I wouldn't even feel hot but I recall being in a meeting and everyone staring at me, looking shocked.  I looked in a mirror and my face was beetroot-red ... but I felt only mildly warm.  These hot moments came and went with no pattern - occasionally I would suddenly become so hot in my core, within a matter of seconds, and then half a minute later I'd be back to normal.  So my advice to you is, yes it probably is a hot flush and a mini one (believe me, when you get a bit one you will know!).  Laugh it off as a 'hot moment' as I did, and start changing your wardrobe as, from pretty much now on, you will be looking at cottons and linens and layers as that cardigan will be on, off, on, off as your heat goes up and down.  Polyesters and artificial fabrics really make the flushes worse.  Oh, and if you can, dump the brassieres as they are full of elastic and other heat-retaining fabrics ... try to go au naturel on weekends if you can.
Re. memory ... yep that's a hormonal thing.  Suddenly you can't quite find the word you wanted to say, or have forgotten something on your shopping list despite reminding yourself all day.  Silly stuff.  So keep a pen and paper in your bag, and next to your bed, and by your chair in the lounge, and write things down.  Make lists, lots of them.  That's how I do it, as I think of it I write it down.
Hormones affect all of your body and mind and I hadn't realised how much.  Peri-menopause can be a bit of a bumpy ride with unpredictable periods, and occasionally really heavy periods, so I always wore panty liners and always carried sanitary pads in my bag in case I was caught out. 
Gosh, reading this sounds so depressing.  Sorry, but I wish someone had told me all this stuff as I went into peri absolutely blind and worried myself silly about the anxiety and mood swings, thought I was going mad until I started the hot flushes and researched and found I was in peri.  So good luck.  Ask away.


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Re: I'm new today too, looking for opinions/help!
« Reply #7 on: August 13, 2014, 10:32:39 AM »

Hi Welshcake - welcome from me too!

I just want to ask how long you have been taking Agnus Castus for? These tablets can delay your period or totally change your cycle.

Taz x