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Author Topic: WHERE TO START?  (Read 15517 times)


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« Reply #15 on: August 06, 2014, 08:02:33 PM »


They are awful things - I always feel like it's my last minute on earth - trying not to sound too dramatic, they just floor me.

Which Rescue Remedy is the best do you know?  I don't think I can have Beta Blockers as I am asthmatic but I would take absolutely anything to stop the PAs.  Does the Rescue Remedy make you that much calmer?  Does it work quickly?

Sorry for the questions!

Thanks again.


Panic attacks can be soul destroying.  I take a beta-blocka at night to stop those surges.  Also Rescue Remedy can help.


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« Reply #16 on: August 06, 2014, 08:25:41 PM »

Hi really glad you found this site I only found it recently. I also was told I had a mental health issue and was prescribed a whole lot of psychiatric medication. This had no impact on my symptoms and they tried for over a year. I had to argue to get bloods done as I was 38. I started to believe it was mental health and admitted myself to a secure unit. Three years on and I am still trying to find the right balance of hrt but need to do cbt quite a lot to remind myself these are hormone symptoms. Really glad you have posted as you begin to think this could not happen to anyone else. I find it awful to think anyone has gone through this. Wishing you every luck x


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« Reply #17 on: August 07, 2014, 11:27:33 AM »

I use a Bachs rescue remedy mouth spray before an event, before any hint of anxiety.  Has helped in the past, as has deep breathing but that needs to be practiced daily.

I have had PAs since age 3  :'( and was told I would grow out of them  >:( ..........



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« Reply #18 on: August 07, 2014, 02:29:25 PM »

Hi curlywurly - your experience of SSRIs for anxiety sounds very familiar. I too had them when I now know that I should have had HRT. Since starting HRT 4 months ago my anxiety, fatigue, poor sleep and crashing headaches have largely gone. There's a massive amount of reliable information on this website that, as a new user like you, I'm working my way through. Sounds like some GPs out there could do with reading it! Keep asking questions until you get the answers and solutions you need. Whether you choose HRT or not, life's too short to pass chunks of it feeling awful. Good luck.


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« Reply #19 on: August 12, 2014, 08:25:11 PM »

Hi Donna

Thank you for the reply

Gosh what a terrible time you have had I totally sympathise.  I was put on anti-psychotic meds and was told I should be admitted for 3 weeks to the Priory for my 'condition'.  They showed my husband 'my room' while trying to get me to agree.  I refused, but the fact they thought I should be there sent me hysterical at the time.  We had private medical insurance and I could see they just wanted the money.   I ended up going to 1 x CBT session a week as an outpatient (which is all I would have received had I been a resident so no real benefit to staying there!).

 I really really hope you get yourself sorted with HRT.  The CBT can help with coming to terms with things/stopping racing thoughts can't it?

You were so right to get your blood tests done, you knew something was wrong and you were right!  We know ourselves don't we?

I am going to post below what has happened in this past week and hopefully this could help you?  I am hoping I am finally on the right track.

With lots of love


Hi really glad you found this site I only found it recently. I also was told I had a mental health issue and was prescribed a whole lot of psychiatric medication. This had no impact on my symptoms and they tried for over a year. I had to argue to get bloods done as I was 38. I started to believe it was mental health and admitted myself to a secure unit. Three years on and I am still trying to find the right balance of hrt but need to do cbt quite a lot to remind myself these are hormone symptoms. Really glad you have posted as you begin to think this could not happen to anyone else. I find it awful to think anyone has gone through this. Wishing you every luck x


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« Reply #20 on: August 12, 2014, 08:29:53 PM »


Thank you for the reply and for the rescue remedy advice.  I think I will get some v. soon!  I do the deep breathing now and again, particularly when I have a P.A. (have no other option!).

Gosh since age 3 you poor thing - that is horrid.  They are the absolute worst things.

Really hope you are doing well at the moment and many thanks again.


I use a Bachs rescue remedy mouth spray before an event, before any hint of anxiety.  Has helped in the past, as has deep breathing but that needs to be practiced daily.

I have had PAs since age 3  :'( and was told I would grow out of them  >:( ..........


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« Reply #21 on: August 12, 2014, 08:35:09 PM »

Hi Freda

Many thanks for your reply. 

It is good but sad to hear there are so many people who have had similar experiences to me.

Great to hear you are feeling better on HRT.  It makes me feel positive about what I have just been given. 

Thank goodness for this website, it has been a life saver.  Some GPs definitely need to read the information on here.

You are right, I have lost about 11 years (approx.) of my life with cr*p.  Which I now realise was probably peri - I hope so anyway!  HRT is the way for me.  It has to be.  I can't afford to be messing about with anymore SSRIs - they are awful.

Can I be cheeky and ask which HRT you are on?

Please ignore me if I am being too nosey.

Thanks so much again


Hi curlywurly - your experience of SSRIs for anxiety sounds very familiar. I too had them when I now know that I should have had HRT. Since starting HRT 4 months ago my anxiety, fatigue, poor sleep and crashing headaches have largely gone. There's a massive amount of reliable information on this website that, as a new user like you, I'm working my way through. Sounds like some GPs out there could do with reading it! Keep asking questions until you get the answers and solutions you need. Whether you choose HRT or not, life's too short to pass chunks of it feeling awful. Good luck.


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« Reply #22 on: August 12, 2014, 09:06:41 PM »

Just a little update.

THANKS TO THIS WONDERFUL WEBSITE - I have found (through the Find a Specialist section) the most lovely Consultant Gynaecologist and Obstetrician who when I visited him last Thursday said immediately I should be on HRT as I am 46 and the average age is 51 - in complete contrast to my GP pushing her migraine tablets, then SSRIs.  I was all set with a long long list of what I would prefer etc. I didn't need it!  He explained everything perfectly to me and my husband and prescribed exactly what I was going to ask for.

He said I am in early menopause, prescribed Oestrogel and Utrogestan (my choice - CHOICE!!! - as to whether I have a period or not).  He gave a lifestyle list too. 

He even helped my husband by suggesting he eat 2 tomatoes a day (lycopenes - sp?) to avoid prostate cancer as he has had the snip.  Which blood test to have to check on his prostate.  Apparently men more at risk of it after a vascectomy (sp?).  I used to be good at spelling!  It's a PSA Blood Test yearly if anyone else needs that help.

He dictated a letter to my GP whilst I was there, his lovely secretary faxed it to my GP and myself today in time for my appointment today.  I went to see the GP this afternoon and I didn't even have to speak before she said I have received the fax and yes I will prescribe the items.  Talk about a turnaround.  It is one week to the day since I last saw her and her negativity.

Gobsmacked is an understatement.  Natural HRT on the NHS - and support from the most informative lovely man.  It is the best £120 I have spent.  Yes it cost me, but I could spend that at the hairdresser's over a few months  - so I will happily go grey and look like Buffalo Bill if it means I start to feel better!

I am probably in for a bit of a bumpy ride once I start treatment or maybe I shouldn't be so negative?!  Anyhow, I am getting the prescription tomorrow (it wasn't available in the chemist next door to the docs - big surprise!) and will be starting slowly and hopefully things will start to improve.

I am off to check people's advice and experiences on Oestrogel and Utrogestan on this fab website now!

Thank you Dr. Currie and everyone on here. 

Can I also ask if people have their B12, ferritin and folate checked at all.  I had mine done and it was borderline low - I now have B12 injections and that can help with some things too (again Mrs Google may help to see if anyone has issues there).  B12 deficiency can account for a lot of things aswell.  My daughter (19) takes a sublingual tablet daily (terrified of needles) and boy do we notice when she doesn't!
Just a thought in case it may help someone.  :)
With love and hope!



rosie c

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« Reply #23 on: August 12, 2014, 09:15:54 PM »

Fabulous News. I did the same recently because my gp was next to useless!!! Best money I ever spent,... seeing Dr Gluck at her clinic in London. Feeling so much better already, after getting the correct diagnosis. Good  for you!!! x


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« Reply #24 on: August 13, 2014, 06:07:27 PM »

 :thankyou: Girls for the updates!  At last, someone who listens!

Deep breathing needs to be practised.  10 mins. every hour so that it becomes 2nd nature.  Deep breath through the nostrils, count for 10, let breath out slowly through the mouth.  I use to fall asleep whilst practicing!


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« Reply #25 on: August 14, 2014, 06:59:38 AM »

Hi Curlywurly,

Re: B12 and Folic acid - I went to the drs yesterday for my results and was told that I have enlarged blood cells again which could mean a B12 and folic acid deficiency.  (I stopped taking my b complex vitamins when I ran out - doh! - thought I'd see if I could do without, as I'm always taking one supplement or another...)

I have been a irritable and a little anxious again lately and I'm wondering if being deficient in these vits and minerals may be the cause?

My gp explained that enlarged red blood cells get stuck when trying to move around the body...goodness knows what that might trigger!  My oestrogen levels were normal (down to HRT I suppose) though I didn't get the number.

My rollercoaster journey in perimenopause continues...


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« Reply #26 on: August 14, 2014, 11:32:29 AM »

Back to the vitamens then!  If your body is hungry, do you not eat ………


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« Reply #27 on: August 14, 2014, 12:08:22 PM »

That's great news curlywurly - amazing how much better you can feel just when someone actually listens to you ::)  Good luck with your HRT - it can sometimes take a while to kick in but hang on in there if you can.....


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« Reply #28 on: August 14, 2014, 12:50:27 PM »

Great news, Curlywurly!  And on the subject of Bach Rescue Spray, you can also get a Night version of the same product.

I'm sure it doesn't help when a GP is female but far too young to have any experience of the menopause themselves.  I went to a meno clinic a while back, only to be seen by a female Dr. who must have been all of 35.  It did not help and made me feel embarrassed.  I've definitely had the most sympathetic responses to anything meno from older female GP's; also, (curiously) male GP's who are not sitting there thinking, "I won't be like that when I'm 50-or-whatever".     



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« Reply #29 on: August 14, 2014, 03:51:09 PM »

Why would there be a 'night' product  :-\ - it either works: or not ……….
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