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Author Topic: WHERE TO START?  (Read 15518 times)


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« on: August 06, 2014, 02:01:55 PM »



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« Reply #1 on: August 06, 2014, 02:36:04 PM »

Hi and welcome curlywurly
We're here to help - we're not scary - honestly!!!
Ask a question, tell us your story - have a moan - we'll listen and try to understand and help.
DG x


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« Reply #2 on: August 06, 2014, 02:48:36 PM »


I am new here.

Fabulous website, advice and members with amazing help.  I was just wondering if anyone could advise me at all?

I paid for a consultation with Dr. Currie which has been very helpful and so....

I went to GP yesterday to ask for HRT.  She made me feel as though I was asking for a dodgy substance!  I was warned about all the risks - which I already knew from here.  She said once I am on it it can be very difficult to get off and said I haven't seen how hard it can be.

She said if it is just hot flushes a migraine tablet might help (can't remember name sorry).  Said I should try an SSRI I said I am already on one she said to up my SSRI, I said I have tried that in the past and I was sweating like a pig years before I even realised I was menopausal.

She saw I was insistent and gave her my list of blood tests (which I paid for privately) as I knew there was something wrong and was dismissed by another GP at the same practice with 'some people are just medical mysteries'.

She has now gone away to consider whether or not to prescribe the choices I asked for Estradot Patches - lowest dose and Utrogestan.  As I would prefer the natural method if at all possible.  She said she hadn't heard of these and would prefer to prescribe oestrogen and progesterone together and did admit it is a cost issue.  I am virtually vegan (not a militant one!) just because I feel funny eating stuff with a face - weirdo me.

Age 46
Last period Sept 2013
Terrible anxiety for years and years with panic attacks (had one last night which woke me up - that has never happened before)
Low mood and sickness in stomach (feeling of doom)
Aching all over
Hot Flushes
No Libido at all
Very dizzy most of the time
Forgetful and distant (as you can see by my first post!).

Have I been perimenopausal all this time whilst suffering with this blummin' anxiety all these years do you think?  I have been made to think I am going mad by psychiatrists and had CBT twice to no avail.  When I see my blood test results I realise there has been something wrong and I am not going mad - am I?!

Should I just bite the bullet and go for the recommended one by the Doctor to stop all these horrid symptoms or wait for the next appointment for her results (next Tuesday)?  I just don't want to do a trial and error method as my anxiety and low mood is at an all time high and low and would rather start off as I mean to go on and hopefully get the best treatment from the 'off'.

I did see Professor Studd in 2009 and was put on the Oestradiol Gel, bit of Testogel and norethisterone but came off these after approx. 2 months as my doctor (through private insurance) said it was a mental health issue hence the antidepressants and CBT.  I can't travel to London now as I am far too anxious and don't go anywhere on my own.  I also live in the North of England and it is too far.  I really hoped for once my GP might be able to help me.

FSH 105 U/L
LH 81.2 U/L
Oestradiol <18 pmol/l then a second one 56 pmol/l
Testosterone 0.1 nmol/L (0.29-1.7)
DHEAS 2.8 umol/L (0.7-12.5)
Progesterone 0.8 nmol/L
Prolactin 358 mU/L  (women not pregnant 102-496)
Aldosterone 338 pmol/L (Upright 100-800 pmol/l, Supine 100-450 pmol/l)

I am sorry if there is too much info. but I would really appreciate any advice and help.

With thanks in advance.

CW  :)



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« Reply #3 on: August 06, 2014, 02:50:37 PM »

Hi Dancing Girl

Thank you so much for your welcome!  I am sorry I must seem such a ditz!

Hope my post makes some sense now?!

Many thanks again  :)


Hi and welcome curlywurly
We're here to help - we're not scary - honestly!!!
Ask a question, tell us your story - have a moan - we'll listen and try to understand and help.
DG x


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« Reply #4 on: August 06, 2014, 03:12:40 PM »

Hello Curly Wurly,

You sound very similar to me.  I am 47 and have the same symptoms as you although I am still having irregular periods.  I have given up speaking to my doctor as I am sure she thinks I am a hypochondriac.  I have even thought about getting a private blood test, but not sure where to go for one.  I have also suffered with anxiety for a number of years and have wondered if it could be perimenopause, my anxiety has certainly got worse over the past year.

I hope you get the HRT that you want, I wish gps would listen to us, we know our bodies better than anyone.


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« Reply #5 on: August 06, 2014, 03:33:44 PM »

Hi Toffee Cushion

Thanks for the reply.  :)

You can get private blood tests done through Blue Horizon Medicals website (they have a few different web addresses so may be worth a Google?) - the costs can mount up so worth seeing if there is a discount code available.  They have been excellent.  You order what you want (it is worth giving them a call to make sure you are getting the right ones done) and then attend your nearest hospital on their list).   You don't need to involve your GP and they send the results directly back to you.

I just reached the end of my tether with it all and saved up.  To finally see I do have 'something going on' is a relief in some way. We are not looking for a problem we are looking for a solution! 

You are correct we know when something is wrong don't we?  I really hope you get yourself sorted too.


Hello Curly Wurly,

You sound very similar to me.  I am 47 and have the same symptoms as you although I am still having irregular periods.  I have given up speaking to my doctor as I am sure she thinks I am a hypochondriac.  I have even thought about getting a private blood test, but not sure where to go for one.  I have also suffered with anxiety for a number of years and have wondered if it could be perimenopause, my anxiety has certainly got worse over the past year.

I hope you get the HRT that you want, I wish gps would listen to us, we know our bodies better than anyone.


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« Reply #6 on: August 06, 2014, 03:44:48 PM »

H curlywurly
Thank you for being so comprehensive - it really helps us to help you.
Oh dear you are getting a raw deal from your GP!!!!
At 46 you are experiencing an early menopause so I believe your GP is being negligent by not prescribing HRT.  You need HRT till at least 50 to protect your heart and bones from oestrogen deficiency.
Your GP is clearly not well informed about HRT and it's benefits - she's still in the dark ages believing it to be this horror drug that will give you cancer - it's a tiny risk after the age of 60.  She is also wrong that it is difficult to come off HRT - this will vary from person to person. Menopause symptoms can persist for many years any and in theory it does delay menopause but for many women it gives a good quality of life for many years with relatively few risks. You won't necessarily find it difficult to come off HRT - you can slowly reduce the dose and also pick a stage in your life when you can accomodate the changes you will experience - many women are fine when they come off.
Prescribing ADs which often don't work is obviously not the way to go for you. The cost difference between what you asking for and what she would like to prescribe is negligible - the prescription fee virtually covers this cost - so she can't use that excuse.  I suspect she doesn't want to appear foolish because she is out of her depth.
You've done your homework and asked advice from Dr Currie - I'm surprised your GP has gone against advice from a specialist!!!
If need be I'd ask for a referral to a menopause clinic or a gynae near where you live either on the NHS or if you can afford it go privately.
If she is really insistent about you sticking with pills, Femoston is natural oestrogen and it has a kinder progesterone which I believe is similar to our own hormones - it's tolerated well by many women. Many women like combination patches as well.
BTW - have your periods stopped completely?
DG x


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« Reply #7 on: August 06, 2014, 04:17:41 PM »

Thank you so much Dancing Girl for your reply you have must made me feel so much better! ;D

I really thought I was in the wrong with it all and you have just made me feel normal (well as normal as I can feel at the moment!).

What a relief!  I was so sad last night after seeing the GP (which probably prompted my PA (I whisper the words as I am terrified of them).  I do have Diazepam in case of emergencies but I really don't want to be taking anything like that but I had to last night.

Yes my periods have stopped completely.

Thanks so much for your advice, I am thinking of going to see someone privately - my anxiety can't cope with anymore.  It's been going on too long for me now.  I have checked the nearest clinic to me on the MM website and will try one of them. 

I did say to GP I had had an email consultation with Dr. Currie (didn't get chance to name her just said she was an Obstetrician and Gynaecologist) - not much reaction really.

Many thanks for your concise explanation too, gosh I feel like a huge weight has been lifted.

Thank you so much!


H curlywurly
Thank you for being so comprehensive - it really helps us to help you.
Oh dear you are getting a raw deal from your GP!!!!
At 46 you are experiencing an early menopause so I believe your GP is being negligent by not prescribing HRT.  You need HRT till at least 50 to protect your heart and bones from oestrogen deficiency.
Your GP is clearly not well informed about HRT and it's benefits - she's still in the dark ages believing it to be this horror drug that will give you cancer - it's a tiny risk after the age of 60.  She is also wrong that it is difficult to come off HRT - this will vary from person to person. Menopause symptoms can persist for many years any and in theory it does delay menopause but for many women it gives a good quality of life for many years with relatively few risks. You won't necessarily find it difficult to come off HRT - you can slowly reduce the dose and also pick a stage in your life when you can accomodate the changes you will experience - many women are fine when they come off.
Prescribing ADs which often don't work is obviously not the way to go for you. The cost difference between what you asking for and what she would like to prescribe is negligible - the prescription fee virtually covers this cost - so she can't use that excuse.  I suspect she doesn't want to appear foolish because she is out of her depth.
You've done your homework and asked advice from Dr Currie - I'm surprised your GP has gone against advice from a specialist!!!
If need be I'd ask for a referral to a menopause clinic or a gynae near where you live either on the NHS or if you can afford it go privately.
If she is really insistent about you sticking with pills, Femoston is natural oestrogen and it has a kinder progesterone which I believe is similar to our own hormones - it's tolerated well by many women. Many women like combination patches as well.
BTW - have your periods stopped completely?
DG x


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« Reply #8 on: August 06, 2014, 04:33:37 PM »

 :welcomemm:  which bit of menopause doesn't your GP understand?  :bang: :bang: :bang:

OK got that off my chest.  GPs really ought to listen to their patients and stop worrying about prescription costs and risk statistics.  Statistics can prove anything ………. and it really depends on who is paying for the Research  :cuss:

You are caring for your health, going about it the 'right' way.  GPs often want to fob ladies off with ADs, will not consider HRT particularly if they consider a lady is 'too young' to be going through peri-menopause.  Stick to your guns.  You've found a way to a solution but your GP is blocking it, is she young - she'll learn when her time arrives  ;)

Let us know how you get on!  Ask for a referral to a meno-clinic if necessary but with the information from Dr Currie, I can't see why she has a problem, in fact, I would ask which bit of advice don't you like and would you discuss it with Dr Currie  ;) - does your Practice have a Practice Nurse who might be a bit more amenable?

Also, you could ask your local chemist which Surgeries are more liable to prescribe suitable menopause treatment rather than fob patients off with ADs ………

p.s. - I saw your first page and thought you had changed your mind ………  ;D
« Last Edit: August 06, 2014, 06:01:02 PM by CLKD »


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« Reply #9 on: August 06, 2014, 05:14:22 PM »

Hi curlywurly
Your Gp can always look things up on this site - there is a section for professionals (purple heading 'Health Professionals') if she needs to learn a thing or two about the menopause
and how to treat it.
Gosh, we do get heated about these retched GPs who won't listen and with good reason.
DG xxxxx


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« Reply #10 on: August 06, 2014, 05:26:00 PM »

Hi CW, I can relate to some of your symptoms especially the low mood and anxiety, I had the latter under control to the point where it didn't really affect my daily life, but in the past 3 months it has increased considerably.  I did try an AD for 8 weeks but found although it helped lift my mood it gave me panic attacks.  GP is at a loss what to do and has prescribed diazapem 5mg 3 times daily, not something I am happy taking but if it helps why not. 

I have researched various types of HRT but note anxiety and depression are possible side effects, so not keen to try that either, plus I am a smoker, would like to give up but now is not the right time.

Keep posting to let us know how you are getting on


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« Reply #11 on: August 06, 2014, 06:02:08 PM »

Panic attacks can be soul destroying.  I take a beta-blocka at night to stop those surges.  Also Rescue Remedy can help.


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« Reply #12 on: August 06, 2014, 07:42:20 PM »

Thank you for the welcome CLKD!  :)

It's so refreshing to 'speak' to like minded people.  Thanks for your emoticons - they really hit the nail on the head!

I thought the same as you CLKD - she is young and she will learn when it's her turn.  I wanted to see the older woman at the practice but she is on hols.  The doctors at our practice are leaving and have left in their droves over the past 8-10 months.  Something seems off.

She said I wasn't particularly young to be starting the menopause, 'there are women much younger' - I didn't realise there was a competition going on?!!  ::)

I am hoping not to see her again if I can help it, great advice to get her to have a chat with Dr. Currie though  ;) and also re:  speaking to local pharmacies.  Many thanks for that.

Haha re:  my first page!  I just typed the heading and one letter and then boom there was a post  :sigh: I am a typist and am really really ditzy at the moment so not a great start!  ;D

Thank you again for your reply and advice.


:welcomemm:  which bit of menopause doesn't your GP understand?  :bang: :bang: :bang:

OK got that off my chest.  GPs really ought to listen to their patients and stop worrying about prescription costs and risk statistics.  Statistics can prove anything ………. and it really depends on who is paying for the Research  :cuss:

You are caring for your health, going about it the 'right' way.  GPs often want to fob ladies off with ADs, will not consider HRT particularly if they consider a lady is 'too young' to be going through peri-menopause.  Stick to your guns.  You've found a way to a solution but your GP is blocking it, is she young - she'll learn when her time arrives  ;)

Let us know how you get on!  Ask for a referral to a meno-clinic if necessary but with the information from Dr Currie, I can't see why she has a problem, in fact, I would ask which bit of advice don't you like and would you discuss it with Dr Currie  ;) - does your Practice have a Practice Nurse who might be a bit more amenable?

Also, you could ask your local chemist which Surgeries are more liable to prescribe suitable menopause treatment rather than fob patients off with ADs ………

p.s. - I saw your first page and thought you had changed your mind ………  ;D


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« Reply #13 on: August 06, 2014, 07:46:48 PM »

Hi Dancing Girl

If (and it is an if at the moment the way I am feeling) I go and see her again I will give her the information for this site as she definitely needs the help I feel.  Although she is leaving in two weeks.  She said I am working my leave but that works in your favour as I have to sort it out before I go. 

It makes me feel better hearing others getting heated about their GPs too.  Feel like I am not alone so thank you so much for that!

Thanks again


Hi curlywurly
Your Gp can always look things up on this site - there is a section for professionals (purple heading 'Health Professionals') if she needs to learn a thing or two about the menopause
and how to treat it.
Gosh, we do get heated about these retched GPs who won't listen and with good reason.
DG xxxxx


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« Reply #14 on: August 06, 2014, 07:57:57 PM »

Hi cheekgal

Thank you for your reply.  :)

I have read that low testosterone can cause the low mood.  I wonder if this could be a cause too?

Having tried the AD route 3 times over the years and still having PAs occasionally is horrid so I can sympathise with you so much.

This is why I would like to try to get the right kind of HRT straight from the word go.  Rather than to-ing and fro-ing trying things out.  I would prefer the natural 'bio identical' oestrogen and progesterone and hope that they won't cause me any further anxiety. 

Having read other posts on here (thank you!) I also think after being so depleted of hormones to taper up may be the way to go with me too.  I seem to react at the drop of a hat to things - ridiculously so.  Wonder if that would help you too?

I have Diazepam too for emergencies (which seem to be happening more often) as I don't like taking them as I want them to still work when I need them and not become used to them.

If I was a smoker and suffered anxiety I wouldn't even be thinking about stopping until I had got my symptoms under control.  It is too much to take on isn't it?

Hope you get something sorted for yourself asap.  It really is a b*tch of a thing to deal with.

Many thanks again.


Hi CW, I can relate to some of your symptoms especially the low mood and anxiety, I had the latter under control to the point where it didn't really affect my daily life, but in the past 3 months it has increased considerably.  I did try an AD for 8 weeks but found although it helped lift my mood it gave me panic attacks.  GP is at a loss what to do and has prescribed diazapem 5mg 3 times daily, not something I am happy taking but if it helps why not. 

I have researched various types of HRT but note anxiety and depression are possible side effects, so not keen to try that either, plus I am a smoker, would like to give up but now is not the right time.

Keep posting to let us know how you are getting on
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