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Author Topic: Just saying hi!  (Read 2093 times)


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Just saying hi!
« on: September 09, 2014, 10:33:26 PM »

Hi everyone,
Another newbie here. I'm Gill and I'm 43. I visited my GP a few weeks ago with extreme fatigue and following 2 lots of blood tests I was told that my FSH is 117 and my oestrogen is 23, and there's no doubt it's menopause.  It's not what I expected to hear at all and I've managed to confuse myself totally reading up on it.
I had a Mirena coil for 4 years and have had no period for the last 3. My GP has now removed it and wants to wait for a couple of months to see if I have a period naturally before starting any HRT. Since it's been removed the hot flushes have started (for someone who is always feeling cold I'm finding this a bit strange) I've started to get spots and I'm feeling a bit out of sorts. I struggle with my weight in general, I'm just hoping I can maintain it as I have a limited diet due to Coeliac and some other intolerances.
I've been reading some of the threads and I'm confident that I can pick up some advice and tips to get me through this difficult time. Thanks in advance for any support you can give me.
Gill  :)


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Re: Just saying hi!
« Reply #1 on: September 09, 2014, 11:02:37 PM »

Hi Gill :)

I'm new to all this myself so can't offer much help but definitely can offer support! This forum is great and loads of useful information, I've spent the last couple of evenings reading through stuff - hubby is having to talk my back lol x

Ju Ju

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Re: Just saying hi!
« Reply #2 on: September 10, 2014, 05:36:32 AM »

I can relate to the extreme fatigue. Menopause made this much worse, but HRT has helped. You are much younger than me. I had a later menopause in my 50s, but looking back I had a lot of peri menopausal symptoms for years before. I had bad 'acne' in my forties, having not had any skin problems in my teens. ( My children thought this hilarious. According to them you are not a proper teenager without acne and that I was making up for lost time!) I do not have coeliac disease, but was very and still am mildly intolerant of wheat and some others foods, resulting in a restricted diet. However, that meant I was forced to have a healthy diet, avoiding junk food. Recently, I was advised to cut out sugar, even restricting fruit and follow a low carb diet. ( I was told I was insulin resistant and have a strong family history of Type 2 Diabetes) I lost 1 1/2 stones quickly, before plateauing at the weight I should be. I now have a waist! Like you I am used to watching what I eat and it wasn't a huge adjustment, just less of the 'naughty' things. I am slimmer than I was in my 20s. So you can lose weight, but avoid those gluten free sugar laden cakes and biscuits! Best wishes, Ju Ju


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Re: Just saying hi!
« Reply #3 on: September 10, 2014, 08:36:20 AM »

Hi and welcome to MM Gill257
I had an early menopause (mid 30s!) and had to have HRT for many years -  you are getting some good help from your GP -  even if you have a period, if your FSH level is that high I think you should probably being using HRT. If your hot flushes get quite bad, I wouldn't wait 2 months - I'd go back and request HRT a.s.a.p.
At 43 it is vital you keep your oestrogen levels up to protect your heart and bones.
If you were happy with the Mirena then I would definitely have another fitted and just use oestrogen in either patch or gel form as this will probably give fewer side effects. The Mirena also takes care of contraception.
If you want to try pills ask for Femoston as it has a kinder progesterone and many women find it good. Keep us posted.  DG x


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Re: Just saying hi!
« Reply #4 on: September 10, 2014, 03:31:00 PM »

Hello Gill257.

I just wanted to welcome you to the forum, it's a fabulous resource and has been a big help to me as I'm sure it will be to you.
Take care and keep posting.



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Re: Just saying hi!
« Reply #5 on: September 11, 2014, 06:11:12 PM »

Thanks for the replies. I think I have a lot of reading to do and a few lifestyle changes to make. I'm glad I found this site, everyone seems really friendly. Hopefully once I get my head round it all I'll be in a position to offer support too  :)