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Author Topic: FEMOSTON Anybody????  (Read 28318 times)


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FEMOSTON Anybody????
« on: July 24, 2014, 04:02:22 PM »

Hello everyone.... Sorry I have not posted in a while, still not very sure what I'm doing yet. I've been on elleste duet since January and things are no better, but I'm struggling on. I was prescribed prempak, but there was no way I was taking that. I was messaged a suggestion of Femoston by a kind lady, but not been back to the hospital yet.  Can anyone give me their views on this 1. I'm really confused and not feeling my best. I had lost 5.5 stone with WW, but 7 months of being on Elleste Duet I can feel the weight creeping back on. This is my main concern.  I'm crabbit and moody and sometimes I can't even put my words together and can be quite forgetful. Please help, don't know where else to turn x


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Re: FEMOSTON Anybody????
« Reply #1 on: July 24, 2014, 05:15:45 PM »

Hi DianeJ
I've not tried Femoston in either sequi or conti form but I know many women do very well on it because the progesterone is kinder and therefore well tolerated.
Sadly weight gain is one of the side effects of the menopause - sadly we can't just blame HRT although I always felt a little 'plumped up' when on it. I've been of HRt 9 months now and my hips and tummy are definitely bigger and I'm being really careful with my portions!!!  There is another thread going at the moment about weight gain and the general view is that we just have to eat less and less at we get older :'(
DG x


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Re: FEMOSTON Anybody????
« Reply #2 on: July 24, 2014, 05:59:25 PM »

Hi DianeJ

I agree with Dancinggirl - I would definitely try Femoston.

Also HRT can alter the distribution of fat. Also progestogens especially can cause bloating which also alters shape and perception of it. Oestrogen will definitely plump up the breasts, but most women of normal weight and with breasts in proportion are not bothered by this.

Yes it does come down to how much you eat - portion size and exercise and if you went on HRT straight after losing the weight - you may have found it creeping back on anyway. My weight is always creeping back on after any diet so I spend my life trying to keep the pounds at bay!

Femoston is a much better option for many women than Prempak and hopefully you will also tolerate the progestogen better than the norethisterone in Elleste.

Hurdity x


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Re: FEMOSTON Anybody????
« Reply #3 on: August 11, 2014, 10:50:49 PM »

Hi Diane

I also wanted to know about femoston so clicked on this thread, can I ask why you will not have prempak?  really interested as I am on this and feel really ill.

Thank you


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Re: FEMOSTON Anybody????
« Reply #4 on: August 12, 2014, 05:59:42 AM »

Hi all,
I am on femoston 2/10 for already 4 months. Night sweats and insomnia improved during the first month. I can say that I generally feel much better now and have not had any weight gain. No breast tenderness as well. Periods are fine, no pain as well. I have skipped a period on the last 4 th pack but hope this is ok. Due for a review in September.

My only still lingering issue is low moods and sometimes feelings of desperation mostly when I am on the progesterone part. But these are I hope much more manageable than the constant low mood and depression that i had before staring. I also hope that with time these will disappear as well. I think despite the HRT, I may be still low on estrogens as i don't have breast pain, no bloating and mostly low mood.

I hope this is helpful. If you have anything more specific to ask I'll be happy to answer,

Mila xx


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Re: FEMOSTON Anybody????
« Reply #5 on: August 12, 2014, 12:11:54 PM »

I've been on Femoston since I started my meno journey and it's suited me very well.  I'm one of the weird ones that actually feels better on the prog part of the pack ::)  I have seen my meno nurse today and she has now given me a prescription for the Femoston Conti so will start that in a few days and report back......  I have had a little weight gain since I started but this is slowly coming off again due to an increase in my activity levels.


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Re: FEMOSTON Anybody????
« Reply #6 on: August 12, 2014, 01:48:56 PM »

Hi DianeJ
I have taken femoston for probably the longest time out of all the hrt's and it really did help for a couple of years. I never had a bleed on this hrt and it was a sequi one, but he doctor was never worried about this. I did struggle at times on the progestogen part of the femoston but I am really sensitive to this hormone and within this tablet there is only one dose and I am not sure whether it was too high for me - but everyone is different and I think it is one of the better ones to take. It is definitely worth trying.

Hope this helps


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Re: FEMOSTON Anybody????
« Reply #7 on: August 18, 2014, 01:40:20 PM »


I am 43 years old and have been on Femoston 1/10 for 3 months and initially felt great, but now I have gone back to low moods, no energy and tearfulness ... which is not me at all.
I went back to the Drs today and he has prescribed me 2/10 and a week off work on the sick !!

Will I notice a huge difference??


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Re: FEMOSTON Anybody????
« Reply #8 on: August 18, 2014, 02:59:46 PM »

For myself I notice that low moods, irritability and tiredness/no energy come while,at the end of the white pills (estr/progesterone) and continue on for about a week, i.e. Also at the start of the estrogen pills. So have concluded that this is because at that time of the cycle both hormones are at their lowest. This is bothering me a bit as I 'loose' a good ten days or so of each month to bad moods and self-pitty kind of thinking. Also, this last month ( my 4th on Femoston) , i did't get a bleed. Will see next month. But all in all, femoston is a very good preparation, and so far works quite well for me!


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Re: FEMOSTON Anybody????
« Reply #9 on: October 20, 2014, 07:30:28 AM »

I have been on Femoston now for around 2 years..

I have recently gone on 2/10 instead of the lower dose of 1/10..

I am still having regular periods..
Does anyone know if by taking this form of HRT will prolong my periods ?? I am approaching 55 and am well the HRT has been working wonders so far.. :) am just wondering what effect this will have on my natural menopause if I stop taking them..?

Thanks in anticipation..


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Re: FEMOSTON Anybody????
« Reply #10 on: October 20, 2014, 07:52:44 AM »

Hi and welcome to MM bev06868
I don't think anybody has actually answered your question!!!
Whether you are on HRT or not your menopause will take it's journey at it's own rate.  The decline of oestrogen carries on while you take HRT and the reason you have needed to increase your HRT dose is because your are further into your menopause.  At 55 it is highly likely you are now post menopausal so I suspect there would be no periods if you were to stop HRT..  Many women think that HRt is maintaining their natural cycle, when actually the bleed you get is just induced but the progesterone part of the HRT and you need this to protect your womb lining from building up.
Femoston is a good HRT to use as the progesterone is very close to natural progesterone (many HRT preparations have synthetic progesterone) and the oestrogen is bio identical as well.  DG x


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femoston didn't work for me
« Reply #11 on: October 20, 2014, 06:11:42 PM »


Femoston seems very successful for most women who try it.
I am a bit of an oddity, cos for some reason I didn't absorb femoston, which is a real bummer, especially when you see it work brilliantly for other women
The prog part of femoston feels no diffeent to the oestrogen part for me. I have a week left, they are not controlling flushes or sweats, and I am on sequi 2/10.
Moving to a patch next week so I hope this delivery method of hrt is more suitable for me.


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Re: FEMOSTON Anybody????
« Reply #12 on: October 22, 2014, 10:27:42 AM »

many thanks for your reply dancing girl... :)x


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Re: FEMOSTON Anybody????
« Reply #13 on: October 24, 2014, 08:14:52 AM »

Question for Greyhoundgal
I'm on Femoston 1/10 and like you feel better on the prog part thought I was a bit weird! Been on it for 7 months, first 3 I had a bleed when finished the prog tablets but last 4 packs nothing, I know it's nothing and doesn't bother me as my periods were every 3 months for few years anyway, but was just wondering if you need to be post meno before they move you onto conti?


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Re: FEMOSTON Anybody????
« Reply #14 on: October 24, 2014, 08:45:44 AM »

Hi Millykin

Just popped on here briefly this morning and saw your question - hope you don't mind my answering?

You are normally put onto conti HRT  at age 54 if you started HRT when you were still peri - because that is the age that the majority of women become post-menopausal. Exceptionally some women are started earlier than this or when they start HRT if having very infrequent periods. The reason for staying with the cycle is to try to keep bleeding predictable as you can get irregular bleeding and spotting if your cycle kicks in when you are on conti HRT before you are post. In fact even some women who are post-meno prefer to stay on a cycle because of ongoing bleeding and spotting on conti HRT.

Hope this helps and I'm sure Greyhoundgal will add from her experience with Femoston when she's around!

Hurdity x
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