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Author Topic: Consultant recommendations low testosterone - Bristol ( and travelling distance)  (Read 12448 times)


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This is my first posting here. I am hypothyroid (Hashimotos), 51 years of age, still have regular periods, and my sex hormones are out of balance.
In particular I have practically zero testosterone and very low DHEA - and neither the endo that I see for my thyroid issues, nor my GP will help me with this, saying that is it not important for women to have testosterone nor DHEA! I have lots of symptoms which can be attributed to low test. !

My oestrogen is slightly high, and progesterone slightly low, but not so out of balance as the testosterone

Since researching around, I've seen that I am more likely to get help from obs/ gyn than an endo.

So, I'd like to go back to my GP with the name of an Obs/ gyn that may be able to help. Does anyone have a recommendation, please? I don't mind travelling for a couple of hours to see someone! That is, someone that is either NHS based, or a private consultant.

Many thanks :)

« Last Edit: July 22, 2014, 12:08:34 PM by SuD »


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if you look along the top menu there is a find a specialist facility.

Maybe that would help.



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I may be mistaken, but I dont think that many of us on this forum have had great success with the testosterone side of things, I know that I was on the cream but it took too long to kick in and I never felt a difference, not sure that one gets patches anymore, possibly an injection but the Drs do tend to not take it as seriously as replacing hormones like Thyroid, Oestrogen and Progesterone. Anyway, will be interested to hear if you find a Dr that can help and if it works for you...all the best.


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Thanks Honeyb
That was quite obvious! Looks to be very helpful so I'll take a good look through it.
Thanks again
Sue x


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Thanks Cassie - that is the feeling that I got! But I am so low that I need to try and do something about it.
Yes, will let you all know if I manage to get anywhere!
Sue x

Ju Ju

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Hi, I too have very low testosterone and DHEA levels. It took me a long time to get help. Little research has been done into the safety of DHEA or the effectiveness of testosterone supplementation in women. As you have probably found, testosterone is not available on the NHS as it is not licensed for women in the UK. I have been fortunate that I have been able to see a supportive GP, who suggested I see a gynaecologist she had worked with based in Guildford, Surrey. Testosterone has to be taken alongside oestrogen, which means progesterone if you have a womb. I don't know if you have high levels of oestrogen means you don't need oestrogen. For me, oestrogen made a difference, even though I am taking low levels. I am struggling with progesterone, but still early days. I have added testrogen  into the mix, but if there is any improvement, it is very subtle, but it is early days. I am taking the lowest amount. I have to pay for the testrogen, but the rest is on normal NHS prescription. I had to sign a disclaimer. The appointments were expensive, but worth it, even if all this doesn't help. Last year, my low levels of energy were extreme. I was exhausted just by showering. My libido was and still is non existent. I absolutely love my husband. It was being suggested I had CFS, but I was and am determined to follow through all avenues. I trust and like the gynaecologist I saw. I can give you more info, if you are interested. I don't think the clinic is listed on this site. All the best Ju Ju. Ps I did take DHEA for a while last year. It was effective, but only for a short time, but proved to me that there was a hormonal element to my extreme exhaustion. I followed advice, but it was self medicating.


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Ju Ju

Thank you for replying, that is really helpful. And yes, please - please may I have the name of your consultant as at the moment I am trying to at least get names to assess my options.

My oestrogen levels are slightly high, and progesterone slightly low. I have started supplementing progesterone with bioidentical hormone cream , but I have not noticed any difference yet.

I have emailed the Women's Health Clinic at Birmingham this afternoon - who are NHS, and this is their reply, so it sounds as though they will treat low testosterone if appropriate.

"Here at the menopause clinic we see many women who need testosterone replacement and we do use it where appropriate.
You do need to be having Oestrogen replacement also as testosterone is not given without it
For many women oestrogen by itself will be enough to improve things and that's usual where we would start then add in testosterone later if needed.
At the moment the only testosterone product available for us is a Gel which we use off license . In other words it's manufactured for use in men. We did have testosterone implants but the company have stopped making them so we are in the process of sourcing another manufacturer.
Hope that helps and we look forward to seeing if you decide to attend the Menopause clinic here at Birmingham Women's Hospital.
We have two clinics a week Tuesday and Wednesday mornings."

If it was suggested that you have CFS Ju Ju - just wondering if you have had all the thyroid tests run? As often CFS/ ME is undiagnosed thyroid issues!

Thanks for your reply.

Sue x



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My GP told me that my voice would deepen with testosterone …….. no further discussion  >:( ………

Let us know how U get on!


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Yes, I'll keep you informed.
My GP just laughed when I went in with my low testosterone results (I'd had to test them privately as neither he nor my endo would!!) - and said he'd never heard of testosterone supplementing in women!


Ju Ju

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I first saw a psychotherapist, specialising in sexual difficulties, who wrote to my GP in order to test my levels. I was eventually referred to a endocrinologist. My cortisol levels were fine. It was the consultant who suggested I had CFS. I eventually saw a private gynaecologist, who sent me away as I was nearly 60. I had clearly stated my age and why I was coming. I became ill last year and I have been well supported. My GP has been tenacious in finding out what was going, tracking my recovery with regular blood tests, plus it seemed everything else. My thyroid levels are on the lower end of normal. The gynaecologist in Guildford was lovely. I shall PM you with her details.


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Hi SuD

Dr Annie Evans runs a monthly private menopause clinic at the Women's Health Clinic at the Nuffield Hospital in Bristol. It books up quite quickly - something like the first Thurs and Fri of each month.  It's listed under the specialist finder south west:
She also has a website. She is well regarded and might be able to help.

Juju - if your thyroid was on the low end of normal - did they not consider a trial low dose of thyroxine - after all the reference range is averge and docs should be going on symptoms?  Did/Do you have other symptoms of low thyroid  especially feeling cold, weight gain etc

Hurdity x

Ju Ju

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Hi Hurdity,

I had gained weight, which I have lost. I don't feel the cold particularly. I shall have to look up other symptoms. The gynaecologist did make a note of it to my GP. Maybe worth discussing. I do feel a lot better than I was last year, but it is up and down. I doubt I could consistently cope with working again.


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Hi Ju Ju
Thank you so much for your message with details of your consultant. That is really helpful. I have drafted a reply, but it seems that I can't send a PM to you until I have 10 posts on the forum. So I'll have to keep posting  :).

Ju Ju

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Yes, I forgot that, but the important thing is you got my pm. Looks like you have some choices, which is good.


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Yes Ju Ju, thanks,  I do seem to have choices which is great - and thanks Hurdity for the Dr Anne Evans info.

Yesterday afternoon, I emailed:

- the Bristol private clinic (Dr Annie Evans). Her secretary said that they do treat women with low testosterone, with Testogel. That clinic is only a mile away from me (I didn't know it was there!), but of course I'd need to pay.

- Birmingham Womens Hospital (Menopause Clinic) NHS  - Dr Jenny Williamson. They were also very helpful, and said  "At the moment the only testosterone product available for us is a Gel which we use off license . In other words it's manufactured for use in men. We did have testosterone implants but the company have stopped making them so we are in the process of sourcing another manufacturer."

So maybe the implants will be available again.

Some choices available, together with Ju Ju's consultant details too.
Thank you :)
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