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Author Topic: Frozen Shoulder  (Read 12044 times)


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Re: Frozen Shoulder
« Reply #15 on: August 06, 2014, 05:48:28 PM »

Hi I had a frozen shoulder about 4 years ago which came  on suddenly and I can even remember how I did it I don't think it's anything to do with hrt  I wasn't on it at the time I had physio that didn't help in the end I had to have a cortisone injection which did the trick I am on  hrt now  and have it starting  again My other shoulder this time when I put my coat or jacket on and bend my arm back it hurts and I can only raise my arm so far behind my back to I.e scratch I can't raise it any further  it will not go on its own and yes it's painful if you move your arm or shoulder in a certain way so I would advise. to to prolong the agony and get it looked at ASAP



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Re: Frozen Shoulder
« Reply #16 on: October 17, 2014, 05:04:54 AM »

Well I will have a ultra sound for my second bout of frozen shoulder. I have did two painful treatments of acupuncture and cupping and terrible bruising but unbelievable but have a little more movement. I want to try pressure point massage I am sure this will help too. Today was the first day with no pain killers. My usual amount of eight pills and heat bag. I use ice pack through the day. Still not enough movement sure hope I can break this calcium in my shoulder. This is the worst pain ever.


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Re: Frozen Shoulder
« Reply #17 on: October 17, 2014, 03:58:40 PM »

Oh Hetty, sending you my sympathies. Are you scheduled to see the surgeon again anytime soon?  It was only the surgeon who was able to fix mine but my mum did get a lot of relief through acupuncture.


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Re: Frozen Shoulder
« Reply #18 on: October 20, 2014, 03:57:04 AM »

Thanks Tiger 74. I will see my surgeon again first week in November but he thinks my rotator cuff is also ripped. I have had constant shoulder pain now for over three years now but this right side has been ten times more rotting. Yes I will take surgery as soon as I get a date. No waiting.


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Re: Frozen Shoulder
« Reply #19 on: October 20, 2014, 09:37:05 AM »

I too have a frozen shoulder, had it since 1987, well that's what the g.p said, sent for physio, pain relief, and it still hurts today.
I don't know what it is anymore feels like clicking and locks sometimes and travels up my neck,
I will not be visiting my gp with that, she will just look at me and say it's part of the menopause.
Sorry not much help.


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Re: Frozen Shoulder
« Reply #20 on: October 20, 2014, 07:59:58 PM »

I have already posted on this subject but frozen shoulder is where you cannot raise you arms above your head and can only move it so far behind your back but I didn't get too much pain with mine I had physio but no good had to have cortisone that worked. Now I have an impingement in my shoulder which I would say  is worse than frozen shoulder as the pain in putting coat on or putting on seat belt  just can't do it trying to brush my hair is not good either and when you jerk your arm the pain is so bad it goes up your neck and all the way down your arm it takes your breath away in fact I have to concentrate to take deep,breaths and then You have to wait until the pain goes again I had cortisone but that didn't work now having physio but up to now not made any difference if that doesn't work then it's an operation. I won't be told it's due to hrt as I know men in their 50s who  have it , so what with that, having hot flushes, migraines I just want to get on with my life and so anything that makes us women more comfortable through these years then bring it on



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Re: Frozen Shoulder
« Reply #21 on: November 07, 2014, 05:10:21 AM »

To the post on October 20,2014 about frozen is probably calcification. That is hell and back pain. Had it in left shoulder and now right one and the only relief  is acupuncture just to give you a little movement. I can not put a pony tail in my hair let alone color my own hair and putting on shirts is awful painful .Physio is painful and torture and only irritates the shoulder and cortisone never has did anything. I use heat and tramadol medication for severe pain from doctor. Oh it is a grain bag not heating pad not the same heat. Have not slept the a night since January I am up in pain heating the bag and usually four pills to get through the night. Get a shoulder ultrasound to see what is going on.I am waiting for my second surgery. Good luck.


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Re: Frozen Shoulder
« Reply #22 on: November 07, 2014, 10:10:33 AM »

Best of luck with the ultrasound and surgery, Hetty.

Physio did not help my frozen shoulder (and, in retrospect, probably made it worse) and I didn't bother with cortisone injections as, in the opinion of the orthopaedic surgeon, they were so unlikely to touch the problem.

I'm no medical expert and I still don't understand how menopause (when ovaries become unable to produce the hormones oestrogen and progesterone) can cause adhesive capsulitis.  Personally I think too many GPs (and patients) blame the menopause for conditions which may be totally unrelated and this is a good example. 


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Re: Frozen Shoulder
« Reply #23 on: January 28, 2015, 06:28:47 AM »

Okay does anyone remember what a thawing shoulder feel like? I know my right shoulder will fix itself because of large calcium deposit but I have hope. It sometimes cracks and pops. No acute pain since Christmas but better have it checked. Any ideas????


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Re: Frozen Shoulder
« Reply #24 on: February 07, 2015, 07:02:45 PM »

Hi ladies

I had the capsular release op in December but hasn't worked seeing consultant in 2 weeks to see what to do next still doing exercises but just can't get past the raising of my arms and still the same can't dress properly do hair, etc disappointed that it hasn't worked but is the MUA different and how would it work that's if I can have it done when I have already had the operation any advice please keeping me awake at night also with ache in shoulder had frozen shoulder now since July 2014 I know it can take up to 2 years but don't think I will be here in 2 years if I can't move my shoulder it's so debilitating you have to rely on the other arm to do things that your used to doing with my right but you are supposed to keep using the shoulder and not rest it otherwise it will freeze up again well I don't think its unfrozen yet anyway



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Re: Frozen Shoulder
« Reply #25 on: February 07, 2015, 07:43:47 PM »

Make a list to talk through with the Consultant.  Have you been shown physio exercises yet?


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Re: Frozen Shoulder
« Reply #26 on: February 11, 2015, 08:50:41 PM »

I have been doing regular daily exercies that physio gave me to do since having op but they don't seem to be helping either I know I have to keep trying and doing them but I feel it's not doing any good and give up but I know I can't but it's so frustrating I just can't get my arm to do what I wanted to do it would be really ice to have a good night sleep without the ache In shoulder I tried taking paracetamol,s before going to bed bit during the night the pain comes back I despair.

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