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Menopause Matters magazine ISSUE 76 out now. (Summer issue, June 2024)


Author Topic: New to this forum  (Read 2588 times)


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New to this forum
« on: July 05, 2014, 05:13:50 PM »

Hi everyone,
I'm new here. I realize this is a UK forum but I'm from the States - Pacific Northwest - I hope that's okay. I frequented a US based menopause board but it seems to have been hacked. At least my computer thinks so. I was googling about menopause, which I'm apt to do quite frequently (if not daily), and came upon this site. I was reading some of the boards wanted to join. I need to communicate with others that are going through this. It feels like I'm no longer occupying my body. I don't recognize it anymore and I really feel like it's turning on me. I've also developed some auto-immune diseases which I read is quite common with menopause. There are so many changes and none of them good. I'm having a hot flash right now as I type. I was on compounded progesterone for a while but it stopped working. I don't want to take estrogen (I think we spell things a bit different here) yet but I may get there. I've tried natural remedies and some worked for a while but nothing worked long term. I don't mean to ramble on. I just wanted to introduce myself. I think it will be interesting to see how you handle menopause in the UK. I often feel your approaches are more level headed - such as not pushing yearly mammograms, etc. Thanks for listening.



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Re: New to this forum
« Reply #1 on: July 05, 2014, 05:22:14 PM »


We have a few ladies from the States on here, also Australia & Europe.

Yearly mammograms, heck no.  Only if there is reason to, otherwise every 3 years. 

Have a look around and check out the menu on the left. I too tried alternatives, but only HRT works for me. I'm on oestrogen only.


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Re: New to this forum
« Reply #2 on: July 05, 2014, 07:15:54 PM »

Welcome Lizzie T.


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Re: New to this forum
« Reply #3 on: July 05, 2014, 07:40:14 PM »

Hi LizzyT

 :welcomemm: from me too.

It is a shock when your body starts to go through all these changes and all of us on here have benefitted both from the information on the site and support and advice from other women on the forum going through the same process!

Re HRT - I'm not sure why you don't want to take oestrogen but were happy on progesterone? Both hormones are "natural" (but synthesised from raw materials) in the sense that you can take bio-identical formulations to replace what is becoming deficient in your body.

Like you I didn't want to use HRT to start with and used "natural" remedies in the belief that these would be better for me and do the trick - ie deal with my symptoms. This was while I was still peri-menopausal - later on in the process the symptoms became more severe and stayed around and I was noticing the effects of prolonged oestrogen deprivation so started HRT (at just under 54) and have been on it more or less ever since ( age 61).

I think the difference in the UK is we have a healthcare system that is free (well more or less) at the point of delivery and all the information about treatments is freely available ( eg on this website). We sometimes have a struggle with our GPs depending on which area we are from but in principle HRT is recommended for most women with menopausal symptoms. There are still some contentious issues though!

It also depends on your age - re the HRT - in UK it is recommended that all women should replace oestrogen until at least the natural average age of menopause of 51-52 to protect heart and bones.

If we are able to help in anyway do ask - even though you are far away - menopause is menopause wherever you are!

Hurdity x


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Re: New to this forum
« Reply #4 on: July 06, 2014, 03:15:25 PM »

I appreciate all your welcomes and I'll see you around the board.



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Re: New to this forum
« Reply #5 on: July 06, 2014, 05:27:35 PM »

Hello Lizzy T

The green menu on the left has a lot of information.
However, Hurdity (see above) knows lots and always talks sense.

BTW - Welcome from me too.



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Re: New to this forum
« Reply #6 on: July 06, 2014, 11:34:41 PM »

Thanks to you too Limpy.

Hurdity - Thanks for your post. It has been a shock, that's for sure! I thought I'd breeze through the process. Was I wrong. I am considering bio-identical. I see a Naturopath who will work with me on that. The progesterone helped with flashes and anxiety for 6 months or so. I'm sure if estrogen was added it would have continued to work and probably better.. I have read of some horror stories with HRT and I'm a little reluctant. There is an increased chance of some cancers and a couple of them are silent cancers. This concerns me. I think when I'll be dosing I'll be obsessing about it and that won't do me a bit of good. I'm happy that HRT is working for you though. I see some on the board are using or trying low dose anti-depressants and I'm considering that option too. I'm 53 and the last two years have been miserable but it could be worse.

Thanks again.

Thanks again.


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Re: New to this forum
« Reply #7 on: July 07, 2014, 03:06:27 PM »

Hi LizzyT

There is a lot of information about the risks and benefits of HRT on this site with up to date information in particular here - about the risks and benefits.At your age benefits are thought to exceed risks.

There is also a good Menopause Matters magazine article about it here which talks about the cancer risks and the evidence - some of which is flawed and depends on how old you are when starting and probably on the type and mode of delivery of HRT:

As for bio-identicals. In US this often means very expensive private practitioners prescribing compounded hormones, which have not been shown to be more effective or better than the stanrdard bio-identical hormones generally available.  In US Dr Elisabeth Vliet clarifies this issue - here is a link to her youtube talk:

In UK we get bio-identical hormones free or very low cost (ie standard prescription charge)  on the NHS - the oestrogen as estradiol, and progesterone as micronised progesterone. I have used bio-identical hormones for most of the 7 years+ I've been on HRT - and have never been to a private consultant ie you don't need to pay for a naturopath to get hormones which are bio-identical to the hormones our body produces. The same compounds are available in US but sometimes have different names. You should be able to get the right products through whichever doctor or gynae you visit with your health insurance.

You have to take any horror stories with a pinch of salt - if you and your lifestyle are otherwise healthy, and there is no medical reason not to take hRT then why not give it a try.

Anti-depressants are not recommended as the first line of treatment for hormonally caused anxiety and especially not hot flushes!

HRT is replacing a deficient hormone and provided you choose the right type, is more natural than taking drugs such as ADs (which are beneficial for those who cannot take HRT or who suffered from anxiety throughout their life or for reasons other than hormones ie life events etc).

Hope this helps!

Hurdity x


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Re: New to this forum
« Reply #8 on: July 07, 2014, 08:04:54 PM »

Thanks Hurdity. I'll definitely look over those links.
