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Author Topic: Vagifem reduction  (Read 15299 times)


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Re: Vagifem reduction
« Reply #15 on: July 08, 2014, 12:07:49 PM »

Hi there,thanks for your comments I will discuss thus with my new gyno next week.I have more pressing matters at hand at the moment,I am booked in to have a left colonoscopy tomorrow for haemmorhoid banding and am absolutely bricking it,I am in two minds abouts cancelling it altogether,I'm usually so calm when I need to have a procedure done but for some reason I feel the total opposite,I have heard so many stories about how bad it is the recovery period etc and am concerned the stress of it will bring on a relapse of ms anybody out there any positive feedback on this procedure.   Help :'(


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Re: Vagifem reduction
« Reply #16 on: July 08, 2014, 03:41:13 PM »

My sister has had several colonoscopies and is usually ok afterwards - she has really major issues with her bowels following a car accident that resulted in her losing most of her bowel - a lot had to be cut away as she contracted MRSA after an operation for internal bleeding.  If she can cope with this I'm sure you can.  Are they giving you something for the procedure - they usually give my sister something that makes her sleep through it - some type of anaesthetic.  I would contact the clinic where they are going to do the procedure and ask advice.
These things are pretty routine so I'm sure it will be fine.  Haemmorhoids are miserable so it's bound to be worth having this done.
Good luck  DG x


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Re: Vagifem reduction
« Reply #17 on: July 08, 2014, 05:45:20 PM »

Hi Dg,
Thanks for your advice ,I feel very petty now considering all your sister went through,I hope she is doing we'll now.I'm sure I will be fine I just need to keep the nerves in check.Haemmoroids have been a pain in the butt since last year when I had an emergency haemmoroidectomy due to trombosis  so your right when you say it will be worth it in the long run,keep your fingers crossed for me, take care  ;)


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Re: Vagifem reduction
« Reply #18 on: July 12, 2014, 03:55:23 PM »

Hi there,
Can anybody advise me I inserted my vagifem tab again last night and once again have horrendous burning in that area today,after taking diflucan150 earlier this week after a visit to my doc who thought I had mild thrush,after inserting the tab on Monday ,could it be that I have become allergic to vagifem,I am sick of constantly being on fire down there, is it just me or is that part of the menopause.ihave an appointment with a new gyno on Thursday I have tried using a baby cream ba bantam  to ease the burning but to no avail :'( H66


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Re: Vagifem reduction
« Reply #19 on: July 12, 2014, 04:29:29 PM »

I got pretty bad burning with Vagifem.  I'm using the Estring which I find causes less irritation. I still get some burning but things have improved over the last 6 weeks or so but it's taken 6-8months to get my fanny more comfortable. Dg x


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Re: Vagifem reduction
« Reply #20 on: July 13, 2014, 08:22:55 AM »

Hi there,
I ended up seeing a lady doc last night hoping she could recommend something to stop this awful burning,what a joke,she said take diflucan again and use some daktacort cream and that was without even examining me.She was a bit annoyed when I asked her would she take a look to see the irritation,and just said oh yes that looks sore,65 euro to be told what I knew already,anyway I put a little daktacort cream on and such a night I've had, it burned so much I grabbed frozen peas to try and cool down I think I will just buy a tub of natural yogurt and sit in that for the day regardless of what it smells like.......What I would give to have a monthly period and none of this crap to be dealing with,age gracefully they say at the age of 48 I feel about 60 and to be honest if this is to be the future  I wouldn't mind stepping off this train,every turn in the track  has another bloody issue to deal with,     ITS A MANS WORLD.  Bitch rant over.   Hilary 66

vanilla slice

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Re: Vagifem reduction
« Reply #21 on: July 13, 2014, 09:33:08 AM »

I use the lower dose of Vagifem on alternate days with Sylk moisturiser in between and before intercourse. This is after trying other moisturisers which caused build up and irritation. I'm 65yrs old and had to stop HRT after 22 yrs as I developed asthma. I then suffered a sudden menopause with every symptom going! Try the Sylk it helped a lot.


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Re: Vagifem reduction
« Reply #22 on: July 16, 2014, 09:47:26 AM »

Hi the Estring sounds interesting - I like the idea of inserting it and then forgetting about it for a few months. Since I've gone back on the twice a week regime I've not really felt as good as I did before I tried cutting down but still it's a whole lot better. Maybe I need to do a 'reload' session. I'm going to take a printout of this advice to the GP. I'm psyching myself up to go back and say I need my twice a week 'fix'. I'm just scared they tell me they won't give me the prescription for the amount I need but then again I can ask for a referal to a gynie. Coward aren't I? I hate confrontation. After reading other women's problems I feel a bit of a wimp.


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Re: Vagifem reduction
« Reply #23 on: July 16, 2014, 03:45:00 PM »

Not 'natural' yoghurt but LIVE - it's full of 'good' bacteria, also when applied liberally on the important places it is cool and soothing.  Remember to keep the pot in the bathroom and to tell others that it ins't for eating  ;).

Take a list with you to the GP and tell her that you have found this med-led meno forum and from the info you would like to try ……… do you subscribe to the MM Magazine?  perhaps you could read it and pass to your GP  ;)


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Re: Vagifem reduction
« Reply #24 on: July 17, 2014, 06:46:25 PM »

Hi everyone,
Seen my gyno today and am feeling a bit despondent ,she put me back on amitriptyline to potentially nerve block the burning sensation,hoping that it will work and in a months time if there is no improvement she wants me to have a biopsy on the vulva to see if maybe it's a skin condition.However the bigger issue is that the perenium area is practically worn away because of the way I was cut during both births and now with the thinning of skin there due to menopause,which she thinks its causing the problems with painful intercourse,it is putting pressure on the bowel,So not such good news today.Still burning there so yogurt application it will have to be I don't know how to feel about any of this news. Hilary 66
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