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Author Topic: General advice  (Read 4217 times)


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General advice
« on: August 05, 2014, 03:54:32 PM »

I am post menapause and have stopped having periods for 3 years.  Hot sweats, sleepless nights and feeling terrible, so I eventually went to the doctors who did blood tests which confirmed my change.  I was advised to take HRT as this was early menapause as I was only 42 at the time, change must have started not long after my 40th birthday.  After alot of consideration I decided to go with the doctors advice.  I investigated what I could on the internet but I also had no one to talk to about this apart from 2 work colleagues who were really helpful and both on HRT.  They both told me that they are never coming off it as they feel fantastic!!  Since then I have discovered a few others that take HRT and feel the same.
I was prescribed Premque as I did not want to have a bleed as it was over 2 years so did not fancy all that again.  To cut a long story short I got breakthrough bleeding and had to have this investgated in hospital because it was over 2 years since my last period - I was told to stop taking the HRT until I received the all clear, which I did.  Back to the doctors again and I was Prescribed Prempak which meant that I would have a bleed every month - Doc said that if I was going to have breakthrough bleeding I might as well have a more controlled one.  Since being on these I feel terrible I am tired all the time, bloated and look terrible, I have no energy whatsoever and have real difficulty concentrating, all I can say is my head feels fuzzy.  I have read so much about HRT and the different types can anyone please help. 
I am back at the doctors next week - Its been over a year now since taking 2 different HRT and doses and I don't feel fantastic like most - please help !! :(


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Re: General advice
« Reply #1 on: August 05, 2014, 05:43:59 PM »

Did your friends tell you which type of HRT and what initial effects it had on them?

Have a browse menus, left of screen.  It can be Trial and Error, some ladies can't tolerate the progesterone part of the HRT.



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Re: General advice
« Reply #2 on: August 05, 2014, 06:37:13 PM »

Hi Jobo - Welcome to MM  :welcomemm:

Like CLKD says, have a look at the menus on the left, lots of info there. How do you feel about having bleeds again, could you speak to another GP for more help?

It might be worth  considering patches, same type of hormones just absorbed via the skin rather than the stomach. However I'me not an expert, hopefully somebody who knows more will be along soon.



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Re: General advice
« Reply #3 on: August 05, 2014, 06:55:21 PM »

Hi and welcome Jobo
CLKD is right - it sounds to me as though the progesterone in the HRT you are taking doesn't suit you.
I had a premature menopause and had to try a variety of HRTs before finding the combination that suited me. Your doctor was absolutely right to put you on HRT and you should take HRT until you are at least 50 to protect your heart and bones. There is no reason why you shouldn't use HRT until at least 60 and possibly beyond.
Do read up all the info under the headings to the left of this screen as I'm sure you will find it helpful.
Breakthrough bleeding can often happen even when you are post meno(as you are) and on continuous HRT, particularly for the first few months, and your doctor should have known this!!!. Some women choose to have a withdrawal bleed each month whilst others like taking continuous HRT which usually has no bleeding after the first few months.

Both the HRT types you were given are old fashioned(they happen to be the cheapest) and you have yet to try some of the more modern bio-indentical types. It is often the progesterone that causes side effects - PTM type symptoms, headache, fatigue etc.
You have many options to try. 
If you want to stick with the pill option then may I suggest you try Femoston sequential as the oestrogen is the same as our own natural hormones and the progesterone is kinder and well tolerated by many women.  It comes in two strengths so you could start with the lower dose and increase if need be.  If you find this suits you but don't want a bleed you could then try the continuous version of the Femoston.
As Limpy suggests you may like to try the patches which are very popular as well.
As CLKD says it's trial and error but you will find something that suits you I'm sure. Perhaps ask to be referred to a menopause clinic if there is one near you.
Keep posting  Dg x



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Re: General advice
« Reply #4 on: August 05, 2014, 09:57:50 PM »

Thank you so much for your comments, I have read loads from this sight since joining and have learnt alot and really appreciate the advice.  I feel a little alone because I have no one to talk to about it as  none of my friends are experiencing what I am going through.  I think it is possibly the progesterone that I am not able to tolerate.  Dancinggirl would you happen to know are patches more expensive ?  Also I never even knew Menapause clinic existed so am definately going to ask about that.  Is Femoston a bio-identical HRT?
Limpy - Having periods again has also been pretty horrible, feel terrible, lasts for 2 weeks and the only polite way I can think of putting it is its very very unpleasant!

Thank you all so much again, I am really grateful.



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Re: General advice
« Reply #5 on: August 06, 2014, 08:25:30 AM »

Hi Jobo
I really wouldn't worry about the cost of the various HRTs - I think the cost is listed with the different preparations under the heading to the left. If you are getting HRT under prescription then you pay the same regardless.  It's just that GPs will often go for the cheapest option when possible!!!! Also, if your GP is not up to date about HRT (which many aren't) then they will tend to stick with what they are familiar with.
Femoston has bio identical oestrogen - the progesterone in Femoston isn't but is none the less kinder and well tolerated.
The break through bleed with sequential HRT shouldn't be heavy!!! This would again suggest to me that the HRT you are taking isn't suiting you.
I'm afraid it will be a matter of trying various HRTs before you find the right one.
Many women like the patches but they don't have the kinder progesterones - this is not to say that they wouldn't suit you - they might. You will need to give each type of HRT at least 3 months to see how your body responds.
If you don't want a bleed there is the option of having a Mirena fitted and you can then use oestrogen in patch or gel form so you can adjust the amount you need to keep your meno symptoms under control. The Mirena slowly releases a small amount of progesterone locally to where it is needed - the idea being that less is absorbed around the body so may cause fewer side effects.
I would print off the lists of HRT from this site and show the GP what you want - I'm afraid many GPs need to be virtually told what to prescribe when it comes to HRT.
I'd do a google search to see if there is a menopause clinic in your area.
Keep asking questions as usually there will be someone on here who will be able to give advice or help on specific HRT types.
DG x


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Re: General advice
« Reply #6 on: August 06, 2014, 09:12:28 AM »

Hi Jobo

I am not surprised you are finding having periods again horrible, I am so glad to be rid of mine.

Like DG says have a look through the HRTs on the left and have a few in mind to suggest when you go to see your GP again.

Good luck


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Re: General advice
« Reply #7 on: August 07, 2014, 07:36:49 AM »

Hi Jobo,
I have been struggling like you for years, back and forth to docs with various HRT. Finally I have referral to Menopause clinic end of the month will let you know how that goes if you like. In theory they specialise so should know more than a GP  ;)


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Re: General advice
« Reply #8 on: August 07, 2014, 09:10:47 AM »

Hello Jobo.

I just wanted to chime in and say I know how frustrating all this HRT business can be. I haven't had a period for almost four years and to be honest I haven't felt like a normal person since then. I tried some HRT tablets last year which didn't suit me and have now been on varying strengths of patches for the last six months. I am totally fed up with it. I also wonder why some women feel so fantastic when all I seem to get is variations of yuk.

Sorry to moan I just wanted you to know that others feel the same way and it seems that finding the right HRT isn't always straightforward. I hope that you do find the combination that suits you, keep us posted.

Take care.



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Re: General advice
« Reply #9 on: August 07, 2014, 09:23:14 AM »

Whilst many of us on here are great advocates of HRT and sing of it's benefits, there are often side effects and compromises with using it. If you have a premature menopause then unless there are health reasons for not using HRT it is very important to persevere in finding a preparation that suits you until your early 50s to protest your heart and bones.
Getting the medical profession to help with our search for the best HRT is often a battle and this needs to change.
I am now 58 and came off HRT last November having used it for most of the last 20 years.
Through this hot and humid weather I have been struggling but generally I am not really in a hurry to go back on.  I always had side effects of varying kinds with HRT and at present I'm not sure whether those side effects are worth putting up with to improve the way I'm feeling now. I am sleep deprived, achy, and struggling to control my body temperature through this heat. I'm having a bone density scan soon and if my bones are in trouble I will seriously consider restarting HRT.  DG x


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Re: General advice
« Reply #10 on: August 09, 2014, 11:19:01 PM »

Hi everyone, thanks once again for all the info.
I am back at the doctors on monday and I intend to go very prepared with all the information I have received off this site and yourselves.
I have come to the conclusion that the HRT prescribed is definately not for me.  I got so desperate I stopped taking it just over a week ago, approx 10 days and I have to say today and yesterday I feel like a new women.  I am having a little less sleep as hot sweats are setting in and I am still bleeding which will mean I am now into my 4th week, however despite this I feel really really well.  I even noticed today that I even look different, my skin looks fresher and even has a glow - I just don't understand its bizarre!!
Dancinggirl thank you for all your info.
Sohot, please let me know how you get on at the clinic.
Limpy & Stellajane the bleeds are very troublesome as mentioned above i am in my 4th week now and have even stopped the HRT and its still carried on :(
Kathleeen - Yuk isnt the word, I was falling asleep up to 3 times a day, which is totally unheard of for me I am a very active person and never sit down I always have to be doing something, I had no energy, felt sick all the time put loads of weight on and I looked 6 months pregnant, Couldn't concentrate, was grumpy all the time, the list goes on.  Do the Patches work for you?
I will keep you all posted.
Thanks again