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Author Topic: 'Really worried about new symptoms' reporting back after visit to docs  (Read 6667 times)


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Hi Ladies

Posted a couple of weeks back re awful tingling, burning feet, tingling nose, and various other aches which were making me ill with worry.  Saw different lady doc this morning, who informed me that the bloods I had taken a few weeks ago were all fine.  I talked her through all my ailments, my worry that I had MS, and that whilst I often look six months pregnant, I felt I may have a gluten intolerance (Dr Google did confirm to me that I had actually been 'glutened').  I mentioned the stinging skin, the tingling tongue, headaches and brainfog and general constant panic I feel and I must admit I felt she was quite sympathetic.  She discounted the MS, and Celiac or gluten intolerance, although she did say she thought 'everyone' would feel better if they didn't eat gluten!!!  What she did say I had was anxiety.  I know I am a very anxious person so I don't know why I don't believe her.  She has prescribed an antibiotic cream for my small sore in my nose (which coincided with the tingling in my nose and the other tingling and leg cramps.  Had exactly the same syptoms a few years back and cant get my head round why anxiety would cause a sore spot on my nostril).  Anyway, had massive panicky feelings as I walked home, spinning, agrophobia, spaced out feelings, and actually thought I might literally pass out competely in the bread aisle of the supermarket, and now I'm home with my presctiption for Citalopram (10mg).  She informed me that they would take a few weeks to work, whilst until then I would probably  not feel too great!  Great, when I'm due to fly off on hols in a couple of weeks.  I really don't want to take them, but I've to go back and see her in a month.  If I do have anxiety I feel I would rather try the relaxation route (although I don't know how I'll manage this), than feel all spacey with medication.  Any thoughts or advice would be appreciated. :-\


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  • changes can be scary, even when we want them

Anxiety can cause our thoughts to whizz round until we don't know up from down!

Firstly, does your GP know that you are going away on holiday?  I would go back and ask for something 'quick' for the anxiety, i.e. Valium or one of the other short-term drugs.  Explain that you will try the Citalopram - what have you to lose? I take Cipralex, a sister type anti-depressant which are used for anxiety.

The sore in your nostril could be caused by dryness and continual wiping.  I have one occasionally and it nips! hurts suddenly, I find Savlon works, applied lots of times a day. 

The tingling may well be anxiety surges?  Adrenalin causes my blood to feel hot as it courses through my veins! and I get various tingling parts at various times.  Also, anything in the arms/hands could be a trapped nerve in the neck which nips upper limbs when you turn your head.  All kinds of probablitlies, none of them 'serious'.

Your blood results are 'within normal limits' so there's nothing urgent 'going on'.  Anxiety can cause exacerbation of any underling 'stuff' which normally we wouldn't notice  ::) …….. but anxiety causes us to focus on how we feel, good nor not!

Relaxation therapy can help but needs to be practised 10 mins every hour! to get into the habit of using the therapy to counteract the anxiety surges.  Also eating correctly can prevent the anxiety surges as it keeps blood sugar levels even. 


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Hi Holidaylover,

I get the tingly feelings in my hands when my anxiety is there.
I tend to focus a lot on my breathing and feel I can't get enough air in.
This can also give you a tingly feeling.
CLKD is right about our thoughts and also eating correctly as low blood sugar can cause anxiety surges.
As for your holiday I agree with CLKD about seeing the doctor for something quick while the citalopram gets in and working.


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Hi HL,  10 mg of Catalopram is a very low dose and it does not make you feel spacey at all. I was prescribed this 3 years ago, it took quite a few weeks to kick in but it was very effective.


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Hello Holidaylover. I'm also on 10mgs of citalopram,9wks now. Yes some people get side effects at first but they are more a nuisance than anything,slight headache,bit of nausea etc.Once the drug is in your system it does work and as littleminnie says 10mgs is a low dose.The sooner you start the sooner you will feel the benifits and be able to enjoy your holiday. Hope you feel better soon. :)


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I'm also on citalopram and I've found it quite helpful. One word of warning, though: after a week or so you might feel even more anxious! It will happen suddenly, without anything triggering it so you'll know it's not "real" anxiety. It only lasts an hour or so - try and do some deep breathing and keep yourself busy until it subsides. It's still horrible but persevere - it will get better.


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Thank you all for replying.  The doc does know about my hols and said better to have side effects of the meds as the syptoms I have at the moment!!  I just don't want to be in a foreign country feeling awful.  Any new symptom I get seems to cause my anxiety to be worse from the worry so I really don't know what to do.  The tingling was continuous all day yesterday especially in the sole of my feet and I was having a 'relaxing' day.  My stomach also is so bloated I look fit for the maternity ward.  My periods are competely haywire, don't know when one stops and the next starts.  They are not particularly heavy, and I can go two or three days with nothing, then brown discharge mostly on wiping, then a day or two, red and heavier.   Was prescribed noritheristone for this, but again , I'm worried about side effects.  I  hate taking anything unless I really have to.  Part of me is still thinking something else is going on and it's not being picked up.  I know this is part of anxiety!  Forgot to mention B12 deficiency to doc and I did read about electrolyte imbalances, so don't know whether I should go back yet again and ask about this before I go down the AD route.  I feel such a hypochondriac and by bothering the doc again must just confirm to them that I am suffering from anxiety.  Who would be a woman?!!! (and sorry for the long post AGAIN).