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Menopause Matters magazine ISSUE 76 out now. (Summer issue, June 2024)


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Author Topic: My beloved cat is gone  (Read 16795 times)


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Re: My beloved cat is gone
« Reply #30 on: June 22, 2014, 03:44:37 PM »

Of course Dyan .......... it's not the same is it  :-\


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Re: My beloved cat is gone
« Reply #31 on: June 23, 2014, 08:12:49 AM »

Lots of love, Spadger. So very sorry to hear about your cat. My 2 beloved cats died from illness, and I nursed them day and night to the end, but whether it's a predictable loss like that or a sudden, terrible shock like yours, the grief and loss are so hard to bear.
There's a book written for children about the loss of a kitty friend, but I loved it and found it comforting. It's this one

Sending you big hugs. Don't let anyone make you feel diminished by grieving and crying. It's never "just a cat" (or dog). It's a loved one.



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Re: My beloved cat is gone
« Reply #32 on: June 23, 2014, 02:06:02 PM »

Thank you so much oldsheep (lovely name!) - I am getting there albeit slowly, today feel a bit wistful... I will check out the book on Amazon. 
I nursed an elderly cat a few years ago until the end, I look back and feel that I gave her better care than some elderly people receive - hard work but I felt I owed it to her for being such a poppet - never any trouble at all.   
Dyan it must be awful for you without your dog - you obviously felt just like me yesterday - just such a perfect sunny day and our pets would have loved to be with us in the garden :(
Take care, things will get easier I'm sure. 
Love to all,
Spadger x


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Re: My beloved cat is gone
« Reply #33 on: June 23, 2014, 09:17:25 PM »

 :thankyou: Spadger.

Missing her so much. The garden was her favourite place to be.

Love to you too X


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Re: My beloved cat is gone
« Reply #34 on: June 24, 2014, 03:49:51 AM »

I am so sorry to hear about your little furry friend. I also lost a cat to a car. It is just over 22 years ago now and I still get a little teary over him when I think about it, but I also remember all the funny things he used to do. He was Mr Personality Plus.

I've lost other cats over the years, but it's always been due to age or ill-health, and somehow that's been easier to handle. The fact that he died at just 3 years old, and so suddenly and needlessly, just seemed too cruel.

Like you, I was a total mess at work and had to come home and I actually took the next day off as well. Frankly I didn't care if anyone thought I was stupid. He was my boy and I was grieving for him.

Just take your time and feel any emotion you want to feel. If anyone thinks you are silly, then they are the ones to pity because they don't know or understand the love of a pet.


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Re: My beloved cat is gone
« Reply #35 on: June 24, 2014, 08:35:05 AM »

Dana thank you so much for that - I am beginning to remember the funny things he did and I know in time it will get better. 
I understand what you mean about it being harder in these circumstances - taken so suddenly and in the prime of life just makes it feel like they were not given a fair chance.  I'm trying really hard to get on with things and try to stay positive, but I fully expect to be upset about this little chap for quite a while as I loved him so dearly. 
Take care,
Love Spadger x


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Re: My beloved cat is gone
« Reply #36 on: June 27, 2014, 07:34:35 PM »

So sorrry to read about your little cat.  :'(
Somehow its comforting to know that there are so many lovely people out there that do care and do not think youre  bit loopy! we love our pets and they are a part of our family, I have my old pals resting in their spot in the garden and I sit there and read and think about them. Its strange though, we had a stray visit us a few years back- just as our old chap as coming to the end of his time- he had cancer. Oh I miss him. Anyway, this black cat- short legs, looks like a bit of a daushaund!!!! has lived with us for a few years now and is cherished so much. Now he has a little black and white stray who comes for a feed.... who knows eh? I think our dear old cat would approve. I know its a dreadful time for you, but wasnt he lucky to have been so very loved by you?.. Take care, thinking about you xxx


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Re: My beloved cat is gone
« Reply #37 on: July 03, 2014, 08:29:00 AM »

Morning Spadger, was just wondering how you were and to say hello to you .x


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Re: My beloved cat is gone
« Reply #38 on: July 03, 2014, 10:42:53 AM »

Thank you Valiant for your lovely messages - and it is a comfort knowing that I'm not alone in feeling so much for animals. 
It's 2 weeks now, and I'm still a bit sensitive but plodding on... our other cat has been 'searching' all over the house for his brother - so sad to watch.  Yesterday I found him sitting on his brother's grave in the garden, so his search is over I suppose.  I haven't ruled out getting another cat, or even a puppy (our remaining cat doesn't appear to mind dogs) but at the moment I feel it's too soon. 
I think generally things happen for a reason and if a stray came into our lives we would not turn them away :-)
Thanks again for the support - it's much appreciated.
Love Spadger x


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Re: My beloved cat is gone
« Reply #39 on: July 03, 2014, 11:34:15 AM »

Spadger :hug:
I know how you're feeling having lost my dog 4 wks ago.
It's strange how animals seem to know when one is gone.
My dog liked cats and would get excited when the neighbours teased her by walking along the fence.
They would never come down,not that she would have hurt them as we've had a cat ( sadly passed 10 years) so she was just a puppy then.
As soon as Jenny( our dog) passed the neighbours cat came round to the front door and lied there for sometime.
Another neighbours cat came and sniffed her memorial garden( although she's not in there) but we have made a special place for her.

It takes time Spadger. We still have Jenny's bowls,bedding,toys etc.
Her ashes are on a special shelf in the lounge with a picture of her,a figurine of her breed,her favourite toy etc.
People have asked me will I get another dog but we haven't even thought about that.
It is too soon,we are still grieving for the one we lost.
There's no rush,you'll know when the time is right  :)


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Re: My beloved cat is gone
« Reply #40 on: July 03, 2014, 08:43:38 PM »

Within a few days someone asked if I would replace mine  :'(  …….. I spat bricks and haven't spoken to that person since


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Re: My beloved cat is gone
« Reply #41 on: July 03, 2014, 09:06:37 PM »

I was asked the day after if I intended "replacing" my cat (by someone with no pets), I was mortified - I could never replace him but one day hope I could offer a loving home and my heart to another pet.  Somehow though the older I get the harder I take their loss, and this is worrying :-/


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Re: My beloved cat is gone
« Reply #42 on: July 03, 2014, 09:07:36 PM »

It's how we view Life.  Perhaps an older pet ………. one a little less frenetic than a kitten  ;)
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