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Author Topic: Ovaries getting removed  (Read 10004 times)


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Ovaries getting removed
« on: June 14, 2014, 08:57:33 AM »

 :'(  Can anyone please help or advice really worried about what is going to happen ?  I have a
hard mass lump in one of my ovaries and gyny has decided to take both of them out.  They don't think
it is any thing sinister but as usual no time to speak to anyone.  What is going to happen to mood swings, symptoms etc.  Will it happen straight away.  I have a coil fitted which they say they will remove so no back up with that hormones.  Also I am hrt patches I presume I need to stop putting them on befor the op.  Nobody has said anything.  Just started a new job so need to tell them how long I need off is it a major op ?  How long is recovery.  Advice please ladies.


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Re: Ovaries getting removed
« Reply #1 on: June 14, 2014, 09:45:01 AM »

Hi Winnie. I had to take it easy for about 1 week after, but that was about it really. Mine were removed by laparoscope, which is easier option. However, if they need to do it otherwise, it will be a bigger op so more recovery time. They had a real bother with mine & op was nearly changed half way through. As for HRT, ask consultant or your GP.


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Re: Ovaries getting removed
« Reply #2 on: June 14, 2014, 10:12:22 AM »

Thanks for your reply yes mine is also keyhole but as you say it can go wrong.  Just had a letter this morning for pre-op check just panicking as I feel left high and dry but better now I had this letter.  It's their problem now
just need to sort work out but hopefully they will be OK.  How have you been getting on without yours any major problems, I'm scarred I am going be like a raging bull with hormone assistants.


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Re: Ovaries getting removed
« Reply #3 on: June 14, 2014, 10:13:06 AM »

Hi Winnie, I am 44 had mine removed in April, I took longer to recover even though done via laparoscopy.  Think 2/3 weeks for the physical recovery but by that time meno symptoms were kicking in and as a result I wasnt sleeping, hot flushes which pulled me down a bit.

Personally I got very tearful around 2 weeks or so post op and by the 3rd week when I was allowed to start hrt I was really needing it.  By  5 weeks I was settled on hrt, stopped crying and meno symtoms more manageable.  I took 5 weeks off work but if you are already on hrt  then you may not need as much time off.  I feel a chunk of the time i was off was in part due to the meno symptoms and getting them under control a bit.  Also I had a hysterectomy in May 13 so that was two surgeries in less than a year so maybe that was a factor in me having an extended recovery.

In my discharge letter my gynae consultant gave my gp details of what hrt i needed and why this was helpful as there was no delay and I had the meds in house ready to take at 3 weeks post op.

following a post op appoint 5 weeks post op gynae consultant also prescribed SSRI to help with flushes as I cant increase my hrt.  I think its prob better when the consultant gives clear guidance to the gp.

The good thing is they dont think its anything sinister, keep in touch and take care.


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Re: Ovaries getting removed
« Reply #4 on: June 14, 2014, 10:26:32 AM »

Hi Lindsey, 
Thank you for your lovely reply, I am really up tight about this, it's the not knowing thing I guess.  It's getting people to understand how you feel.  I am horrible when hormones play up but you know you can't stop it.  It needs to run it's course but these men don't understand.  It's times like this when you wished you lived on your own.


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Re: Ovaries getting removed
« Reply #5 on: June 14, 2014, 11:24:07 AM »

I had mine removed just over 10 years ago. HRT worked fine for me. I'd had hysterectomy 10 years earlier. Now 58 & gradually trying to wean myself off HRT. too scared to come off completely though. Took a break few years back & turned into a hot, sweaty, blubbering wreck. Thank goodness GP restarted me on HRT.

Hope all goes well for you.


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Re: Ovaries getting removed
« Reply #6 on: June 14, 2014, 11:45:53 AM »

Dont know if its all in the mind but i think i adapted fairly quickly to hrt since i didnt have ability to produce any hormones there was no fluctuations in my own hormone levels to contend with.


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Re: Ovaries getting removed
« Reply #7 on: June 14, 2014, 11:52:38 AM »

Lindsey,  that's reassuring to know, but not usually so lucky. Thanks


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Re: Ovaries getting removed
« Reply #8 on: June 14, 2014, 05:12:03 PM »

Try not to worry, Winnie.  Easy to say, I know.

Plenty of people have laparoscopic ovary removal which is entirely uneventful.  Mine certainly was, it was an absolute piece of cake.  I was signed off work for a couple of weeks and quite frankly after about 3 days I felt like a complete fraud as I felt so well. 

(I can't comment on how quickly any menopausal symptoms might kick in afterwards as my situation was complicated by other medication and medical treatment and the fact that I couldn't have HRT.)     

Sorry to hear you haven't had an opportunity to speak to anyone about this.  I see you have an appointment for a pre-op assessment.  That should be your opportunity to ask as many questions as you need.  Personally I always write a list of questions before appointments, make a copy and take someone with me to note down the answers and I don't leave the consulting room until I have all the answers.  No medical professional should expect you to consent to a surgical procedure until you have enough information to make you feel comfortable to proceed.

Ask questions - it's your body, your future, you are in charge.   


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Re: Ovaries getting removed
« Reply #9 on: June 15, 2014, 03:00:03 PM »

Glad to hear its nothing nasty but perhaps you could ask why they are going to take both ovaries?  Just arm yourself with lots of information.  I went in for a prolapse repair and the surgeon said they might do a hysterctomy if required and would take my ovaries out too as then I wouldnt get ovarian cancer.  Refused the ovary  removal but when I questioned her it seemed that they just whip things out while they are in there. Ask questions on hyster sisters as a lot of those ladies are up to speed on all this.

It is frightening as fear is always of the unknown.  I wish Id found out a bit more about these things rather than thinking that they know best. HRT is a godsend and not the evil medication its made out to be.


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Re: Ovaries getting removed
« Reply #10 on: June 15, 2014, 05:42:40 PM »

HI, linsey could you let me know want  anti you are on, as I was put on 25mg of sertraline, which is making my hotness worse >:(


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Re: Ovaries getting removed
« Reply #11 on: June 15, 2014, 06:01:03 PM »

Hi sue, just going to gp tomoro. Consultant said venlafaxine but will find out what dose he said.  Havent decided whether to take them or not.  Will speak to gp tomoro and let you know.


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Re: Ovaries getting removed
« Reply #12 on: June 22, 2014, 10:20:43 AM »

As I said I have to have one ovary removed, but they want to take the other one out as well not sure why nothing wrong with it as far as I know.  What would you ladies do have them both taken out or leave the other one.  Post op this Tuesday is it to late to change my mind?  Not sure what the benefits of having one would be ?
I have read on internet it affects your sex drive, causes depression.  Also worried
I have breast cysts that occur now and again I think it helps with that if they are both removed.  Feel I was given enough information and was totally shocked when I was told they needed to removed so never asked questions.
« Last Edit: June 22, 2014, 11:12:38 AM by Winnie »


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Re: Ovaries getting removed
« Reply #13 on: June 22, 2014, 11:35:05 AM »

I was only meant to get one out as well Winnie. But day before the op the consultant suggested it might be good idea to remove both, as with my history I'd only end up needing second one out couple of years down the line.  Ask why they want to take both, might be similar to me. I agreed to both as didn't want to have to get yet another op later on.


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Re: Ovaries getting removed
« Reply #14 on: June 22, 2014, 01:03:15 PM »

Thanks cubagirl I recall her saying something like you will probably get another on the other side so best to have them both out.  As I say was in a state of shock so didn't really listen.  How are you getting on without yours?
may I ask what age bracket you fall ?
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