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Author Topic: Hi, nervous new member awaiting urgent referral to gynacologist  (Read 11473 times)


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Hi I'm not sure how to begin but after 18months of no periods and full on menopause symptoms: (hot flushes, night sweats, dryness. itchy skin and dry eyes) I suddenly had a "period" which lasted 14 days then 46 days later another "period" which lasted 16 days. Also my menopause symptoms have stopped for about the last 4 months. I got an appointment with my GP who just said she would get an emergency appointment with the gynaecologist who would perform an internal ultrasound and if the lining is over 3mm they would perform a biopsy. She did not explain anything about what to expect or what she was thinking. I have been online and am now afraid I might have something nasty. I have had a mirena coil fitted for the last 4 years but no other HRT. Please is there anyone out there who could explain or help in any way. I feel very frightened and alone.
Sorry for such a long story


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Re: Hi, nervous new member awaiting urgent referral to gynacologist
« Reply #1 on: June 13, 2014, 05:01:49 PM »

There could be a few causes. Mirena may have dislodged, or as it's four years old it may just be coming to the end of its life and need replacing. You have not mentioned your age, so you may not be classed as post menopausal, but your gp is doing the correct thing in getting you checked out. You should received an appointment within 2 weeks.

Try not to worry. 



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Re: Hi, nervous new member awaiting urgent referral to gynacologist
« Reply #2 on: June 13, 2014, 05:22:49 PM »

Hi Thanks for that advice. I'm 52 nearly 53. I mentioned the mirena lifespan to my GP and she totally dismissed it and when I told her that all my menopause symptoms had stopped she said "That worries me even more". I feel very let down by her and I don't know if I am being a drama queen by being so worried. My husband is being brilliant and really supportive. Waiting for this appointment seems endless. Are you OK?


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Re: Hi, nervous new member awaiting urgent referral to gynacologist
« Reply #3 on: June 13, 2014, 05:32:29 PM »

First of all you are not alone we are here for you.
Here are some positive things to focus on.

1. They want to investigate bleeding after 12 months because they have to have a cut off time to allow decisions to be made that don't require the GP to make judgements which may or may not be correct. There is no way though if you think about it that a lady who has not bled for 366 days, is at a higher risk of having something nasty than someone who has not bled for 365 days. So yes you might be in the minority of those who have a period later but then some ladies will.

2. Have a look at this website

In particular the question here

This relates to your situation as you noted your menopause symptoms abating.
I am just having a period after 11 months following my symptoms disappearing so have been debating a trip to the GP but will probably wait and see what happens next.

3. Most bleeding after the menopause is not cancer but does need to be looked at to rule it out.Then you will have peace of mind.

At least you have some positive thoughts to focus on if you read the CEMCOR website and in particular the question I put a link to. They have a fantastic book called Transitions Through the Perimenopausal Years which has kept me sane! You can buy it here or search inside on Amazon for topics of interest.



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Re: Hi, nervous new member awaiting urgent referral to gynacologist
« Reply #4 on: June 13, 2014, 05:45:37 PM »

Thank you Machair for those links. The first one is especially interesting as I did have premenstrual symptoms before starting both bleeds. The Dr didn't ask about anything like that and I didn't realise the significance of those symptoms. I feel a lot more positive after reading that.
I can't believe how supportive you all are out there thank you and sweatybet for responding to my concerns so quickly.


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Re: Hi, nervous new member awaiting urgent referral to gynacologist
« Reply #5 on: June 13, 2014, 05:46:08 PM »

My friend Sher went 14 months with nothing. Then started with the familiar cramping and sure enough a period. skipped 4 months and had another one.

I know they have to check it out but I think it's more common then we know.

be well my fellow menopause friend. :-)


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Re: Hi, nervous new member awaiting urgent referral to gynacologist
« Reply #6 on: June 13, 2014, 05:47:59 PM »

Have you considered charting your basal body temperature? That will let you know if you are ovulating, then those bleeds are true periods and less likely to be something else.


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Re: Hi, nervous new member awaiting urgent referral to gynacologist
« Reply #7 on: June 13, 2014, 05:53:26 PM »

Hello my fellow menopause friend!! Thank you for sharing and your kind words. I never even considered checking my temperature - maybe I should start thinking more realistically than the panic I am feeling at the minute. Hope you are OK?


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Re: Hi, nervous new member awaiting urgent referral to gynacologist
« Reply #8 on: June 13, 2014, 06:14:12 PM »

The reason your meno symptoms have disappeared is because you have had a cycle again. The reason you have a return of periods is probably because your coil has finally run out of progesterone.
Some women are much later with meno than others.

I really don't think you have anything to worry about. They are going to check the thickness of your womb lining. If you have had a bleed then it's probably quite thin.

The doctor is following guide lines. But I am sure all will be fine.



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Re: Hi, nervous new member awaiting urgent referral to gynacologist
« Reply #9 on: June 13, 2014, 07:08:41 PM »

Yes I agree with the others it all sounds like very good advice.
I have a friend who had a bleed a couple of years after her last period. She was sent for a hysteroscopy and everything was fine.
I had a period in the August then hot sweats started in the September, carried on until February with the sweats and then they stopped. A period came in April then another in May and that was that and back to really awful sweats in June which continued until I went on hrt eight months later. That seems to be the general rule from what other people on here have experienced, no meno symptoms at the same time as periods and some people do have periods more than 12 months after what they thought was their last.
Sometimes doctors can scare you with their response. I had a gynecologist say to me at the age of 51 'We allow one extra bleed between periods and that's all, anymore and you should be checked out!' At that time I wasn't aware that periods became erratic during peri and I still don't understand why he thought I needed investigations. I had a hysteroscopy and there were no probs I was told it must be the menopause.
It's best to get these things checked but I wouldn't worry :) x


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Re: Hi, nervous new member awaiting urgent referral to gynacologist
« Reply #10 on: June 13, 2014, 07:33:18 PM »

Thank you choc57. Each comment and personal experience from others is giving me a better understanding and more confidence for a better outcome. Drs should have more training about explaining details so as not to scare people although I'm sure they are not all the same.


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Re: Hi, nervous new member awaiting urgent referral to gynacologist
« Reply #11 on: June 18, 2014, 09:50:49 AM »

Just received appointment for next Wednesday for scans at the clinic x


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Re: Hi, nervous new member awaiting urgent referral to gynacologist
« Reply #12 on: June 18, 2014, 01:20:37 PM »

My ultrasound tech was very open with what she was seeing, I appreciated that so much I requested her for my followup scan.

She told me right at the start, if your endo biopsy comes back negative, your fibroids are mostly likely causing the bleeding.

I hope yours can offer some words of comfort.


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Re: Hi, nervous new member awaiting urgent referral to gynacologist
« Reply #13 on: June 18, 2014, 09:10:53 PM »

Thank you patientone. I didn't know if the ultrasound person would say anything or if I would have to wait for results from the consultant. I don't know if I have fibroids yet, the scan is supposed to help find the cause or rule out anything else! x


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Re: Hi, nervous new member awaiting urgent referral to gynacologist
« Reply #14 on: June 18, 2014, 10:43:24 PM »

Hi tractsu

Sorry to hear about your concerns re bleeding but if you have had a Mirena coil for four years then this explains the absence of periods - and, notwithstanding your menopausal symptoms or lack of them - the bleeding after 18 months cannot be considered at all in the same category of post-menopausal bleeding as for example someone who is not on HRT! As honeybun says it is likely that the coil needs renewing as it is the continuous progestogen which keeps the lining thin and in peri-menopause especially - often stops bleeding altogether.

Of course, as already explained it is good that women are routinely checked out. As honeybun says though - it could just be that the coil needs replacing. The lapse of symptoms also indicates as she says that your cycle is returning.  If it was fibroids alone causing the bleeding then you would still experience the menopausal symptoms. It sounds from what you say that you are probably still peri-menopausal, and in your position I would not be very worried at all.

Good luck with the scans and in the meantime try not to worry - do let us know how you get on.

Hurdity x
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