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Author Topic: Hello, considering coming off HRT  (Read 4589 times)


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Hello, considering coming off HRT
« on: June 13, 2014, 01:12:53 PM »

Hi, I'm 46 and had a hysterectomy 2 years 3 months ago. I struggled with anxiety after 9 months so took Citalopram for a year. It helped but I felt in a fog. I'd like to stop Kliofem HRT due to concerns about effects. I'm experiencing anxiety again but not as bad as last time and I'd like a natural solution. My GP said I must take HRT until I'm 50 and that I should take Citalopram again and even consider taking it long term. She said that if I stop HRT of my own accord I should do it cold turkey!

What do you think about this advice? I'm keen yo taper off HRT and take Marylin Glenville's Meno Support. Does anyone else use this, if so how do you get on with it?


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Re: Hello, considering coming off HRT
« Reply #1 on: June 13, 2014, 01:20:54 PM »

Hello and welcome. I stopped HRT 2 years ago but tapered very gradually over 6 months. I did it in 6 week blocks ie waited 6 weeks after every change before I made another. I had been on HRT for 5 years or so. I think the current thinking is to taper slowly and that is what I would recommend.



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Re: Hello, considering coming off HRT
« Reply #2 on: June 13, 2014, 02:05:49 PM »

Hi and Welcome SueSG8
You're in the right place for help and support.
It sounds as though you are getting quite good support from your GP.  It is strongly recommended to take HRT until at least 50 if you have a hysterectomy or early meno as you need the oestrogen to protect your heart and bones. There are long term implications of not having enough oestrogen before 50 and there are very good reasons to stay on HRT beyond this provided you don't have health issues that prevent this. There are no real alternatives and I'm afraid the evidence is simply not there to support the view that herbs or remedies can replace oestrogen.  These remedies only seem to help those lucky women who don't experience bad meno symptoms. I think there is still the view that HRT is somehow tampering with nature when in fact up to the age of 50-55 it is the most natural way to maintain the bodies hormone levels and reduce the often nasty meno symptoms. Kliofem is not listed on this site but I assume it is one of the natural oestrogens (Estradiol) - what strength are you using? 
You say you are concerned about effects - what effects are you worried about? The risks of taking just oestrogen are extremely low - it is the combined HRT which includes progesterone that brings a very slight increased risk of breast cancer after the age of 55-60. The risk of osteoporosis and heart decease due to lack of oestrogen is far greater long term.
Anxiety is often one of the major symptoms of the meno and having the correct balance of oestrogen can alleviate this greatly, however, many women in peri and post meno do benefit from ADs.
If I was you I would not consider coming off HRT until you are at least 50 and then taper off very slowly (I think you GP wants you to go cold turkey so you really feel how bad things are without oestrogen - he/she  knows how important it is you keep using HRT for the next few years)). You could try using Oestrogel which is a transdermal form of oestrogen and allows you to adjust the amount you use according to your symptoms - it will also allow you to eventually reduce the amount you use over months or possibly years before coming off and give your body time to adjust.
I am now 58, became peri meno in my mid 30s and was probably post meno from my early 40s so have used HRT most of this time. I came off HRT at 49 because of all the scares( these scares were based on flawed research!!!) and suffered terrible flushes etc for 3 years before going back on HRT for another 4 years.  I lost 3 years of my life because of those scares!
Last autumn I was advised to have another break from HRT to see how things are and though I'm coping quite well my joints are giving terrible problems and the lack of sleep is making me very tired.  I have also been suffering from vaginal atrophy so use local oestrogen treatment which I will probably need for the rest of my life to prevent chronic bladder problems. I am not ruling out going back on full systemic HRT.
I haven't read Marylin Glenvilles book recently  - I think I read this when I was 49 and hoped her advice would help. I spent a fortune on remedies, herbs, vitamins and special diet etc - all a waste of money for me.
I believe you are more worried about the effects of the Citalopram. What I have found that helps me with my anxiety is 'Mindful Meditation' - there are some good books on this - perhaps give this a try. My GP recommended 'Mindfulness' by Mark Williams and Danny Penman - comes with a CD which is great.
Do keep us posted about your progress.  DG xxx


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Re: Hello, considering coming off HRT
« Reply #3 on: June 13, 2014, 02:12:10 PM »

Thank you for your replies. Kliofem is an oestrogen and progesterone HRT. I'm concerned as my mum has recently had breast lump scares and an aunt died from breast cancer. I'm on combined HRT as endometriosis was left after my hyster. It sounds like a gamble - do I prioritise breast health and come off HRT or heart health and stay on it!?


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Re: Hello, considering coming off HRT
« Reply #4 on: June 13, 2014, 02:13:49 PM »

I'm also very unhappy with the way my GP spoke to me about this and she did not explain reasons/facts at all.


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Re: Hello, considering coming off HRT
« Reply #5 on: June 13, 2014, 03:06:35 PM »

Sadly GPs simply don't have the time to explain everything - thats why the internet and particularly sites like this are so useful. You are very lucky to have a relatively clued up GP - you will read all kinds of stories on some of the threads from women who go through early or surgical meno who are simply told by their GPs' to "ride the storm" - many GPs need some serious retraining when it comes to the menopause.  Do read up all the info under the headings to the left of this screen - I think you will find it very helpful.
I must emphasise that the breast cancer risk only kicks in 5 years after the natural menopause which is late 50s early 60s so taking HRT at your age doesn't count. As you have fairly close relatives with breast cancer then it may be wise to review HRT when you get to 50.  You will be screened regularly anyway and if you are careful to keep your weight down, avoid smoking and too much alcohol which are the main risk factors for breast cancer then the pros may well outweigh any risks.  Using transdermal HRT is considered more 'breast friendly' so could be worth considering. This would be Oestrogen in patch or gel form with Utrogestan(micronised progesterone) OR you could try combined patches.  Look under HRT Preparations to the left of this screen.
You may be better trying a different HRT anyway.  Why not see if there is a meno clinic in your area that you can be referred to or ask for a referral to a gynae who specialises in meno related problems.
As you can gather I am a sceptic about the so called 'Natural Way' but I'm sure others will be along to offer alternative views.
Apart from the anxiety, do you have any other meno symptoms e.g. poor sleep, flushes etc.? If you are not using enough oestrogen then these may well emerge. DG x


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Re: Hello, considering coming off HRT
« Reply #6 on: June 13, 2014, 03:35:25 PM »

The Kliofem I'm on is 2mg. Only other side effect is lack of sleep. Will bear in mind everything you have said and read the articles here. Thank you for taking the time to reply.


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Re: Hello, considering coming off HRT
« Reply #7 on: June 13, 2014, 06:23:08 PM »

Hi SueSG8
2mg oestrogen is quite high dose. If you were to change to transdermal you could try a lower dose to see how you get on. Transdermal can be effective at lower doses which minimalises side effects and possible breast cancer risk. HRT in pill form has to be stronger as it goes through the liver and less is absorbed.
The Meditation can help with sleep.
This whole meno thing is a minefield so I understand your dilemma.  Ultimately you have to do what you feel is right for your body.
Take care DG x