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Author Topic: Hello, new and need advice please  (Read 2966 times)

Lady D

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Hello, new and need advice please
« on: June 08, 2014, 12:44:03 PM »

Hello :)

I'm 53 later this year and been having menopausal symptoms for about a year.  Previous to that I had a Mirena Coil to help with painful periods but doubled as contraception as well.  Had it removed because docs realised it had been in too long!  Seven years we think but that also I'd had two blood tests which put me at post menopausal.  They reckoned any effect the hormone in the coil would have been having would have stopped due to coil being in longer than five years and I was highly unlikely given blood test results to (a) have periods and (b) get pregnant.  However, they were wrong!  Thankfully only on the period front in that I've had about one every few months or so but not been too heavy or last too long.  They treated this as a post menopausal bleed so had to have it investigated ie, scan, internal, biopsy - no fun at all but all came back negative which was very good news :)

So aside from the above I have hot flushes, don't think they are as bad as what I've read/heard about as they usually pass very quickly and I just suddenly feel hot but don't actually sweat or look hot.  They do seem to be happening more often though.

But my main symptom is tiredness which often completely overtakes me :(  I work full time, currently five months into a new job which is giving me plenty of challenge and which I am loving but is very very busy so not always able to stick to 9 - 5 so this is obviously affecting my energy levels.  I sometimes struggle to get to sleep 'cos I have so much whizzing round my head but more often than not by the weekend I can sleep in until lunchtime quite easily and then still sleep at night.  Hence not much weekend left for anything else.  However, work are very very supportive in that I can work flexibly ie, at home which means I gain 2 hours a day that I would have been travelling.  I can't do this every day but we have agreed 2 days a week. They are also referring me to Occupational Health, not sure what they can do though?  Am also going back to the docs tomorrow to see what else I can do to help this.

As for meds I am on tablets to reduce acid as I have a hiatius hernia, been on these for several years now and they're not working as well as they did but probably not helped by diet, weight etc.  Also, on Citalopram which I've wanted to come off for a while but as menopause linked with depression they want me to stay on.  I take nothing at all for tiredness/menopausal problems.

Any advice would be most welcome.  In particular I am wondering whether having another coil would help reduce my symptoms?  Not bothered about quarterly periods being stopped just the tiredness I need help with!

Also, had a few nosebleeds although the docs think that was a burst blood vessel and they have not happened now for almost a week.

Thanks all for reading apologies for very long first post!

Lady D :)


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Re: Hello, new and need advice please
« Reply #1 on: June 08, 2014, 01:43:10 PM »

Hello Lady D.

Unfortunately I can't advise you on your issues at the moment although I have experienced the tiredness and know it can be a problem.

I am sure a resident expert will be along shortly and in the meantime welcome to the forum. 

Take care.



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Re: Hello, new and need advice please
« Reply #2 on: June 08, 2014, 04:10:39 PM »

Hi and welcome Lady D
Everything you describe is pretty typical for meno. I suspect you are still slightly peri meno if you are getting the odd bleed so you still have some oestrogen flying around but at varying levels. The levels will gradually drop and eventually bottom out. Oh boy do you have a busy life!! I really think you would benefit from some HRT.  If the Mirena suited you why not have another fitted and use some oestrogen in either patch or gel form - this would take care of contraception, periods and flushes etc.
Do read up all the info under the headings to the left of this screen so you are really clued up. 
Others may be along with advice soon.
Keep us posted.  DG x 

Lady D

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Re: Hello, new and need advice please
« Reply #3 on: June 08, 2014, 09:06:15 PM »

Thanks both, will see what the doc has to say tomorrow.  Have been before and mentioned symptoms but they have said not much they can do the tiredness which is my main symptom so maybe I just have to get through it?

Interested to now if they or any of you feel the Mirena might help my symptoms?  As I said before periods are now very few and far between, not painful or heavy so wouldn't need the Mirena for that purpose.

Have read that Citalopram which I am already for other reasons, can help with sweats so maybe increasing dose might help?

I do actually feel low as well but mostly because I am fed up of being shattered, working hard all week and then not able to fully enjoy my weekend.  It's hard though 'cos I love work do don't want to change what I do or work less hours - luckily though they are supporting me with flexible working etc so that should help.

Thanks again, nice to be somewhere that people understand and support.

Lady D :)


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Re: Hello, new and need advice please
« Reply #4 on: June 09, 2014, 06:56:38 AM »

Hi Lady D - welcome from me too.,

Just wanted to say that at the moment I am off HRT after six years on it (hoping to restart though) and one of my main symptoms is fatigue and overwhelming tiredness. When on HRT my energy levels are fine so you  may find that the mirena plus oestrogen will perk you up no end.

Taz x

Lady D

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Re: Hello, new and need advice please
« Reply #5 on: June 09, 2014, 06:35:42 PM »

Update after docs appt ..... She was not great in that she said she gets 2/3 people everyday with tiredness but with no other physical factors not a lot she can do.  She didn't think it was a good idea to have Mirena coil again but didn't say why, mentioned HRT but there are risks although she didn't go into any detail as to the risks/benefits.

She's given me a prescription for a higher dose of Citalopram with the view that if it lifts my mood I will feel less tired.  She said it's working out whether I am tired because I am low or low because I am tired.  So now I am questioning whether I am depressed or not?!

I probably should have pushed her for more information but felt deflated to say the least at her responses.  Didn't get the prescription as want to think it through first.

I am very sceptical about hrt but would have been nice to have more info.

She did suggest Menopace which is a natural remedy so any views on that would be welcome.

Going to see another doc though as didn't feel she took me seriously.

Anyway, thanks for reading and apologies for moaning and for another long post!


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Re: Hello, new and need advice please
« Reply #6 on: June 12, 2014, 11:41:22 AM »

Hi Lady D,

Just a quick question that is not related to the menopause but have you had a blood panel done to rule out anything else that may be causing your tiredness? Specifically vitamin B12, folate and Iron. The fact that you are on acid suppressant medication waves a red flag to me as these, when taken over long periods of time can leach vitamin B12.

I have a reason for saying all of this as I have auto immune pernicious anaemia (B12 deficiency) I cannot absorb it from my food as my digestive tract lacks the ability to utilise it so I have to have very regular injections. I know only too well how tired, exhausted along with a plethora of other symptoms, it can make you feel.

Sadly, even if you have been tested you would be wise to ask for a copy of blood results and look at the ref ranges as often, what Dr's interpret as fine and within range are actually miles out. This is a simple water soluble vitamin that is vital for life, yet is often overlooked by the medical profession when we complain of tiredness. It is also labelled an older persons problem but in fact there are many people out there much younger who suffer from this.

Just a thought that may help you.  :)

Lady D

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Re: Hello, new and need advice please
« Reply #7 on: June 12, 2014, 10:31:42 PM »

Hi Luna and thanks for your response.

I have had blood tests recently and pretty certain they checked my iron levels and all was fine.  Also, I am about to change my acid suppressant medication on GPs advice as he long term use can affect immunity.  Have been on this for probably 10 years ish.

Decided to give the higher dose of anti-ds a chance (1 month's supply) 'cos at least if no difference in tiredness I can tell doc they didn't work and maybe they will take me more seriously!  Will also then check what they checked my blood for.

My job has been manic the last week or so which doesn't help but it's tough 'cos I really enjoy it but also shattered!

Thanks all, much appreciated :)