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Author Topic: Perimenopause Anxiety  (Read 10593 times)


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Perimenopause Anxiety
« on: June 20, 2014, 04:39:19 PM »

Hi Ladies, I am fairly new to this site although have read quite a few of your stories and can relate to many.

My main problem is anxiety & panic attacks, I suffered from this 25 years ago and was agoraphobic for 12 years, although I did get over the agoraphobia, I have always had general anxiety which I could live with.  The last 3 years have probably been the best I have had, even managing to go on holiday, meant to be away again in 5 weeks but can't see that happening! 

Long story short, periods been a bit erratic for past 3 years, started getting day time flushes last year, began taking evening primrose which seemed to stop them, had FSH levels checked last Sept, they were high end of normal, doc said this suggested peri.  Since then other than periods being haywire and getting my words muddled, no other noticable symptoms, till 8 weeks ago when almost overnight, I couldn't stop crying, had panic attacks in the queue at shop, brain fog, racing heart, tiredness and terrible indigestion with acid reflux.  Went to my GP who suggested it was menopause related and tested my FSH levels again, which came back normal.  I am very against anti depressants as I had really bad experiences with them in the past, however he was insistent I needed to take something, out of desperation I gave in and took mirtazapine, well they did help lift my mood for 2 weeks, but then felt as bad as I was before taking them, GP said to keep taking them as they take 4-6 weeks for maximum benefit.  I mentioned to him that my FSH levels were high last year, he said hmmm then agreed I was right, got them done again and they were 60 which he said confirms menopause!  He said do you want HRT then, offering me premique, which have side effects including anxiety and depression!  I have been taking 5mg diazepam, (which were also prescribed) just to be able to get out of the house and felt even worse (I read somewhere diazapam can increase mirtazapine side effects)  I have been so light headed, shaking and on edge I asked to come off them, so have to half them for 2 weeks.  I really am so desparate, and would really like to try natural remedies, I did get B6 on tuesday from GP but took 50mg for 2 days and wondered if they were contributing to me feeling worse, ie the shaking so haven't taken any more.  Red clover and black cohosh are 2 things I have been looking at, but not sure about how effective they are.  I know there's no magic pill that will cure everything, but I don't know how much longer I can go on this way! 

Any advice would be greatly appreciated.


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Re: Perimenopause Anxiety
« Reply #1 on: June 20, 2014, 06:11:36 PM »

Hi and Welcome Cheekygal
You poor thing - what a tough time you are having.
Oh dear oh dear - I sometimes despair with GPs!!!!!
Firstly the GP shouldn't have offered you Premique as it is a conti HRT and you are still peri meno!!!!!! Also Premique and Prempac are the old fashioned HRTs (they happen to be the cheapest!) and there are much better ones to try that may give fewer side effects. He/She shouldn't just pronounce that HRT will give you dreadful anxiety and depression as the right HRT can actually reduce anxiety and depression.  If he/she keeps prescribing the wrong type of HRT then there is no wonder the patients are reporting problems!!!!!
Do read up all the info under the headings to the left of this screen so you are really clued up.  Go back and ask to try a low dose of something like Femoston Sequi - the progesterone in this one is well tolerated by many and gives fewer PMS type symptoms. There are plenty of different ones to try and you may need to try a few before you find the right fit - Look under 'HRT Preparations'.
You don't say your age? It really helps us to have a bit more info so we can help you better.
Also, if you do need a AD perhaps try one of the ones under 'Prescribable non-HRT' .
I'm afraid I've tried all the natural remedies and nothing worked for me - what a waste of money.  What has helped with my anxiety is 'Mindful Meditation' which my GP suggested - well worth trying - the book 'Mindfulness' is excellent.
Hopefully others will be along with advice and help soon.  Keep us posted  DG x


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Re: Perimenopause Anxiety
« Reply #2 on: June 20, 2014, 07:37:23 PM »

 :welcomemm:  anxiety increases with hormonal upheaval it seems.  The suddenness of hormonal changes plus not eating correctly can cause anxiety surges which can be awful.  If you search for Mirtazapine you will see how other ladies here have coped with it.

Many drugs give side effects until the body adjusts, it's what a person is able to tolerate.  ADs have side-effects of helping to ease anxiety so are worth a 'go'.  Being anti-anything isn't useful at our time of Life  ;) and medication has improved so much in recent years. 

5mg Valium isn't a lot.  I took it on an 'as necessary' basis in the 1990s with good effect.  Otherwise I was unable to leave the house.  Now I take Beta-blockas for anxiety as well as an 'emergency' drug for short-term use plus ADs.  Add to that an anti-histamine occasionally  ::)

Have read of the menus, left of screen.  Go to the GP and say 'I'm not completely sure what HRT will work for me as I am still ……….. so need to talk through the options again, i have read on MM that ……….. ' and blood tests are notoriously unreliable as our hormones fluctuate so much!


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Re: Perimenopause Anxiety
« Reply #3 on: June 20, 2014, 08:00:53 PM »

HI Dancinggirl & CLKD

I will be 50 this year. It was my regular male GP who wanted to prescribe premique, I researched it and did think it was an odd choice, it does seem more for post meno women, I even spoke to a female Gp today and queried the premique, she advised me that they don't normally give out HRT these day's but yes that one would be ok, oh dear!  In relation to the anti depressants, I realise there are a lot of newer ones out there, but I just can't seem to tolerate the side effects of them and believe me I have tried many.  I to have been on betablockers for many years and 2mg diazepam daily both for essential tremor which has been been under control for years, however it can be exacerbated by anxiety.  The hardest thing to deal with is feeling anxious and panicky around friends and people/places I am familiar with, I have started avoiding and I know from experience this is the worst thing to do.  I have read the mirtazapine thread on here, maybe the 30mg is too high for me, so will see how I get on with 15mg.

I got some transdermal magnesium, that can be good for sleeping and calming, I stopped using it though as I wondered if that was making me worse, you know how you try to trace back what you done different that could contribute to how lousy you feel, I doubt it was that though so used some today.

Will mention other types of HRT when I go back to Gp, think I am going to transfer to  female though  :)


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Re: Perimenopause Anxiety
« Reply #4 on: June 21, 2014, 04:42:38 PM »

'don't normally give out HRT' - they don't 'give' it out, we've paid for their time and advice!  Of course it's not cheap, HRT, so if they can fob patients off with something else  :cuss: …… before you make an appt with your GP how about having a private chat with a Pharmacist locally to see which Surgeries deal with menopause the best and check what would be better than Primeque?


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Re: Perimenopause Anxiety
« Reply #5 on: June 21, 2014, 08:06:13 PM »

Having the day from hell, I asked to come off the mirtazapine, the first few weeks I feel they lifted my mood, but intensified the panic, this past week I have had to go out every day and needed to take 5mg diazepam, I don't feel that even helped as I was so lightheaded, shaky and no energy, wasn't like that before the mirtazapine, maybe the 2 don't mix well.  Anyway doc said to take one every second night for 2 weeks then stop or half them, I take 30mg nightly.  I chose to half them, within 15 mins of taking the half pill it was like someone switched a light on, I was so alert and got a burst of energy, but also found it hard to sleep, dosed on and off, woke up this morning really shaky and dizzy and even more starving than when on the 30mg.  Spent most of the day crying and snapped at my son for no reason, he is only 14 and trying his best to help me but doesn't know how to really, there's only me and him.  Already lost a couple of friends due to feeling this way, obviously not real friends I know. 

CLKD, I see what your saying regarding chatting to a pharmacist, there are a few female gps at my surgery, so may try a different one and discuss options,  Right now I don't know what's peri symptoms and what's down to the medication x


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Re: Perimenopause Anxiety
« Reply #6 on: June 22, 2014, 05:42:32 AM »

I can so relate to your posts and so sorry you are feeling like this. I also took AD'S in desperation as I had become an anxious mess and almost agoraphobic. The Ad's made me more anxious which I could not cope with so I had to stop them. Vallium was my saviour and 2mg didnt touch me but 5 did the job. I took them 3 times a day for about a week, started on betablockers which I knew I needed in order to not have to continue with daily vallium. I then started walking every day which was a struggle at first but slowly it help ease the anxiety overload that I was feeling. I also used a 321 exercise that you will find on this site, it really helps switch off the brain a little. I hope you are a little better today xx


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Re: Perimenopause Anxiety
« Reply #7 on: June 22, 2014, 09:19:45 AM »

Bananas and ginger biscuits are great for warding off the sicky feeling x


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Re: Perimenopause Anxiety
« Reply #8 on: June 23, 2014, 08:33:37 PM »

Oh cheeky girl my heart goes out to you! I wish my female doctor who told me you don't get anxiety during menopause could read this site!
Lots of hugs to you



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Re: Perimenopause Anxiety
« Reply #9 on: June 24, 2014, 03:10:38 PM »

Hi, everyone!  I just signed up with this site in hopes it gives me advice and camaradarie.  I'm 46 and have been struggling with perimenopause symptoms for about two years.  I'm taking Prozac 60 daily and a myriad of supplements and vitamins daily, on Synthroid 100 daily for low thyroid, and junk (omega 3, niacin, flaxseed) for high cholesterol.  Uugh.  I can really throw down the pills.  Anyway, I started bio-identical progesterone cream last September, now being on it for 9 months, and it has helped with the anxiety, which was real bad and worse in the morning.  I have OCD, and my hormone fluctuations, I think especially the estrogen fluctuations, trigger that, also causing depression and anxiety.  I've noticed now the anxiety and depression seem to be coming more frequently, especially during my periods which have been coming every three weeks lately and are painful, not so heavy, though.
I'm thinking of going on HRT, especially for the depression and anxiety.  What would you suggest to be a good start on that?  I heard the Progestin can cause depression and anxiety, and when I was on Ortho-Novum 777 about ten years ago, I had to go off of it because of that.  (Although I had been on it for about five years previous to that and didn't have any problems until then with the depression and angst.)  Do you think the drop in estrogen causes depression, and will the HRT help?  I live in the States, and there are quite a few choices here, as I'm sure there are there.
I'm very glad to be on this site and venting like this.  I've been suffering for a couple years now, and I'm afraid it's going to last a while and perhaps get worse.  Yikes!
Please let me know what you think.  Thank you so much!


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Re: Perimenopause Anxiety
« Reply #10 on: June 24, 2014, 06:20:44 PM »

I am just about to start HRt that I begged the doctor for. I have been so anxious and low with constant burning throat since march. I felt I couldn't go on. I took emails from dr Currie into the surgery and got the one she recommend femeston I think as I haven't picked it up yet. Been diagnosed with hiatus hernia. On omezprazole  and the dreaded gaviscon. Been anxious and low.  Isn't it strange we all seem to suddenly get these things? The doc said i wud rather be giving you anti anxiety pills and referring you to a psychologist !!! I left the surgery in tears which only confirmed to her i am sure that its all in my mind !! email dr Curry Krissie  there is a small fee but you can email many times and let s know how you get on.
Anyone out there got a burning throat along with the nausea .

Kelly xxxx


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Re: Perimenopause Anxiety
« Reply #11 on: June 26, 2014, 08:54:26 PM »

Hi cheekygirl I understand what you are going through I have had bad anxiety and panics . My doctor who is female is great done all sorts of tests too . Ad didn't agree with me and can't go on hrt as I had a Tia four years ago  :( tried herbal remedies and I have been on Valerian tablets three times a day for 3 weeks now and actually feel they are working  :) . I hope this may help keep posting hugs xx


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Re: Perimenopause Anxiety
« Reply #12 on: June 26, 2014, 09:16:48 PM »

Hi cheeky gal, I'm new to this site too but I relate very much to the anxiety and panic of peri. At 45 yrs, I woke in the middle of the night and had the most awful panic attack, the beginning of a very trying time. I am not good at taking meds so decided to try and deal with it myself, it was only after I bought a Claire Weekes book, Help for Anxiety and Nerves, did I begin to understand what was happening and break the cycle of panic.  It took a long time but I have been panic free for about 5 years. Having said that, every month just before my period, my anxiety levels shot through the roof and getting on a train to work in London was a big challenge, understanding what was happening to me physically and mentally was step to recovery. Best wishes


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Re: Perimenopause Anxiety
« Reply #13 on: June 27, 2014, 09:31:31 PM »

hi cheekygal - I have used this site for allsorts since my GP told me about it.  I am coming up 54 and my last period was in March this year.  I have allsorts of symptoms and mood swings and anxiety issues which vary day by day but find that even if the answers aren't here there are so many things I 'get' which other ladies do , it reassures me I am not going mad or have some terminal illness I am just going through the mill of menopause and it is good to know there are people who I can tell about my bad days and signs/symptoms who wont judge me but empathize.  I have had AD tablets and my last one is still in my bedside cabinet just incase I need it.  Dont worry too much it does get more manageable but keep talking and asking - it helps.  Having a good phase at the moment thank God - take care and plod on and if you get teary - so be it - let it out  big hugs from me  :)


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Re: Perimenopause Anxiety
« Reply #14 on: June 28, 2014, 02:15:24 PM »

We're all one and the same with various degrees of the symptoms shared.  Nuisance ain't it  >:( ......... however, chatting amongst ourselves really does help.  Read the menus, left of screen and do a search for symptoms, that will bring any threads where you can exchange news and views!

Doesn't take long for my anxiety to spike ........  :'(