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Author Topic: biopsy, post menopause bleeding  (Read 13117 times)


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biopsy, post menopause bleeding
« on: May 30, 2014, 03:08:59 PM »

hi never posted before, just looking for postive reassurance, a couple of weeks ago told doctor that after ten years of no periods was having occasional very slight bleeding, she sent me for a referral, i had external ultrasound, internal ultrasound, internal examination and a biopsy, hospital phoned today and have asked me to go in on monday to discuss the results of the biopsy.  on the day of the examination i was told there were probably three outcomes, everything would be normal, i might have polyps, or worse case they might recommend a hysterectomy.  over the last year i have put on weight though exercising and eating the same, and felt increasingly tired and unwell. so i am slightly worried..  has anyone similar experiences of post menopausal bleeding??? and what was the outcome? thank you


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Re: biopsy, post menopause bleeding
« Reply #1 on: May 30, 2014, 04:54:55 PM »

Hi slowmo


It is always a worry when waiting for results, but it's good that you are beibng asked to go in early.

I had a biopsy last year from some post-menopausal spotting/slight bleeding (I am on HRT) and I had to wait 3 weeks for the results - I kept phoning and eventually they sent a letter. Mine was completely normal apart from small fibroid but they wouldn't tell me on the phone.

Did you get an indication of the thickness of the uterus lining from the earlier scans (I presume you've had what I had - a U/S one through the abdomen and a trans-vaginal one?). If your lining is thickened that could cause bleeding. There are several on here who have had biopsies too. My bleeding was due to a cervical ectropion which I did not have treated.

You haven't said how old you are but if you are 10 years post-menopause - it may well be that your metabolism is slowing down, as it does with age, which could lead to weight going on despite eating the same. I eat a fraction of what I did before menopause, and I am on a permanent low fat/low sugar diet - this is just to keep my weight the same! Have you also had your thyroid checked? Feeling unwell and tired, and putting on weight despite not over-eating/drinking are also symptoms of underactive thyroid and some women develop problems after menopause.

It is understandable to be worried and we all imagine the worst - but the best thing is that you are being investigated so if there is anything wrong it will be picked up. Most of us find that the results come back normal so let's hope you are one of these! Try not to worry although that is easy to say - and keep us posted about your results

Hurdity x


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Re: biopsy, post menopause bleeding
« Reply #2 on: May 30, 2014, 04:56:12 PM »

thank you for replying, quite nervous, be glad when monday comes


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Re: biopsy, post menopause bleeding
« Reply #3 on: May 30, 2014, 05:00:52 PM »

im sixty, had blood tests all normal, not on hrt, or any medicine apart from inhaler for late onset asthma, doctor said my womb has thickened which is why she did the biopsy, which was incredible painful in my groin, not used to these forums don't think will post again til after monday,, but will welcome replys its good to read other peoples experiences :)


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Re: biopsy, post menopause bleeding
« Reply #4 on: May 31, 2014, 04:04:17 PM »

Just wanted to welcome you slowmo. Will be thinking of you on Monday. Please let us know how you get on. As for not being used to these forums - we were all new once so please don't feel worried about posting.

Taz  :)

Mrs January

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Re: biopsy, post menopause bleeding
« Reply #5 on: June 01, 2014, 06:24:39 PM »

Hi slowmo

I had post Mirena bleeding last year, so the classed it as worrying, had a scan, examination and a biopsy...apart from many fibroids externally everything was fine.

Wish you luck hun, lets us know how it goes

Hugs Mrs January xxxxxx


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Re: biopsy, post menopause bleeding
« Reply #6 on: June 03, 2014, 03:11:21 PM »

well, been for the results of the biopsy, was not what i wanted to hear, which would have been all normal, results are that they are pre cancerous, the consultant said there were stages? and mine were close to being cancer, so the treatment is hysterectomy, probably in the next four weeks or so, i spoke to a lovely specialist nurse who gave me a card with a phone number to phone whenever i have questions, was to shocked on the day to think or take in much, i think however hard it is that i am actually lucky that they are so positive that at the end after the op i will make a full recovery.  i have never had an operation, never stayed in hospital (apart from giving birth), i dont know how to react. part of me is terryfied and part of me is quite nonchalent and just go with it and all will be well.  i'm probably going to have robotic? key hole surgery, in one day out the next? what have other peoples experiences been like?


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Re: biopsy, post menopause bleeding
« Reply #7 on: June 03, 2014, 03:40:10 PM »

Sorry to hear your news slowmo but I am sure you will be in good hands and make a full recovery.

OH's son specialises in this sort of surgery, keyhole for hysterectomy.

From what I can gather its suited for ladies who are  a little overweight, also
Less pain
Shorter hospital stay
Earlier return to normal daily activities
Low complication rate
Less internal scarring

Here is some more info about the Da Vinci robotic op   (not sure about NHS)

Hope this is of help slowmo.
« Last Edit: June 03, 2014, 04:02:46 PM by silverlady »


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Re: biopsy, post menopause bleeding
« Reply #8 on: June 03, 2014, 05:30:51 PM »

Thank goodness it showed itself early, same thing happened to a friend of mine, (same age), and she is very fine today. No more trouble at all, except when she hurt her back doing too much gardening :-)



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Re: biopsy, post menopause bleeding
« Reply #9 on: June 03, 2014, 05:58:12 PM »

Sorry to hear what you are experiencing slowmo but it does sound like they have found it very early on thank goodness. Can I recommend a wonderful site that got me through my hysterecomy its called  Its been two years now since I had mine and I have no regrets at all. It will take time to heal and recover and someone to help out as you do. This site can give you tips on what to expect and how to prepare for when you get home. Good Luck Slowmo and take care xx


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Re: biopsy, post menopause bleeding
« Reply #10 on: June 03, 2014, 06:25:10 PM »

Sorry to hear your news, but just remember it is Pre-cancerous and even if it was worse, endometrial cancer as  a  very high cure rate ! So try and stay positive as your's is still at the pre stage.

Also, some hospitals will  give you the option of having the op  under epidural, which makes recovery time even quicker, although this is the option I'd choose I know a lot of people prefer a general.

Please keep us updated, and if you feel too stressed or worried your gp can  give you medication to calm you down, I've been given Valium and it's marvelous !


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Re: biopsy, post menopause bleeding
« Reply #11 on: June 04, 2014, 12:06:45 PM »

Sorry you've not had the best news but at least they've found the problem early and can treat it, albeit with an op.  I've not experienced it myself but sound advice coming in from ladies that have - look after yourself  :foryou:


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Re: biopsy, post menopause bleeding
« Reply #12 on: June 04, 2014, 12:48:36 PM »

Hi slowmo - just to echo what the others have said - sorry to hear it's not all completely normal, but pre-cancerous can be dealt with and so it won't progress to cancer itself.

This is why thickened lining and post-menopausal bleeding is taken seriously and investigated - it does cause worry for many of us, and in your case, an operation, but so much better than leaving it to develop unchecked into cancer, which although often curable would be far more worrying.

Yes there are several stages - starting with endometrial hyperplasia (the thickened lining). Then they look at the cells - if they are typical, all is OK, but if some of them have what is known as atypia - these can develop into cancer. I imagine this might be the stage you are at? If you would like further information there is a detailed description here - but it's quite technical!

Wishing you well with the operation and take care of yourself.

Hurdity x


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Re: biopsy, post menopause bleeding
« Reply #13 on: June 04, 2014, 01:28:20 PM »

Just wanted to say that I wish you well with the surgery. My Sister in law had a hysterectomy last July and was up an about quite soon after and had a lovely holiday abroad earlier this year. It is good that it has been caught in the pre cancer stage xx


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Re: biopsy, post menopause bleeding
« Reply #14 on: June 04, 2014, 03:50:41 PM »

thank you to all who have replied, will have a look at links, will most likely post again either when get date for op or afterwards? my gp phoned before i was out but they said would phone back, 'always look on the bright side of life' :)