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Author Topic: very scared about urinary clinic appointment  (Read 7775 times)


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very scared about urinary clinic appointment
« on: June 02, 2014, 08:34:54 AM »

sorry about another thread. I have a routine meno clinic - urinary clinic appointment at the hospital on Friday. Just read through the pre appointment notes they sent me and it has the voiding test and the urodynamics test on it, as explained here

I'm just off antibiotics for a cystitis infection which has left me feeling ill. I have such a sore, stiff back in the kidney area and feel slight nausea (you know when your tongue isn't pink and your stomach/bowel is off colour) and am going to the GP again tomorrow to see if he can sort some blood tests and another urine test (he may well say no, often does) in case it is in my kidneys now.  The woman trainee GP I wanted to see is away for 3 weeks, so it's this guy or nothing.

I don't think I could stand a catheter being inserted where it's already so tender and inflamed. Both these tests seem very invasive if I'm unwell.
Wish I could just have a scan to see what's going on. I'm a bit scared actually.


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Re: very scared about urinary clinic appointment
« Reply #1 on: June 02, 2014, 11:16:39 AM »

Hi oldsheep
I really understand your anxiety - all these invasive procedures are horrid.  I saw a Urologist a couple of months ago and was dreading it. I had blood in my urine but no evidence of infection so needed investigations.  I really know what you mean by "sore" - I have had a buying urethra for ages and it is only just starting to settle down after 6 months of local oestrogen treatment (I'm using a Estring) but I feel as though I have a UTI most of the time!
The Urologist was lovely - explained everything very well - I think you are having more tests than I had but the camera bit into my bladder wasn't nearly as bad as I thought.  They do use local anaesthetic and I have to say I felt reassured afterwards - I was worried it could be something nasty! I had a scan done of my kidneys as part of this full assessment so I expect you will have your kidneys checked as this is very important.
Do explain that you are sore and feeling under the weather and I'm sure they will be understanding.  They do these tests all day everyday so know how to do things swiftly  with minimum discomfort.
Remember to keep breathing.  Let us know how you get on. Good luck. DG xxxx :hug:


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Re: very scared about urinary clinic appointment
« Reply #2 on: June 02, 2014, 12:08:19 PM »

I would cut out the GP visit and ring the Urinary Clinic dept for advice.  Explain to them as you have to us how you are feeling …….. they may suggest postponing the investigation for a couple of weeks until you feel more settled.  They may suggest not doing all the investigation due to your symptoms.  This is something your GP probably won't know.

Give the Clinic a ring ………..  "I have an appt on Friday and having received your info prior to this I need some advice as I feel generally unwell.  Are you able to settle my mind about: ………. "


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Re: very scared about urinary clinic appointment
« Reply #3 on: June 02, 2014, 12:50:21 PM »

Just wanted to send you a  :hug: and hope you feel better soon.



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Re: very scared about urinary clinic appointment
« Reply #4 on: June 02, 2014, 05:13:26 PM »

thanks everyone x

I can't get hold of the clinic - the no is for an outpatients' appointment line. So many patients, you even get an automated message a week before asking if you are 1 etc.
I'll go to the GP but may well get fobbed off.
I have no fever and the pain is identical both sides. I also feel completely exhausted, a bit nauseous and have some pain when walking, including in the knees.
My expensive VSL3 probiotics should arrive tomorrow. I plan to take the whole 30 sachet course.

Dancinggirl - thanks for the reassurance xxx. I plan on telling the clinic nurse exactly how I feel and hope that they'll react according to my problems. The appointment was originally made for slight leakage when I sneeze! So wasn't anything to do with UTIs. I presume it's a urologist who is the consultant? It's this
doesn't sound like they 'do' kidneys though? just the lower bits.
« Last Edit: June 02, 2014, 05:18:08 PM by oldsheep »


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Re: very scared about urinary clinic appointment
« Reply #5 on: June 02, 2014, 06:08:41 PM »

oldsheep - I think if you explain you have pain in the kidney area they may well scan this as a precaution - I'd be surprised if they didn't - it's just an external scan done with a scanner like they use when scanning you during pregnancy.  I have to say slight leakage when you sneeze is very common and some regular pelvic floor exercises would help this. You say you've just had a UTI and antibiotics and if you are getting these infections more often then having an investigation would be good.  If you are on HRT it doesn't mean you are not suffering from Vaginal Atrophy so I would definitely ask if local oestrogen would help your bladder etc.
It sounds as though you are seeing a uro-gynae which is good as they will hopefully be clued up about these, very typical, problems that arise during and after meno.
I understand you are anxious and feeling rough but I be you will better once you have had the appointment and have some advice and reassurance.  Good luck.  DG x
ps. just a thought, are you drinking enough? we are supposed to drink 1.5 litres per day.  I certainly find it difficult to drink that much but an extra glass of water now and again may help you to flush things through.


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Re: very scared about urinary clinic appointment
« Reply #6 on: June 02, 2014, 08:16:56 PM »

thanks Dancinggirl x

Yes, am drinking loads of water. Have had to get up in the night every night for 2 weeks now, so pretty tired.
I hope Dr Grumpy (he says "what can I do for you" before you've even closed the door and sat down) will be at least pleasant and attentive tomorrow, so I can chat to him about it as well as the pain.
Also hope the clinic is staffed by urologists, not just urogynae registrars. Thanks again!


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Re: very scared about urinary clinic appointment
« Reply #7 on: June 02, 2014, 08:17:51 PM »

1.5 lyres of drink is excessive as the body draws down liquids from what we eat too.  Our bodies will deposit excess in urine, the way to tell if one is dehydrated is to lift the skin on the back of the hand and see if it bounces back …….

I dont' understand what you mean about 'staffed by urologists, not registrars ' ………. is there a difference?

You should be able to contact the Clinic for advice.  If you look on the Hospital web-site there should be a separate telephone number for the Clinic Secretary ……….. or ring the main switchboard and ask to be put through to a person rather than the appt. office.
« Last Edit: June 02, 2014, 08:35:06 PM by CLKD »


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Re: very scared about urinary clinic appointment
« Reply #8 on: June 02, 2014, 09:08:22 PM »

If it's a continence/urinary clinic such as the one I attended then it is staffed by pelvic floor specialist nurses and continence advisory nurses. Only when a problem is identified are you then passed onto a urogynae. Most continence issues are dealt with by specialist nurses but, obviously, if the cause is prolapse then you are referred to a urogynae. Have you looked at this site?

Taz x


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Re: very scared about urinary clinic appointment
« Reply #9 on: June 02, 2014, 09:14:26 PM »



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Re: very scared about urinary clinic appointment
« Reply #10 on: June 02, 2014, 09:32:49 PM »

oldsheep - I agree with CLKD about the clinic staff comment, it is quite usual to see a registrar at a hospital appointment but they will still be specialists in that field. I'm afraid my experience of contacting the hospital for info is the same as yours.  It's virtually impossible to get through to clinics for advice or help these days unless you are given a tel no. of the secretary of a specific doctor to contact. I think Taz may be right as you said you were referred because of slight incontinence so I expect the clinic appointment will be very gentle and may not actually be with a specialist straight away. I had more invasive investigations because I had blood in my urine.
I haven't gone a full night without getting up to pee (sometimes 3-4 times) since having my babies over 24 years ago. I was told it is considered normal to pee up to twice a night particularly at our age. I try to have most of my fluid intake early in the day and not drink after 6pm but my body seems to store all my fluids and evacuate during the night - very annoying!!!!
My broken nights leave me very tired. I was told to drink 1.5 litres of fluids including food but to increase this if doing exercise that resulted in more sweating. I do a lot of brisk walking and gardening(trying to look after my bones) which results in me getting very hot and sweaty but I find it very difficult to drink more as I don't get that thirsty.
It doesn't sound as though your GP will be much help.  I'd write down your questions before you go in. Hopefully you'll get better treatment at the clinic.  Good luck  DG xxx


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Re: very scared about urinary clinic appointment
« Reply #11 on: June 03, 2014, 09:01:05 AM »

well, humble pie, I suppose the chance that it's kidneys made him concentrate (also I look about 90 at present). He pushed and prodded, even took my temperature (!!) and said it's unlikely to be kidney infection as he thinks that by now I would be more ill (fever etc) and the pain is symmetrical both sides. He thinks the UTI infection may be lingering just not showing up on the tests ,but is running another test. Results ?? friday maybe.
He has given me nitrofurantoin 50mg  4x a day to take. Another week  :'(

I told him the first ABs had made my stomach and bowel like the bad old days, so he said I can decide if I take them or not. This morning my VSL 3 arrived so I took one and will think about starting the nitro this evening.
I suppose it's not impossible that all the pain in my back and sides is IBS either?

He said if I have these symptoms and am on ABs, he really doesn't think that the hospital clinic will do any of the invasive, catheter type tests as it wouldn't be responsible. Still a good idea to go and talk to them though.

Has anyone else taken this nitro stuff? Package insert has the usual alarming side effects, but says that it interferes with oestrogen?!
« Last Edit: June 03, 2014, 09:05:28 AM by oldsheep »


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Re: very scared about urinary clinic appointment
« Reply #12 on: June 03, 2014, 05:04:36 PM »

Sorry oldsheep but I hate nitrofurantoin and, to be honest, it didn't work even though my bug was supposed to be killed by it. I had really bad neck pain - one of the side effects - and it made me feel miserable although I suppose it could have been the nasty kidney infection which was giving me some of the feelings! I found ciprofloxacillin (sp?) much better although they have given me ongoing bowel problems. No easy way is there?

I agree that you would probably be feeling much worse if you had a kidney infection - I really didn't know where I was half of the time and had Rigors too as the level of bacteria rose. Pain in both sides of the back is very unusual.

If you are not feeling worse I would wait until your get your results back on Friday - you may well take the nitro and find that the bug wont respond to it.

Taz x


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Re: very scared about urinary clinic appointment
« Reply #13 on: June 04, 2014, 09:46:05 AM »

It may be laxity of the spinal muslces due to a drop in oestrogen or you may have stiffened up with anxiety!  I have sciatica this morning, all that weeding at the weekend  >:(

Let us know how you get on at the appt on Friday! <HUG>


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Re: very scared about urinary clinic appointment
« Reply #14 on: June 04, 2014, 02:46:59 PM »

thanks x
I'm carrying on without them. No swimming which is driving me nuts  >:(  Just resting. Putting on weight (again).
I had the idea to go to the physio yesterday and she helped the pain a lot for the moment. She seemed to know which groups of muscles had gone into spasm as a result of pain (can't remember the name).
Like: she : "does this hurt?"
me: owwwwwwww
she: "and this area?"
me: yoooowwwwww.
 ;D Then she's put 2 bands, like sportspeople wear, down my back to hold the muscles in place.

I still got only 4 hours sleep though (instead of my usual 6). Have to get up in the night. Still have irritation around the last inch of so of my urethra and pressure to 'go'.
So far, I'm glad I didn't take the nitroglycerine or whatever it's called  ;D  Sounds nasty Taz xxx
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