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Author Topic: Acid reflux?  (Read 95225 times)


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Re: Acid reflux?
« Reply #135 on: July 19, 2014, 02:36:05 PM »

I got my appointment come through for a week on Monday to see the consultant. I have had a rough few days with the acid and burning in the mouth and chest.
I have now turned to de-caff tea and have stopped eating high sugary foods and replaced it with fruit.
I went for a smear test on Monday and the nurse was concerned about my pulse and heart reading. I had already been sent for an ECG by my doctor a few weeks prior that came back ok as my readings were high then.

My blood pressure has been ok and don't know if all this worry about going to the hospital is making it go up as my biggest fear is having the camera down. She wants me to take readings for 2 weeks after I have been to the hospital. I really don't want to go on anymore tablets as I hate taking things that can cause other problems later on.

I feel like I get something sorted and something else pops up and it's never ending.

I'd be careful eating fruit, many fruits are very acidic, which will just make your symptoms worse. Bananas are pretty good though.

Also remember that decaf does not mean caffeine free, so don't drink too much.

I'll say it again. I swear by mastic gum capsules and I am a total skeptic when it comes to complimentary/ alternative medicines, they have been an enormous help as well as diet, Lansoprazole and gaviscon.


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Re: Acid reflux?
« Reply #136 on: July 19, 2014, 06:10:27 PM »

Just bought mastic gum Laineywinks   Do you take one a day ? Haveyou tried without the lansoprozole  as I have managed to drop the omezparole now.   You could probably do it  with your diet gaviscon and gum.  .i agree with you bannanas are really the only fruit i touch nowadays though you can get away with a few raspberries or strawberries on a bowl of porridge i have found.  Camomile tea is all i have as well. What a life!!



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Re: Acid reflux?
« Reply #137 on: July 19, 2014, 07:11:53 PM »

Just bought mastic gum Laineywinks   Do you take one a day ? Haveyou tried without the lansoprozole  as I have managed to drop the omezparole now.   You could probably do it  with your diet gaviscon and gum.  .i agree with you bannanas are really the only fruit i touch nowadays though you can get away with a few raspberries or strawberries on a bowl of porridge i have found.  Camomile tea is all i have as well. What a life!!


I take 2 mastic gum capsules a day and I did have to stop the Lansoprazole for a week before I had a H-Pylori test and my acid reflux was horrendous even though I was taking gaviscon and Zantac, so I've never tried since.

Porridge with skimmed milk is very good, I find it actually soothes my stomach and if you like honey (I can't stand it) that will make it even more beneficial.

Despite having my recent upsetting diagnosis, my digestive problems have remained stable, which surprised me. But I keep up with the cabbage intake and have live yogurt, Yakult and a pro biotic drink daily. So I can comfort eat and drink alcohol, when things really get to me  :)


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Re: Acid reflux?
« Reply #138 on: July 19, 2014, 08:20:14 PM »

Hi all found this conversation very interesting, I was on PPI for yrs but came off them a few months ago as they never helped, tried all sorts , Colofac helps but still have issues, I am on Amitriptyline for neck pain I also have IBS!!!! but like the sound of this Mastic gum, can you do you know take it while taking Colofac and Amitriptyline   :) :)


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Re: Acid reflux?
« Reply #139 on: July 19, 2014, 10:00:25 PM »

Sparkle, funny you should mention how when tummy is playing up you are aware of your heart & palpitations, that's what I was getting, and doc said the pain from the acid could be causing the palps, I have found taking a painkiller helps.

I am a bit of mess at the moment as trying to come off mirtazapine, so not sure what is causing what.  Not been dressed for 3 days, managed to drag myself into the shower and put on fresh pjs, everything seems such an effort.  As there is just me and my teenage son at home, I have found I am googling too much and overthinking, not a good idea I know.

Kelly, I know what you mean, I feel the same when I see pics of friends on nights out!

On a lighter note, son just came through, flopped down on sofa, fanning himself with a newspaper and said, I am sooooo hot, I think it must be my age  ;D

Lady D

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Re: Acid reflux?
« Reply #140 on: July 19, 2014, 10:41:54 PM »

Had my daughter (22) home from Uni this weekend and she has been struggling with the heat as much as me, think it's cos we are pale red heads.  Either that or she is company out in sympathy with her menopausal Mother!

That's so funny what your son said  ;D


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Re: Acid reflux?
« Reply #141 on: July 19, 2014, 10:51:36 PM »

Lady D, I must admit I did laugh at his comment, he is 15 so could well be his age.  Are you down south?  I hear the weather there has been very warm.  I'm in Scotland and although not cold, we've had, grey skies, heavy rain with thunder n lightening!

Lady D

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Re: Acid reflux?
« Reply #142 on: July 19, 2014, 10:55:04 PM »

I'm in the Midlands and although we had a storm last night + heavy rain today still quite muggy and I never did copy well with humidity even pre-menopause!  Now just makes matters worse :(

In Scotland soon for Commonwealth Games :)


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Re: Acid reflux?
« Reply #143 on: July 19, 2014, 11:37:00 PM »

Hi all found this conversation very interesting, I was on PPI for yrs but came off them a few months ago as they never helped, tried all sorts , Colofac helps but still have issues, I am on Amitriptyline for neck pain I also have IBS!!!! but like the sound of this Mastic gum, can you do you know take it while taking Colofac and Amitriptyline   :) :)
I take it with Amitriptyline, I think you can take it with anything. In Greece and Turkey they have chewing gum made
from it.

I also think vast amounts of cabbage help. some inmates in an American prison were given large amounts of cabbage for  around 8  weeks and it cured their stomach ulcers.


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Re: Acid reflux?
« Reply #144 on: July 20, 2014, 09:34:22 AM »

Lots of great extra tips from everyone here isn't there! I have amiltriptine to take for sleeping but do they work for anxiety at all. Mind you if I take one i am zonked out all day so have beenleaving  them alone.
Happy new kitchen Sparkle. So jealous as mine is ancient but helping sons out with a flat and house so that has to wait for now!!
Lots of love
Kelly xxx


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Re: Acid reflux?
« Reply #145 on: July 20, 2014, 10:40:43 AM »

I have tried camomile tea but didn't like it and made me feel sick afterwards. I have ginger and lemon tea which I do like. I only drink 3 cups of tea a day with the occasional tassimo coffee as a treat.
I used to eat biscuits and chocolates on a daily basis and can't say I miss them at the moment as I always suffered after eating them. I am eating bananas, cherries and strawberries and seem to ok on them after eating.

I bought a yoghurt maker last week so am eating some natural yoghurt each day, it's lovely with a drizzle of honey and tastes much nicer than shop bought ones.


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Re: Acid reflux?
« Reply #146 on: July 20, 2014, 01:35:43 PM »

Sounds like you have your diet sorted Chloe. You have done really well. Sometimes I think you have to find out what are your personal triggers don't you.i know my doc said tea wouldn't be a problem but I know different!!
Kelly xxxx


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Re: Acid reflux?
« Reply #147 on: July 21, 2014, 12:30:20 PM »

Sounds like you are really organised Sparkle! Enjoy that new kitchen !

The optician said my eyes hadn't changed for four years but I could still be helped by some glasses. She said i might be noticing my vision more as I am anxious. I just don't think i could cope with varifocals at the moment. More stress!!! Don't want three pairs of glasses either. When I went to try frames I mentioned that my vision was better through one pair .the girl looked at me strangely as I was looking through plain glass! We decided I would go back after I been in hospital to see if things had calmed down!! It's official I am strange!
Kelly xxx



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Re: Acid reflux?
« Reply #148 on: July 22, 2014, 03:03:30 PM »

I know .why can't things be straightforward! I only need to see myself in mirror again but then can't think why I do at this age?
Had stress management today just talked for an hour felt a bit better afterwards. On Friday having next hypno analysis session where I speak back to him and we see what comes out. Should be interesting!!!


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Re: Acid reflux?
« Reply #149 on: July 23, 2014, 06:24:17 AM »

Hi Kelly, haven't been on here for a while but glad to see you are feeling better. I wanted to say that blurred vision can be sometimes a temp side effect of ADs. If you have started an AD, could be that what is causing it. It does go away after a few weeks. ADs can also cause dry eyes, itchiness, etc.
Hope you will sort this out soon!
Mila x
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