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Author Topic: Acid reflux?  (Read 95213 times)


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Re: Acid reflux?
« Reply #90 on: June 24, 2014, 07:41:56 PM »

Kelly - I have been taking lansoprazole for 5 months now. They make you a bit constipated and terrible bouts of trapped wind in your stomach. I used to have occasional bouts of wind trapped but nothing like this. I read other people  having the same problem with them so think it's the tablets more than what is wrong with me.


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Re: Acid reflux?
« Reply #91 on: June 24, 2014, 08:44:37 PM »

I am sure you are right Chloe . I have awful nausea do you? Doc insists its anxiety ! Have you been on omezprazole at all ?
Sparkle please let me know your results tomorrow !


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Re: Acid reflux?
« Reply #92 on: June 25, 2014, 10:18:02 AM »

Kelly - I don't get nausea through the tablets only if my migraines or acid reflux is bad. They tend to make my joints ache and feel tired some days.

I haven't been on any other tablets just waiting for my appointment to come through to see a consultant for the 1st time with these problems.


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Re: Acid reflux?
« Reply #93 on: June 25, 2014, 10:56:30 AM »

Kelly, Sparkle,
Alongside with the constant nausea and stomach acids (ie reflux) I also had night sweats , anxiety, insomnia. The blood tests showed high FSH and low estrogen. I am perimeno, still having periods although with changed cycles in the past two years. Seams that things got worse as of March. The doctor definitely prescribed HRT. He said herbal stuff etc wont work for me. He said I should see much improvement in all fronts in 3-4 months. I am on Femoston 2/10 where I take estr and prog combined in the last 14 days of the cycle and estr only in the first half. The nausea and acids emerge on the last 4-5 days of each pack but do disappear when I start the estrogen part. So I hope with you it is also hormonal and that HRT will bring about improvement.

PS - I am seeing my doctor tomorrow and will discuss why I still get this nausea and acids even though just for a few days. Will write with updates.

All the best xxx


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Re: Acid reflux?
« Reply #94 on: June 25, 2014, 11:40:48 AM »

Thanks for that info Milamam . I have exactly the same symtons as you but the doc
Wasn't happy to give me the Hrt I had to bring emails from Dr Currie. Did you get the burning  throat at all? How long before you felt the effects of the HRt . I am desperate. Today after not sleeping my anxiety was so bad I couldn't drive my son to school. I found some diazepam and had to take a quarter mid morning to calm me down.    what On earth is happening to me .all started with a burning throat!
Hope you get your appointment soon Chloe.


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Re: Acid reflux?
« Reply #95 on: June 25, 2014, 11:57:35 AM »

I know what you mean Kelly, it is awful. Try to think of the anxiety as only a symptom, and don't blame yourself! It is NOT your fault.

For me the night sweats and insomnia disappeared in the first two weeks, moods improved after a month but I am still cautious about the anxiety an I hope it will disappear within the next months. The nausea also was one of the first things to go. I then started feeling nauseas during the last few pills of the pack and then again it disappeared when I started the new pack.

Did you doctor advise you on anything related to the anxiety, i.e. ADs? I also take citalopram for now 11 months but I don't think it had any significant effect until I started the HRT. My doctor who also prescribed the HRT said that HRT enhances the effects of ADs and that I should stay on it for now although on low dose.

And no, I didn't have burning throat but have suffered with dry eyes symptom before. I think HRT has brought an improvement to that front as well!


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Re: Acid reflux?
« Reply #96 on: June 26, 2014, 06:47:14 AM »

Yes we need this support at the moment. I am really desperate for someone to help me with my throat . Seems so long till consultant on the 17th .the Internet is full of people who swear that ppi s dont work and cause anxiety and sickness. The docs just prescribe pills to cover the extra symtons  I think.
Very shaky this morning but gonna try the school run and see so frightened I get to the point where I can't go out.


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Re: Acid reflux?
« Reply #97 on: June 26, 2014, 06:49:26 AM »

Let me know your results Sparkle as soon as you know and enjoy your hols. Thank god you are well enough to go.
Lol xxxxxx


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Re: Acid reflux?
« Reply #98 on: June 26, 2014, 02:49:25 PM »

Sparkle, enjoy your holidays and try to relax. I am sure only the change of scenery will make things better for you.

Reporting back from the Dr re reflux at the last days of cycle. He said all normal, such discomfort days should decrease in number as I progress further with the HRT, no change needed for now. So will have to endure for a few more days. Other than that many things re peri have improved so should't complain ....oh well, I am like this always, instead of really looking at what has improved i tend to get obsessed over things that are still bothering.....

Kelly, I hope you feel better today. I am sorry if I missed it but did you start the HRT yet?


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Re: Acid reflux?
« Reply #99 on: June 26, 2014, 07:41:40 PM »

Hi Milamam yes started HRT yesterday but still very anxious and shaky plus the continuing sore throat. At my wits end. Doc gave me citolopram And some diazepam ( for short term)  I am sure she thinks the sore throat is a figment of my imagination. She wants me to have counselling! Still can't believe all this?
On a plus ( very small one) i have managed to get my appointment at ENT sooner on the 7 th  . The consultant won't be happy I havnt been on the omezparole for 6 weeks but my throat is driving me crazy and I am going to beg him to take me in and look at it .  I just dont trust the ppi pills as i blame them for the nausea and panic .What a life these past few months!

Hope you come back well rested Sparkle.


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Re: Acid reflux?
« Reply #100 on: June 27, 2014, 07:56:19 AM »

Thanks Sparkle and everyone


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Re: Acid reflux?
« Reply #101 on: July 06, 2014, 02:34:00 PM »

Hope you had a lovely holiday Sparkle. Glad you relaxed a bit. Let me know your results too. I started the low Hrt and felt a little bit better after a week. My throat hasn't been too bad thank God but I have also been doing a low acid diet and drinking alkaline water so it could be that as well. I am not going near the omprezanol  it just made me feel really sick. Not telling the consultant that though! I have stuck to the Gaviscon though. I know what you mean about anxiety. It has had me in its  grip for nearly ten days now. I have it nearly all the time pounding heart can't sleep. Still haven't taken the anti depressants so frightened of them ! But don't know how long I can carry on in this extreme state.
I have stopped the Hrt because I have suddenly got blurred vision .HAS ANYONE OUT THERE EXPERIENCED BLURRED VISION WITH HRT. Or could it be an anxiety symptom? Can't get my life back at the moment . Just crumbling.xxxxx


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Re: Acid reflux?
« Reply #102 on: July 06, 2014, 03:48:22 PM »

You MUST tell the Consultant.  There is also a Yellow Card to fill in on-line about the various medications.  No point in keeping any information 'back' because without a full medical profile the medics are unable to be subjective! 

Anxiety is probably the reason for the blurred vision.  Your GP has given you ADs for a reason and whilst I am the worse for worrying about side-effects, if you don't try them you won't know how they help/not.  It can also take 10-14 days before the drugs kick in  ??? …….

I doubt if you 'beg' a Consultant they won't 'take you in' if the symptoms don't warrant investigations, particularly if you aren't taking the medication as prescribed.  Take a list to your appt. about what you have taken and any unpleasant effects; as well as what you find helps.  Also your general daily diet ……… : Otherwise <shrug> ………

Reflux is unpleasant.  I find it worse if I eat too early to laying down in bed.  I take my meds at least an hour before bed.  Otherwise the symptoms begin as soon as I try to sleep.  Milk of Magnesia helps me, OK it's old hat but the milk rather than tablets eases symptoms, as does Rennies ………. I was going to type Rentakill  ::)

What on EARTH is alkaline water?  Water itself can cause acid ………. because one drinks too much and it causes wind  ::)


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Re: Acid reflux?
« Reply #103 on: July 06, 2014, 07:15:37 PM »

hi CKLD I am not sure if we have spoken before. My problem is I don't really get the heartburn just a burning throat so can't identify culprits. The alkaline water is a high ph. Higher than normal water .some recommend it on line others don't. It was worth a try for me as I am desperate and its easily available in tesco. My throat has been better on a bland diet with the water but it also might have been the Hrt. As doc said stop immediately if you get a migraine i was worried about blurred vision and stopped them. I was on femeston conti low dose .Have u experienced blurred vision with anxiety at all?
Consultant said he would take me in to investigate my throat if it hadn't improved so I am hoping he will. I have been on the omprezanol for 5 weeks so shud have seen some benefit by now especially with my diet and gaviscon etc. I think you can reduce them after that time anyway and use when needed. It's not good to be on them all the time apparently.
thanks so much for advice .where do you find the yellow cards.


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Re: Acid reflux?
« Reply #104 on: July 08, 2014, 08:14:22 AM »

Hi everyone and Sparkle . I am actually being taken in on the 28 th to hve my throat investigated after suffering since march. As I have altered my diet ,had 5 weeks omezprazole ,gaviscon, no caffeine, alcohol ,dairy, and still,suffering consultant says he better have a look even if only to put my mind at rest . 
That at least makes me feel a bit better and I hope it improves the anxiety.
Has anyone managed to get over anxiety without withou AD .if so any advice would be welcome. Can kalms help with acute anxiety?

Thnks to everyone especially Sparkle for listening over these past months!!
Love and hugs
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