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Author Topic: Irregular periods - very heavy  (Read 3641 times)


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Irregular periods - very heavy
« on: May 30, 2014, 11:35:30 AM »

Hi there, last year in January I had the Mirena Coil fitted while I was under GA to have polyps removed.  All was fine (still had periods though they were lighter than I was used to) but in the October while having a bath - the coil popped out and floated around before my eyes!  I went to my GP and said I would prefer not to have it refitted as I felt very sluggish and felt my waist had thickened in the 9 months I was with coil! and she prescribed me cerazette instead. I didnt take it straight away waiting for a period which didn't arrive until December.  As it was quite a gap from becoming coil-less to getting a period I though I would see how it went - having been extremely regular pre-coil I didnt have another period until 9th March which lasted 9 days  and now here I am again 71 days after the last period still bleeding fairly heavy- quite a lot of heavy clotting in the middle and odd clots still now - It is now day 11. There is no pain associated with the periods which is great.

Moodwise I can get a bit low and 'can't be bothered' but not too bad and would like to cope as best as possible without drugs etc but don't know if to sit the periods out and see if the get longer between or what?
Any advice ladies?


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Re: Irregular periods - very heavy
« Reply #1 on: May 30, 2014, 02:04:29 PM »

You may find you go for many weeks before your next bleed or it could be next week. The joys of peri.
My longest bleed was 6weeks and the shortest time between was 4 days.

My daughter is on cerazette and still bleeds occasionally.

There is no right and wrong at this time so you just have to go with it. Watch out for anaemia if you are bleeding a lot.



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Re: Irregular periods - very heavy
« Reply #2 on: June 21, 2014, 06:01:46 PM »

Thanks for that - have had iron deficiency before so taking an iron tablet each day to counteract it.

Onto my fifth week of bleeding now - fairly light and no pain though which is an absolute godsend - just very inconvenient

Such fun x


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Re: Irregular periods - very heavy
« Reply #3 on: July 09, 2014, 06:08:41 AM »

7 weeks and getting bored of this bleeding now - just when I think its finished I dribble again!!!!

anyone else?


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Re: Irregular periods - very heavy
« Reply #4 on: July 15, 2014, 10:27:55 PM »

Yes my last period was heavy for 7-10 days then took 20 days to tail off !! Now hot and sweating oh do we ever recover


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Re: Irregular periods - very heavy
« Reply #5 on: August 08, 2014, 09:41:03 AM »

I've been searching through the forum to find anyone else suffering the same as me and relieved to see I'm not the only one. My periods have always been very regular and have never lasted for more than a week. Since March they've been all over the place and horrible. I'm now on my 3rd week of bleeding and there seems to be no let up...I keep hoping it will stop!
GP ran tests and said my hormone levels are high so this would suggest that it is the menopause. Luckily my iron levels are fine.

I have an ultrasound scan booked for next week to see if there is another reason for the bleeding.

It's a scary time when it's not 'normal' for you.