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Author Topic: Menopause "dreads"  (Read 6843 times)


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Menopause "dreads"
« on: May 20, 2014, 03:05:27 PM »

Hi I am new to this webpage.  I am 66 yrs old.  I started with HRT at the age of 42yrs old - had various kinds of HRT (tablets, patches) over the years - eventually had a hysterectomy.  I then was put on HRT implants where I felt on top of the world!!  Being in the nursing profession I was aware of a condition called tachyphylaxis and eventually this happened to me.  I then went back to having HRT in tablet form.  I was on HRT for 18 yrs in all and thought enough was enough and weaned off HRT.  Since then I have really suffered.  The daily flushes have reduced significantly and what I have I can deal with.  it is the night time ones that get me down.  it seems that every time I turn over I get a flush and I try my best to get a "cold" patch in the bed.  I also find I am getting these feelings of "dread" and don't know why.  These feeling only last a minute or two but why should I get them in bed?   Very occasionally I get them in the day but nothing like I get when in bed.  Is there anyone else out there getting this and if so what do you do about it?


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Re: Menopause "dreads"
« Reply #1 on: May 20, 2014, 03:19:58 PM »

Hi kamanu - welcome to the forum.

I get the dreads just before a hot sweat/flush during the day or night and have always thought it is to do with the body beginning to go into overdrive ready to raise the adrenaline levels. It is a most horrible feeling. I think of it as a feeling of doom. The only thing that gets rid of them for me is to use HRT which gets rid of the flushes for me. Sorry not to have anything to offer in the way of a "cure".

Taz x  :welcomemm:


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Re: Menopause "dreads"
« Reply #2 on: May 20, 2014, 03:25:18 PM »

Thank you for that Taz - sometimes I wonder if I am the only one suffering like this.  I hate those feelings of "doom".  I am wondering if I should go back to the GP and ask to be put back on HRT but not sure whether they will give it me.  How long have you been on HRT?  Wondering if the GP will let me go back on it?


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Re: Menopause "dreads"
« Reply #3 on: May 20, 2014, 03:32:22 PM »

Kamanu could you not go onto a low dose estrogen patch e.g. 25mcgs at least a little is better then nothing and it might just be enough to calm things down. Over 60 an ultra low dose estrogen can be prescribed it there is no contradictory circumstances.

Other approaches can include Vitamin E, the omegas 3s, Starflower Oil may help. Some women swear by Natural Progesterone Cream and women use it to well into their 80s. It can calm adrenals and  help with sleep. Also Magnesium Taurate is another supplement to try if you want to try something more natural.

The "dread" feelings sound like adrenal surges here is some info

Melatonin taken at night time can curb cortisol surges that get out of sync, so a supplement might help also.

Hope this is of help.
« Last Edit: May 20, 2014, 03:36:57 PM by silverlady »


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Re: Menopause "dreads"
« Reply #4 on: May 20, 2014, 03:36:02 PM »

Just to add that I went through the "dread" feelings and they were always in bed just as I was feeling relaxed, I would get a surge that lasted a few minutes, and it took away the relaxed feeling. A lot of ladies on MM have reported them.

Magnesium helped me the most along with a low dose estrogen patch.


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Re: Menopause "dreads"
« Reply #5 on: May 20, 2014, 04:18:07 PM »

I am 60 now and started using HRT from the age of 53 after two years of horrible sweats. I was advised to come off last August - six months before I was 60 - by the menopause clinic, the GP and the gynae purely because I was approaching 60. I lasted eight months before rummaging in the bathroom cupboard and, joy of joys, finding a box of patches still in date. By then I was experiencing drenching sweats every 20 minutes on a good day and every 15 minutes on a bad day. My work had really suffered which was the worst part for me as I love my job. Within a day of putting on a patch I was sweat-free which was such a relief. Of course the patches ran out and, to complicate matters, I am booked in for a hysterectomy (prolapse) in July and my Doc has said no more HRT definitely before a major op. She has agreed to review it about eight weeks after my op and says that if I really can't cope then I can be prescribed it again as long as I accept the risks - the main one being increased risk of stroke.

I am not sure whether your GP would be happy to prescribe it for you but you can but try. As SL says if your health is good overall and you accept the risks as explained to you then it should be prescribed. Pills are definitely not recommended for over 60.

Taz x


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Re: Menopause "dreads"
« Reply #6 on: May 20, 2014, 04:23:32 PM »

Thanks silverlady.  Have to say that I have tried most of the "natural " remedies .  I did try magnesium tablets taking them in the evening(they did have calcium and zinc in them too) but then  found I was waking up with headaches so thought I had better stop taking those as I get enough headaches without having more.  This seemed to help as regarding the headaches.  I went to that adrenal web site and did the questionnaire - it seems I have moderate adrenal fatigue. Maybe I will go to the GP and see if they will give anything for it.


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Re: Menopause "dreads"
« Reply #7 on: May 20, 2014, 07:44:29 PM »

Hi kamanu

 :welcomemm: from me too.

I am sorry to hear that you are not feeling so good. I would agree with silverlady and Taz that perhpas a low dose oestrogen patch might help at this point, and because you have had a hysterectomy then you don't have to worry about a progestogen which can cause problems in tolerating HRT, and in the famous HRT trials, was assciated with a slightly higher breast cancer risk.

"Adrenal fatigue" is not a recognised condition in UK, so you won't be able to get treatment for it. It is popular in America where there is a different healthcare system and all sorts of independent docs come up with all sorts of conditions and then try to sell you products to cure them - that site/link is one example, since the doc is selling a book and supplements! Look on UK sites and you won't find it!

For natural methods of reducing stress - it is all down to the usual lifestyle advice - good healthy diet, plenty of exercise during the day, trying to limit alcohol, caffeine etc, keeping your weight down. Making sure you do all the things at night to encourage sleep eg calming down at the end of the day, minimise light etc.

Sorry I can't be of more help but I can sympathise with how you feel. I would definitely go to the doc and ask about an oestrogen patch if you can though....

Hurdity x



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Re: Menopause "dreads"
« Reply #8 on: May 21, 2014, 09:06:08 AM »

There are UK sites discussing adrenal fatigue

Plenty of people discussing it on forums too eg thyroid forums.

Even NHS site mentions if but lumps it with chronic fatigue syndrome.

kamanu I now you are a nurse and know about these things but have you thought about getting your thyroid checked, estrogen can interfere with thyroid function and as you developed Tachyphylaxis this could be a possibility too for your symptoms.
« Last Edit: May 21, 2014, 09:18:07 AM by silverlady »


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Re: Menopause "dreads"
« Reply #9 on: May 21, 2014, 06:24:04 PM »

Thanks for your comments and information.  I am not on any hormone programme - I only take my thyroxine.  Blood levels for that are checked about every 9 months or so and they come back as being OK but that is just  proving that I am on the right amount of medication for my thyroid.  I take vitamin and mineral supplements but no oestrogen prescribed.  I know oestrogen interferes with thyroxine so not sure I should go back on HRT albeit in small doses.   I just hate these doom and gloom feelings - it is really depressing!!  I am sure I have adrenal fatigue but then if it is not treated over here I am not sure what one can do.  If I get a chance I will check up on that at the Drs.  Thing is I don't go to the Drs - I tend to self medicate myself.  Rather not see Drs if I can help it!!
« Last Edit: May 21, 2014, 06:32:11 PM by kamanu »