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Author Topic: Vagifem repeat prescription  (Read 6694 times)


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Vagifem repeat prescription
« on: May 14, 2014, 10:00:57 PM »

Can I just ask any of you who use vagifem whether they have to visit their doctor every so often for a review before they can continue to get Vagifem on repeat prescription?

I find this process very tiresome as its not likely that I will be suddenly cured of VA and not need Vagifem so why can't the review be once a year for example?

Recently I was given one of the green review slips when I picked up my prescription. This means you have to see the doctor to review your medication before the pharmacy will let you have any more.   As I had a doctors appointment a few days later, I rang to ask if the doctor could do the review at the same time. The receptionist said she couldn't speak for the doctor and anyway, it would make the following appointments late if I bothered the doctor with more than one thing. I explained that it was just a review and she said crossly " well how many medications are you on?". I said just the one and in the past all the doctor had asked was whether it was still working OK for me. So a quick thing. Then she said that the only way she could do it would be to actually ask the doctor so I said, yes please ask her then and leave a message on my answer phone.

No message was left on my answer phone and when I attended my appointment, I was uptight as usual when visiting the doctors and forgot to ask if she would do the review :bang:

So now I have had to make another appointment which is not easy with the telephone queueing system my practice has.

Do you all have reviews every few months before you can continue to get your prescription?

Ariadne xx


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Re: Vagifem repeat prescription
« Reply #1 on: May 14, 2014, 10:26:01 PM »

Oh these receptionists  >:( ……… when I go to see the GP if I have other queries then I ask.  If he wants me to make another appt. he does so, there and then or he will discuss what is necessary at the time.

Ask why a message wasn't left; ask if the GP can give you a phone call as you have queries ……. there's a limit to what I will tell the receptionist because it's personal to me and 'yes, I do need to see the GP which is why I am ringing'  ;)

I am now on a 12 month GP review after having 6 monthly reviews …..


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Re: Vagifem repeat prescription
« Reply #2 on: May 15, 2014, 06:09:04 AM »

Six month review for full HRT and that's usually with a nurse for blood pressure. Any problems and a GP appointment is given. Vagifem is on repeat and to be honest is never really mentioned specifically, jut under a "how is everything" sort of way.

They do like to make it hard.

I never get asked by a receptionist why I want to see a GP but if I book a nurses appointment I am asked in general terms so I can get the correct nurse as some do more specific things.



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Re: Vagifem repeat prescription
« Reply #3 on: May 15, 2014, 08:42:17 AM »

I'm going to the GP today and have to ask for repeats on Utrogestan and Vagifem. Bit nervous as I often have to battle for them. Depends on what kind of mood he's in.
I no longer see the female GP as she told me vagifem was dangerous when used longer term.
Meno clinic said I can take it every other day if I want to, as I have bladder irritation and it should help. I in fact take it every 3 days.


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Re: Vagifem repeat prescription
« Reply #4 on: May 15, 2014, 11:28:06 AM »

I have to see my GP yearly for a review of all my meds including vagifem and only ever asked if everything is ok and blood pressure taken.  I have also been told that I can use vagifem for the rest of my life :)  Just hope my GP doesn't retire soon!!

Katy x


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Re: Vagifem repeat prescription
« Reply #5 on: May 15, 2014, 11:56:40 AM »

Thanks. I think I'll ask if the review can be yearly. I hate having to visit my practice - everything is geared up to make you feel nothing but a nuisance.

Long winded recorded message when you ring - eventually puts you in a queue and I'm usually number 50 something when I ring before 9am

A notice greets you inside the door asking you to use the computer booking in system rather than queue up at reception

Reception has glass panels to protect the staff but means you have to raise your voice a bit and cant hear the receptionist very well

No-one calls out your name. Instead you sit in a bus-like formation of chairs facing each other (I find that very unsettling) and have to continually look up at the TV screen for your name and what room to go to. The TV can sometimes be behind you - not easy!

The TV displays a long list of Dos and Dont's related to health and is rather depressing to be honest.

There are notices asking you to remove your outer clothing while in the waiting room so as to save time when you get in the doctors room.

Sigh  ::)

Ariadne xx



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Re: Vagifem repeat prescription
« Reply #6 on: May 15, 2014, 02:14:24 PM »

Sigh indeed. My lot would approve of the waiting room/change room idea!
There are dumb clucks and then there are old utrogestan and vagifem were on repeat! So I ask him if the Evorel is too and he looks and says yes, that's a mistake, I'll remove it as you need to come in every 3 months (despite the meno clinic asking for annual reviews).
I waited an hour to see him for 2 mins.


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Re: Vagifem repeat prescription
« Reply #7 on: May 15, 2014, 03:17:28 PM »

There is a running thread: 'have you parked correctly', various adverts, some GPs use it for calling in the next patient but mine fetches me  ;) ……. as for taking off clothes in the waiting room, how far would they like me to undress  ;D …. …… maybe it's a way of clearing the queue ……..


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Re: Vagifem repeat prescription
« Reply #8 on: May 16, 2014, 05:10:00 PM »

Yes it is normal to have reviews - I only know about asthma ( my son when young) and HRT for me - but I think it's once a year.

Actually it is a good thing because it is important to check your health and that whatever it is you are taking, is still working for you, do some basic checks. It would be negligent just to keep on giving you stuff without ever asking to see you!

I agree it would be a pain to have to go every 3 months!

In my practice though, even if you miss your review date they still issue the prescription and remind you that you need to review it. Not sure how long this would go on before they made a fuss! I mean it is also irresponsible to stop a patients medication suddenly too, if you've run out!

Hurdity x


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Re: Vagifem repeat prescription
« Reply #9 on: May 16, 2014, 07:20:43 PM »

GP has prescribed one box of vagifem on repeat - that's just 24 doses. Pharmacist says to leave him a note, asking him to up it to at least 3 boxes a time. He said the GP gets a prescribing fee, but he doesn't think 3 boxes is unreasonable, given that he's given me 6 months of Utrogestan  ::)


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Re: Vagifem repeat prescription
« Reply #10 on: May 16, 2014, 08:41:49 PM »

Had the review. She asked me how long I'd been on Vagifem and whether I'd had a break! I said I hadn't had a break and didn't want one as it wasn't likely that the VA had gone away and a break would put me back to square one. She smiled and nodded. The review is six monthly and she explained it was good to check blood pressure every so often which I had to agree is a good idea.

So that's over and done with now for another six months  :)

Ariadne xx


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Re: Vagifem repeat prescription
« Reply #11 on: May 16, 2014, 08:50:42 PM »

Reading about the way some GPs practices are run makes me appreciate mine.

I never have problems getting an appointment, the GP comes and shouts me in usually by my first name and I never feel rushed. Maybe it's because I am in a fairly rural area and I have been with the same practice for over twenty years.
Don't know but they are really good.



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Re: Vagifem repeat prescription
« Reply #12 on: May 23, 2014, 06:41:45 AM »

I have a yearly review of Vagifem checking blood pressure etc  :)


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Re: Vagifem repeat prescription
« Reply #13 on: May 23, 2014, 09:20:30 AM »


A bit 'off topic' here but ....

Having had regular contact with my GP surgery over the past 6 years or so because of various health issues, I'm always interested to read about people's experiences and views about how they are treated in General Practice.

Ariadne - I'm pleased to hear that you've had your review but I'm sorry to read about the treatment in General Practice that you and others who have commented here continue to experience. 

I feel very lucky that my local (village) practice has no such rules about "one condition only at each consultation", I can generally get an appointment at a time to suit me and that all the staff (except one) are helpful, polite and friendly.  However, I shouldn't be feeling "lucky", everyone should expect and promptly receive a good level of care and respect in a reasonably pleasant, non-threatening, non-judgemental environment at their GP Practice.

I work in a small team of receptionists at a veterinary practice.  Clients sometimes comment how friendly and helpful we are and contrast this to doctors' receptionists.  They invariably go on to say that it's probably because veterinary care is a private service which they pay for - I always point out that they should expect the same courtesy and level of service from the NHS which we all pay for, just via a different route.
Sorry if there are any GP receptionists/admin staff/practice managers who are reading this - there are some great support staff in the NHS and I have encountered many but I feel that the good ones can get overshadowed by the bad ones, especially when patients are feeling vulnerable.


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Re: Vagifem repeat prescription
« Reply #14 on: May 25, 2014, 07:21:34 PM »

Once my husband took me to the doctor after I'd had chest pains all night. The lady doctor called the hospital to book me in for an ECG. She described my symptoms and then said "apparently her father dropped dead from a heart attack aged 54 and that's why she's concerned but I don't expect you'll find anything wrong".   

Well I know its a long time since my Dad died but the circumstances were traumatic and her choice of words still upset me.  No wonder I always put off visiting my GP for fear of wasting their time.

Another thing I noticed on my last visit. A small open cubicle had appeared in the waiting room but I couldn't see inside from where I was sitting. But then an elderly lady and her friend came out of one of the doctors rooms and went into the cubicle where I could hear them trying to work out how to use the blood pressure monitor that must be in the cubicle.

So now I'm wondering if that too is something they feel is taking up too much of their time  ::)

Ariadne xx

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