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Author Topic: Hi all, new here and here's my story ...  (Read 4487 times)


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Hi all, new here and here's my story ...
« on: May 01, 2014, 03:02:34 PM »

Hi All

I'm new to this site, and am hoping that what I've just experienced is something others have experienced too, as it was totally freaky!!

I'm 50 years old, working mother of two, stepmum to one who lives with us.  Married for 10 years, very happily, and life's been pretty okay.  I started the perimenopause about 18 months ago, experiencing hot flushes and irregular periods.  All my life, my periods have been regular and light, only lasting about 3 days, with minimal pain.  I never took the contraceptive pill as I tried it in my teens and unfortunately it made me nauseous and gave me bad headaches.  I was sterilised 14 years ago.  Anyway, the first sign of the perimenopause was not having a period for two months, accompanied with hot flushes.  I was pretty sure that's what was happening, but went to my GP and had blood tests which confirmed perimenopause.  Fine.  I noticed however that my periods, when I got them, were a lot heavier than I'd ever experienced before, and more painful.  But, I could cope with it and was told that this was 'normal'.  But, on three occasions (the last being Monday) I experienced pain which I can only describe as like labour pain, which didn't settle for a few hours.  Again I saw my GP and was told it was relatively normal and was given strong painkillers.

In the last two months, I have had four periods, following four months with nothing.  On Monday morning, I got up for work as usual, felt absolutely fine, went to get dressed and literally suddenly I was on the floor in excruciating pain.  I could hardly breathe, couldn't move or speak and the pain was so intense.  My husband panicked and called an ambulance.  Paramedics arrived and I couldn't even tell them my name, nor could they examine me the pain was so severe.  They put a line in and gave me a shot of morphine, but it didn't work so they gave me another shot and finally the pain started to ease.  They were able to examine me, and decided to take me to hospital to get checked out in case it was appendicitis.  The pain was still faintly present, so I had IV Paracetamol in the ambulance on the way to hospital.  On arrival at A&E I was examined by a doctor and bloods were taken.  Of course the pain wasn't there and I was away with the fairies because of the morphine!! A little later they asked me to do a urine sample, and I was accompanied to the toilet.  But, on wiping myself after I'd peed, there was some blood on the toilet paper so I of course assumed I'd started another period.  I told the Nurse and she said she would tell the doctor.  When the doctor came back to say my bloods were normal but they had found traces of blood in my urine, I asked her why I'd had this intense pain before, but on the same day, my period started.  She didn't know, but discharged me.

I spent the day spaced out, but the period was heavier than I've know before.  I saw my GP again yesterday, and he said that although more painful periods are common in the perimenopause, having pain which is only relieved by morphine is NOT normal, and he's sending me for a scan to see if there's anything underlying.  He has mentioned to me before the Mirena Coil, but I've been reluctant to have that as (a) it's got hormones in and my body doesn't like them and (b) I just don't fancy a coil.  He mentioned it again, because of course I cannot carry on having pain like that when I have a period, but he wants the scan before we go down any treatment routes.

Has anyone else experienced this level of pain?  I am really hoping that I'm not the only one  :-\

Thank you.


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Re: Hi all, new here and here's my story ...
« Reply #1 on: May 01, 2014, 03:28:50 PM »

Hi NikkiD

Welcome , I haven't been on forum long either but is really useful.

Sorry I can't relate to the level of pain you are having and really hope things get resolved soon for you.

I  had mirena coil taken out approx. 10 years ago and had a positive experience with it.  Initially it was really uncomfortable and took time to settle down.  Once it settled it was great very rarely had a period and sometimes sore boobs as you still ovulate on it (I think that's what I was told).

Like you I couldn't take the pill when I was younger, always got thrush or breakthrough bleeding, so maybe the mirena would suit you.  It may be worth trying.

Let us know how you get on.


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Re: Hi all, new here and here's my story ...
« Reply #2 on: May 01, 2014, 03:46:30 PM »

There is a drug to stop heavy bleeding.  The excruciating pain can be intense sudden spasms, as the hormones sort of kick in and the body thinks a period is on it's way.

Your GP is right to follow up this sudden onset of such intense symptoms.



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Re: Hi all, new here and here's my story ...
« Reply #3 on: May 01, 2014, 05:46:35 PM »

Hi NikkiD
I had terrible period pains from my very first period.  So bad that the school used to send for an ambulance.  I ended going on the Pill and this stopped the pains and allowed me to have a life and career.  I had an early menopause - I was peri from my mid 30s - so had to use HRT and the progesterone in HRT did bring the pains back when I had the withdrawal bleeds.
I suspect that you may have developed endometriosis or perhaps you have fibroids which is horrible but it's good to get a scan to check.  CLKD may well be right - your body may be really struggling to produce the withdrawal bleed and hence the pain.
The Mirena would probably be a good thing to try for you - I had a Mirena for over 4 years post meno - I believe it can really help with this kind of pain and bleeding - and I found it was generally quite good as I didn't get any bleeds after the first few weeks. The other plus is your don't need to worry about contraceptive through your peri stage.
Keep us posted.  DG x


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Re: Hi all, new here and here's my story ...
« Reply #4 on: May 01, 2014, 06:52:01 PM »

I agree that a scan is essential toxfind out what is  happening. I'm afraid this level of pain is not normal meno symptoms.
My daughter had extreme period pain and used to regularly miss school and spend a couple of days a month with her head down the toilet. The mini pill sorted her out as she can't tolerate a pill with oestrogen.
Once you have had a scan and made sure everything is ok you have a few options.
The coil is one or HRT is another.

Hope every thing goes well for you.



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Re: Hi all, new here and here's my story ...
« Reply #5 on: May 01, 2014, 06:53:16 PM »

 ???  predictive text Honeybun  :-\  ::)



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Re: Hi all, new here and here's my story ...
« Reply #6 on: May 01, 2014, 08:07:24 PM »

Hi NikkiD

Just thought I would put your mind at rest, I had exactly the same happen to me, I have given birth three times and I swear the pain felt as bad. I have had numerous scans and everything came back clear. Finally last August  after one failed attempt with the mirena, I agreed to have another one fitted, I am so thankful I did. It has now been eight months, bleeds stopped after three months, and no pain!!!! Occasionally I feel slight cramps around ovulation but nothing to worry about. I am still struggling to find the right balance of oestrogel, as meno symptoms rear the head last two weeks of each month. I am currently not using any oestrogel, it has only been a month but I feel better. Not sure if this will continue, but fingers crossed. Feel free to ask any other questions. X


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Re: Hi all, new here and here's my story ...
« Reply #7 on: May 01, 2014, 09:32:26 PM »

Thanks for all your replies. I should have mentioned that I had a pelvic ultrasound a couple of years ago which was all clear, so it's very unlikely to be endometriosis. Could be fibroids though so it's best to check. I am also relieved to hear Cacey has had similar pain & others have had success with the Mirena. It's got to be worth a try  :)


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Re: Hi all, new here and here's my story ...
« Reply #8 on: May 02, 2014, 09:04:38 AM »

Hi Nickki I feel your pain. That one that just floors you & you reach for the phone just in case it doesn't go away so you can call for help. It is like childbirth or like that first poo after stomach surgery is the only way I can describe it.
I have scared my kids many times, I try to hide it but its hard. I find it brings on a bowel movement too due to the extreme cramp. I would look into the mirena, I am considering it as my next option if my current hrt does not work well. I have heard really good things about it, I don't think it is as bad as it sounds, B x


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Re: Hi all, new here and here's my story ...
« Reply #9 on: May 02, 2014, 09:16:08 AM »

Hi Bev

Funny you should mention the bowel movement!! It did indeed bring one on  ::)

I cannot imagine having this pain ever again, but it seems like it's probable.  It's a scary thought, and I've been advised to take painkillers before the pain starts, but that's hard because everything is so unpredictable and it just came on with absolutely no warning whatsoever and no sign of a period (until later that day).  I think the Mirena might be the way forward.

Hope you find some relief too - it's no way to live is it?


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Re: Hi all, new here and here's my story ...
« Reply #10 on: May 02, 2014, 07:10:03 PM »

Hi I haven't had your level of pain, but your story is very similar to mine.  I have had 2 periods this month only 11 days apart and have been on it for 14 days now.  I am also experiencing pain that I never usually get with periods.  I think I am galloping towards the menopause and everything is just totally out of whack.  I suspect it is the same for you.


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Re: Hi all, new here and here's my story ...
« Reply #11 on: May 02, 2014, 08:03:50 PM »

Hi Mandy, it is the same for me, but thinking that this craziness could carry on for years is pretty scary! My period stopped yesterday only to reappear this evening! Thankfully not with too much pain, but still a complete pain  >:(

I read somewhere that if you experience a gap between periods of 3 months (I had before this latest batch of periods) then there's a good chance periods will stop altogether in the next year. How true that is I don't know, but fingers are crossed!


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Re: Hi all, new here and here's my story ...
« Reply #12 on: May 02, 2014, 08:56:36 PM »

Oh, I've only had a 2 month gap but my hormones are so mad that I actually feel like I'm going insane.  The awful thing is though Nikki, any googling you do only seems to come back with a horror diagnosis.  However, I just found another forum where there are 265 replies to a post a woman put on of having a very heavy painful long period and the replies all confirm that this is a menopausal symptom, so that eased my mind a lot. 


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Re: Hi all, new here and here's my story ...
« Reply #13 on: May 02, 2014, 10:12:16 PM »

Mandy, when you google any symptom you get a horror diagnosis - a headache is a brain tumour, a cough is lung cancer & any change in bowel habit is a death sentence. But, what we find has to be viewed with caution, a lesson I've learnt. You see, I actually work at the GP.practice where I'm registered, & have driven myself half mad in the past by googling symptoms & then bothering my GP with my anxiety over what I've read. He usually just looks at me, rolls hos eyes & says " what have I told you about Googling?". In fact, all our GPs say Google is dangerous, & it's true. When I saw my GP about Mondays events & he said he wanted to send me for a scan, he followed it with "and before you ask, no I don't think anything sinister is going on". He knows me so well! But, i still had to check for myself whether he'd sent the request urgently or routinely, & he'd sent it routinely. Instant reassurance.
What we are experiencing is what many other women experience, but all of us will have differences :)