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Author Topic: What to try next ? Non synthetic ?  (Read 3941 times)


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What to try next ? Non synthetic ?
« on: April 26, 2014, 10:16:30 AM »

I apologise ladies as I know some of you have given me advice before but at the moment my brain is so muddled, I can't honestly think straight.

OK so I went on HRT over a year ago (am post meno), tried following
Femoston Conti - brought on bleeds and pmt symptons
FemSeven Patch - didn't stay on and didn't feel good on it (bloating)
Kliofem - didn't feel good on it
Angeliq - didn't feel good on it

Then went back on
Femoston Conti Ultra low dose but had the low moods again (pmt symptons) so then I was referred to a meno clinic where the doc put me on Indivina - tolerated it for a few months but was getting three bleeds a month and the mood swings got worse! 

So I came off it and bingo I suddenly felt good again!  No sweats, no meno symptoms for a whole month and then it started again............. and with a vengeance this time, worse night sleeps, hot flushes, etc............

So a few weeks ago I started taking femoston ultra low dose which I still had at home........... All ok at first but two weeks in and the depression hit me, so bad, and tiredness and meno symtpons, anxiety!

The hot flushes are not bad but the depression and low mood is awful........... am almost at the end of the pack now and it does seem to be lifting but I have been very down.........

I am so confused to be honest now and ask, would it be doing this to me therefore as I still get confused to how it works? 

I am going to see my gp on Monday and will ask for a referral back to meno clinic but am thinking I could just ask GP on Monday for a prescription for what? 

What can I take to avoid all of this depression/mood swings? 

Sorry, Hurdity, I know you told me before but I am all over the place at the moment and have been absolutely shattered this week. 

I have to say that I do think last time I took Femoston contri low dose after about four months, I think I was starting to feel better so the other question is if I do stick it out, will the depression eventually subside?  Or is it a case of if its made me feel low now then will that side effect always be there?

My nights havent been great at all and I still seem to sweat a bit at night, I am just coming to the end of the first pack and wasn't on HRT for a month. 

I am however going to ask my gp for full blood tests in case there is anything else causing this as am so flipping tired and sore throaty too. 


I am thinking of trying the Ladycare magnet also and was also thinking about looking into anti d - venlaflaxine perhaps - anyone found it helped with meno symptoms ? 

Just dont know what to do to be honest

« Last Edit: April 26, 2014, 10:18:01 AM by Londongirl »


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Re: What to try next ? Non synthetic ?
« Reply #1 on: April 28, 2014, 04:18:02 PM »


I'm not an expert on meno as I come here to ask questions but have  you looked at the different HRT preparations listed to the left of this page <<<<

Also, there is BHRT which stands for bio-identical hrt.
Lots of women have problems with synthetic progestins that are used for many hrt preparations, but BHRT is a molecule that mimics our own hormones.

Unfortunately, though, here in England, a lot of GP's have never really heard of it, but it is being prescribed on the NHS as some women on here can attest to.

Hope that helps.


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Re: What to try next ? Non synthetic ?
« Reply #2 on: April 28, 2014, 05:29:40 PM »

Just to add to Dandelion's post that it is important to distiguish between "BHRT" as practised and prescribed in US and bio-identical hormones which are available both in US normally and UK.

What most of us recommend on here for bio-identical hormones is:

estrogen in the form of estradiol - which is available as tablets (eg Elleste solo), patches (eg Estradot 50) or gel (eg Sandrena or Oestrogel):

with separate micronised progesterone (Utrogestan)

All of the products listed are available on NHS.

If you have a problem with unpredictable bleeding, or feel rough on the higher dose continuous combined HRT types then it may be that you are progesterone intolerant to some degree. Going back to a cycle, where your bleeds would be predictable and you would have some time on oestrogen alone,  might be preferable.

If you want to consider this you will need to make sure you say this to your doc and then decide whether you want pills, patches or gel for your estrogen.

On the other hand - you could continue with the Femoston low dose - but if the sdie effects were still there after 4 months personally I would try a different type!

Good that you are seeing the doc to get checked out generally though - always wise!

Hurdity x