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Author Topic: Hormones are so out of control  (Read 2659 times)


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Hormones are so out of control
« on: April 20, 2014, 10:15:19 PM »

I just have a need to purge, as I'm feeling so low with it all.  My body feels so out of control at the moment.  I had a period 11 days a go, lasted 3 days, then I ovulated on day 6 and had another period start on day 11, really heavy as well.  My boobs hurt in different places at different times of the month, I'm gathering fat on my hips, I have crashing fatigue, I'm either angry or weeping.... alot of the time I feel like I did when I was pregnant, but I'm not.  The nighsweats and hot flushes have all but stopped at the moment, but it just seems never ending this and the hard part is, I really don't want my periods to stop and it feels like I'm galloping now towards the end and I'm only 43.  OK, purge over!!  Anyone else feel like this?


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Re: Hormones are so out of control
« Reply #1 on: April 21, 2014, 07:42:04 AM »

Hi Mandy,
Apart from the bleeding I had similar symptoms most of last year.I felt so tired and emotional,weepy and very anxious .Just not right at all if that makes sense. Plus my body ached and I had headaches topped with struggling to sleep -it was awful.Originally my doc put me on anti-ds even though I knew I wasn't depressed-he said it might help. It didn't and I came off them voluntarily 3 months later.

I got a new doc who thought it might be thyroid issues so ran full blood tests.  It came back as I was in perimeno which was a shock as I was only 38. Within days of starting HRT I was sleepign better, my pains stopped and my anxiety eased and depression lifted within weeks.

My doctor described it as symptoms consistent with oestrogen deficiency which go when taking HRT. I would never want to go back to the way I was so will continue with HRT. I know it seems very young but for me I just want to feel better and have good quality of life.

I'm not sure if you've been diagnozed with perimenopause? Have you seen your doc or on HRT? I would receommend you see your doc in the first instance.   


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Re: Hormones are so out of control
« Reply #2 on: April 21, 2014, 07:48:57 AM »

Yes, totally understand how you are feeling.  Had a similar time with my periods last month.  Its the exhaustion and tiredness I struggle with the most.  It takes me an age to get going in the mornings and by the end of the day I really suffer with my knee joints. 

I have been changing some aspects of my diet to help with the night sweats etc. Which seems to be helping, It certainly seems to be helping with my heart condition as my heart nurse confirmed after my annual blood tests. :)

Have  you seen your GP?


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Re: Hormones are so out of control
« Reply #3 on: April 21, 2014, 08:50:34 AM »

thanks for your input ladies.  Yes, I've had all the tests and I am low in estrogen.  I'm supposed to go back for follow up bloods but don't see the point as I know I'm entering the menopause.


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Re: Hormones are so out of control
« Reply #4 on: April 21, 2014, 09:08:26 AM »

You should really have HRT at your age to protect your heart and bones. You will be replacing the hormones that you should naturally have.
Go and see your GP to discuss your options as its really essential at such a young age.

Your symptoms are not going to go away so the sooner you star the better you will be.



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Re: Hormones are so out of control
« Reply #5 on: April 21, 2014, 10:20:37 AM »

I agree with HoneyB.

You are putting yourself at risk long-term from conditions like osteoporosis and heart disease. These are killers for women in mid-life and old age- you need to take this seriously.  I have a friend whose Mum has been crippled with osteoporosis from her early 60s ( hunched back, severe pain etc) after an early meno.

Menopause before the age of 45-47 is considered 'premature' and you need HRT at least to age 51-52.

ANYONE having a prem menopause needs help. Little old ladies with dowagers humps were often the women who had prem menopause and lack of oestrogen- now we have means of preventing this.

« Last Edit: April 21, 2014, 01:47:12 PM by Sarah2 »