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Menopause Matters magazine ISSUE 76 out now. (Summer issue, June 2024)


Author Topic: Feeling really fed up  (Read 3080 times)


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Feeling really fed up
« on: April 14, 2014, 09:25:55 AM »

Hi everyone,

I'm on for a moan!!

Due to change from Climagest to Ellese duo in 2 days. Been a difficult few months with the return of my meno symptoms. My weekend has consisted of having little energy and sleeping a lot. I also have an under active thyroid and am in treatment for Complex Trauma, I feel very low.

I had a very good job which I loved but have had to leave about 5 months ago due to my health and still can't accept what's going on with me.

Can't say my friends are there for me as all I seem to do is listen to their problems (as it's always been that way), but now I feel awful, I feel on my own with all this.

I'm due a womb scan soon due to bleeding a lot, had an internal and the Doc said my womb looked very red!




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Re: Feeling really fed up
« Reply #1 on: April 14, 2014, 01:26:15 PM »

Oh Renee

I feel for you........ it is hard having to cope with all of this. 

Why are you changing HRT?  Is it because of the return of symptoms?  Blooming meno is horrible isn't it?

Is there something to can do to cheer yourself up today?  A little treat, no matter what it is ?  Just something to make you smile, or try ! 

So sorry to hear you are suffering like this. 


Diamonds and pearls 53

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Re: Feeling really fed up
« Reply #2 on: April 14, 2014, 04:05:49 PM »

Hi Renee,
Moan away!-I shall be happy to join you as am feeling really fed up myself :(  So sorry to hear that you've had such a rough time of it over the last few months, you have had a lot to contend with.
Hopefully a change of hrt might help to sort out your meno symptoms and the scan should help to reassure you too. Have to admit, despite the lovely weather today I have spent most of it on the sofa..not exactly what I had in mind  on my week off...
And you are not on your own!-you can always share your worries on here and get lots of support too.
Do hope you start to feel better soon.

Diamonds and pearls x


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Re: Feeling really fed up
« Reply #3 on: April 14, 2014, 04:50:37 PM »

Hi Renee,

sorry to hear that you have been through such a tough time,  Thats what we are here for, i am sure all the others would agree.  If you dont suffer meno that bad then it is difficult to understand, there should be more support groups for meno but then again it may be that most women would be embarrassed to attend.  It is awful as it is so unpredictable and our symptoms can leave us grounded! I know i can have very good weeks where i feel it is all going away but then it returns.  We will get there with support and guidance from people and places such as MM :)  take care x



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Re: Feeling really fed up
« Reply #4 on: April 14, 2014, 10:12:46 PM »

Thank you for your replies. X

Yes, my meno symptoms have returned after being on Climagest for 2 years and also have breakthrough bleeding for the past 2 months. I do get a period at the end of each pack.

I too was on my sofa most of the day! It's nice to be able to write how you feel down then even better for you all to respond.

I felt a bit better late afternoon so decided to go to my local library to get some books for when I'm up through the night....better than sitting fretting!!

Being on this site makes me feel like Im not alone, so thank you. Xxxxxxxx


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Re: Feeling really fed up
« Reply #5 on: April 14, 2014, 10:22:20 PM »

Hi Renee - sorry you are feeling so low.  I can understand how you feel - I lost a job I loved owing to my health and I feel lost . I never realised how much I put into it.  I think for me it has shown how low my self esteem is as it seems my job gave me my identity.  Now I feel like a nothing.  Coupled with menopause it's not a good time.  This forum is great as I don't feel so alone plus I feel guilty moaning as things could be so much worse.  I can't take HRT owing to other medical stuff so I haven't got that option - not sure if that is a good or bad thing.  My husband keeps asking when the meno is going to end - I'm not sure it does ( his concerns are the depression and vaginal problems ).  But hey we keep on going don't we x
Hope you feel better soon and if not keep posting.  It helps to write stuff down and get it off your chest!


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Re: Feeling really fed up
« Reply #6 on: April 15, 2014, 08:53:20 AM »

Sorry to hear you too have had to give up a job you loved Groundhog, and yes you don't realise until it's gone how much it gives you identity and confidence. Sometimes I wonder we feel so low!!

There is no Meno clinic where I live, there was a poster up in my surgery about a meno nurse and when I called the no, I was told they haven't had a meno nurse for months!!

There's not enough help for us.......our quality of life is slipping away at times. Xxxxx