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Author Topic: On the combined pill. How will I know when I reach the menopause?  (Read 5722 times)


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Hi. A newby here. I've had a look with the search but couldn't see any threads which covered my question. Sorry if I've missed something obvious anywhere.

I'm on the combined pill, which suits me fine and no problems with side effects. The GP is happy for me to continue on it since I have no risk factors. I'm 47 now.

I'm starting to wonder how I'm going to know when I hit the menopause, since I don't have a natural cycle or bleeds. What should I be looking out for, and how would I know when it was safe to stop using contraception?


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Re: On the combined pill. How will I know when I reach the menopause?
« Reply #1 on: April 07, 2014, 08:28:28 PM »


Welcome to the Forum.

I had this issue, I was on the combined pill till I was 54. I had kept on asking how will I know when meno happens?

The short answer is you won't till you stop taking the pill, even then the answer won't be immediate.

I had to stop the pill when I was 54 as my GP wouldn't prescribe it any more. Six weeks after stopping I had a FSH blood test which was 103, which seemed to indicate post menopause but the GP I saw at the time said this should not be viewed as definite until I had had a year without a period and still needed to use contraception  :-\  n.b I had been on the pill for as long as I can remember, using other methods of contracepton was not a happy experience.

I Had another test 6 months later which was 108 and was then told I was in post menopause, I hadn't had a period at all since stopping the pill.
« Last Edit: April 07, 2014, 08:30:19 PM by Limpy »


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Re: On the combined pill. How will I know when I reach the menopause?
« Reply #2 on: April 07, 2014, 08:49:02 PM »

Thanks, I did wonder if it was as unsubtle as that!

So... at some point I just stop taking the pill, get tested after 6 weeks to see how things stand, and then have to use some other form of contraceptive for a year until I can reasonably-safely assume that I'm not fertile any more?

Not exactly convenient...  :-X


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Re: On the combined pill. How will I know when I reach the menopause?
« Reply #3 on: April 08, 2014, 09:36:29 AM »

It is not convenient at all.

Given that you are under 50 (lucky thing) I think you need to wait for two years without a period before you can assume you are not fertile any more. Even if you get the FSH test repeated at a future date.

The doctors are very reluctant to give a definite yes or no regarding fertility, late babies DO happen. However, they do stress that the statistical chances of getting pregnant towards 50 are very low.

It would be so good to know.



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Re: On the combined pill. How will I know when I reach the menopause?
« Reply #4 on: April 08, 2014, 10:06:07 AM »

I was on the pill for most of 29 years, until 49, when I suddenly hit the wrong side of a tick-box at my pill review with the nurse.  You aren't supposed to have the coc if you have EVER had a migraine with aura now so they had to take me off it, in case I had a stroke in the one year I had left on it (it is only licensed up to age 50 ).  I have been off it for 18 months now.

After resisting pressure to have the mirena iucd, I tried pop for 3 months, then gave up on them.  I had a small prolapse op, which took care of contraception for a while! then used condoms.  I had my first period 9 weeks after stopping the pop.  Unfortunately, periods settled into a sort of 3 weeks cycle (once 15 days  >:( ) and turning from a bit heavy to unpredictable over the next few months.  I tried another pop, unsuccessfully, last July, then back to the short cycles.

Since Christmas, after one painful stop-start period and a big cervical mucus surge, I have had light sludgy brown periods and random spotting.

I have been charting my cycles since originally coming off the pop.  There have been a few lacklustre temperature rises in the early days, and since Christmas the cervical mucus has got drier and infrequent. I don't think I am very fertile, but not taking any chances.

During the last 4 years on the pill, I noticed the following changes:  loss of pubes and itching in privates, less spotty skin  :) , more pronounced oestrogen withdrawal headache during week off - I had to make an effort to keep hydrated - less breast tissue, less blood loss during withdrawal bleed.

I have not been offered any tests or hrt or anything by GP.  I do have vagifem which I was prescribed after my op by the gynae.  I had hoped to come off the pill in a more considered way  >:(


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Re: On the combined pill. How will I know when I reach the menopause?
« Reply #5 on: April 08, 2014, 10:22:47 AM »

Forgot to say - had night sweats on the pill too for about 10 years, but worse over the last 4.

They have pretty much gone now  ;D  which is nice.


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Re: On the combined pill. How will I know when I reach the menopause?
« Reply #6 on: April 08, 2014, 07:21:07 PM »

Thanks Dahliagirl, and thanks again Limpy.

Interesting to know that you got symptoms despite being on the pill. I shall just keep an eye on things I guess, and stick with the pill till I'm 50 if that's the limit. It'll be irritating to have to deal with some other form of contraception then, but I wouldn't be prepared to take chances, even if it's unlikely. I managed to get pregnant the first month I was off the pill, so I've always gone with paranoia rather than optimism!


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Re: On the combined pill. How will I know when I reach the menopause?
« Reply #7 on: April 08, 2014, 07:33:29 PM »

AMIS, Dahliagirl has reminded me that meno symptoms do occur even when on the pill.
Night sweats, yes for about 10 /12 years prior to stopping pill,  worse in pill free weeks. They certainly do not improve after meno.

The other thing, sorry to be indelicate here, was/is vaginal dryness, have always needed extra lubrication.......


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Re: On the combined pill. How will I know when I reach the menopause?
« Reply #8 on: April 08, 2014, 09:29:46 PM »

It is interesting that you too had night sweats for a number of years, Limpy.  I thought it was just me - mine have stopped for the time being, but I do get them occasionally, with other meno symptoms.

I thought I had loads of oestrogen, being on the pill, but I think that, because it is a larger amount and works by knocking out your own production, then you may possibly be ending up with less overall, especially approaching menopause when your ovaries are failing.  I probably have more now than I have for years! (although, up and down).

I also have had problems with the vag symptoms


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Re: On the combined pill. How will I know when I reach the menopause?
« Reply #9 on: April 09, 2014, 09:36:37 AM »

I managed to get pregnant the first month I was off the pill, so I've always gone with paranoia rather than optimism!

Yep - I took the paranoia route as well. Not easy, OH and I had been together 30 odd years and only used the pill.  :o

Perhaps you could use a progesterone only pill or Mirrena coil if you have to stop the combined pill at 50.

The only reason my GP was happy to prescribe the combined pill till I was 54 was because I have MS and there are reports that oestrogen helps alleviate the symptoms arising from that, certainly heled me. After I stopped the pill I was OK for about 6 months then the MS kicked off, loss of balance bad falls etc. At this point I saw/acquired a new GP and she prescribed HRT patches. Touch wood, the MS has been under control (ish) since then.