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Author Topic: pain and swelling under left arm  (Read 9788 times)


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Re: pain and swelling under left arm
« Reply #15 on: April 07, 2014, 05:59:01 PM »

So stop prodding it! It may have begun with an itch in the night which has made the area slightly puffy.  Better today?


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Re: pain and swelling under left arm
« Reply #16 on: April 07, 2014, 06:49:59 PM »

i really havent prodded it clkd,  there is nothing to  prod its just puffy, i have been taking paracetamol every 4 hours and i know when they have worn off its so tender, if my arm is by my side it feels like there is a golf ball there but as i say when i put my hand over it (gently) its just puffed up and it feels like bruised and tender, ive had a heat pack on it and going to soak it in the bath again later and maybe if its a boil or cyst it will start to come up, i saw the gp on friday and he said it it persists come back, not sure how long i should wait  :-\


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Re: pain and swelling under left arm
« Reply #17 on: April 07, 2014, 06:50:46 PM »

A week - unless it gets more swollen - is the pain relief helping?


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Re: pain and swelling under left arm
« Reply #18 on: April 07, 2014, 06:52:42 PM »

If it doesn't ease up soon then go back to your GP.

Sorry to hear it's no better. It least if you knew what it was you could treat it.

Let us know how you get on.



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Re: pain and swelling under left arm
« Reply #19 on: April 07, 2014, 09:16:13 PM »

pain relief is just taking the edge off but i can still feel it  :(
honeybun, when you had a cyst was it visible from the start of the pain or just when it came up ?


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Re: pain and swelling under left arm
« Reply #20 on: April 07, 2014, 09:39:26 PM »

It was red and puffy for about a,week before all of a sudden a distinct lump appeared. It came quite quickly to a big head after that.
I should have gone to my GP and had it looked at so please don't go by what happened to me.
I am really bad at going to the doctor and to be honest it was a bit daft as I am sure I could have got rid of it much quicker if I had.



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Re: pain and swelling under left arm
« Reply #21 on: April 07, 2014, 09:49:43 PM »

honeybun dont mind going back to gp, just thought i would see if anything comes to a head as it were  its just so sore and i cant see anything at all, which like you say makes it worse as i dont know what iam treating,, i will give it a couple of days and then make another appointment   kerrie


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Re: pain and swelling under left arm
« Reply #22 on: April 07, 2014, 10:21:37 PM »

Hope it feels a bit better in the morning.



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Re: pain and swelling under left arm
« Reply #23 on: April 08, 2014, 10:11:13 AM »

its so tender, if my arm is by my side it feels like there is a golf ball there but as i say when i put my hand over it (gently) its just puffed up and it feels like bruised and tender

Reading this i just wonder if this is related to your lower back pain ? - I have pain in the pelvic region and have been seen by an acupuncturist. She found sore 'trigger points' in parts of my body far away from the site of the pain - some of these sore points were in the muscles around and under one arm. When she pressed on these points they were very sore.She explained that it is the muscles reacting to a pain site elsewhere.
There is an explanation of trigger point on wiki.
Just my thoughts - nerve pain does funny things.


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Re: pain and swelling under left arm
« Reply #24 on: April 08, 2014, 12:29:14 PM »

hi hattie, i was just thinking this morning is this muscular  :-\
i had an mri scan in feb, but i wont get the results till i go back to the pain management clinic in july,  they got it the wrong way around apparently, when i was sent to the pain clinic the specialist assumed my gp would have had the mri scan first, but he hadnt so now i have a long wait , they have prescribed meds for the pain in the meantime for lower back pain which is felt in my groins but  wont take them until i see what the scan revealed, i know that may seem silly but i have bad reactions to so many drugs in the past, that iam loath to rely on them. I get by on paracetamol and using heat packs on my back for now.
In my original post i did explain that just before this started, i was stood for sometime in my sons kitchen taking the weight off my back by leaning on my arms and wonder if there was a connection, but i would have thought this would have gone by now as that was 10 days ago  :-\


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Re: pain and swelling under left arm
« Reply #25 on: April 08, 2014, 01:04:08 PM »

I saw an acupuncturist,who was also a trained gp, linked to my pain clinic. Not that they told me about her ! i found her on the web and read that she practised at the clinic. You can have 6 sessions on the NHS if you are interested - i just asked and they let me have them. I went to her privately for more sessions as well but gave up by joint agreement when she was no longer able to help me further with the main pain problem.

I found that a lot that she said made sense in a 'whole body' context, whereas the pain clinic just give you meds. She found sore trigger points along my inner thigh as well all down to my foot - all part of the spleen channel.

I don't know but leaning on your arms may well have done something - my sore points around the armpit are now much better but it took some time and i still get the odd twinge. Why/how they have gone i really don't know.

Don't blame you for holding back with any meds for now - i am taking Nortriptyline which dulls the pain and was on high doses of gabapentin for a time as well which made me fuzzy minded. Once you are on these drugs the pain clinic leave it up to your judgement as to how well they are working.
Hope that your MRI result makes things clearer for you.
Take care. X
« Last Edit: April 08, 2014, 01:07:51 PM by Hattie »


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Re: pain and swelling under left arm
« Reply #26 on: April 08, 2014, 01:22:50 PM »

hattie, i did have acupunture last year through a chiropractor and it did help for some time, but then the gp sent me for physio, which i dont think helped me and then on to a pain clinic, so i left the chiroprator whilst i went through the nhs channels as the chiropractor was costing quite alot, BUT i would find the money and go back to her if all else fails, as iam only able to walk a short distance without pain and at 57, i dont want to be like this.
The prescription i have is for gabapentin and amtryptoline  i think its called but i know they are very strong meds so iam wary at the moment to give them a go.
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