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Author Topic: Restarted HRT  (Read 20160 times)


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Re: Restarted HRT
« Reply #15 on: April 06, 2014, 09:01:59 AM »

Am just leaving for my little week away. The flushes/sweats are every forty minutes but a bit less intense so hopefully after a few weeks they will disappear. If I could go back eight months there is no way I would come off it!

Taz x



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Re: Restarted HRT
« Reply #16 on: April 11, 2014, 08:22:36 AM »

Hi Taz
This has been really interesting to read, I really hope the patches have kicked in again for you and you're feeling better. I've been using HRT for two years now and have definitely felt some benefits. My worst symptoms are loose bowels, low mood and anxiety, however I can say that this is worsened by the progesterone phase. I've just started Utrogestan and after reading your thread I've decided to think about hysterectomy if it doesn't work as this regime I am on at the moment is the 7th that I have tried. My periods are horrendous and make me really I'll due to fibroids and anaemia. Please keep posting about how you are getting on as I will be interested to know. Good luck  :)


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Re: Restarted HRT
« Reply #17 on: April 19, 2014, 03:36:12 PM »

Taz 8 months is a long time especially whilst holding down a job as well. I wish you all the best and things will be so much more straight forward when you have your hyster.  Best wishes x

ps can i ask what dose you have started with?


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Re: Restarted HRT
« Reply #18 on: April 19, 2014, 04:33:30 PM »

Thanks ladies!!

Sweettooth - I had one box of Evorel Sequi left which was still just in date so I used those.

The flushes have almost totally gone which is great but the progesterone (third day of that) is making me feel absolutely huge - have had to move my bra band to another notch and my jeans don't fit. I am craving food - usually I don't have much appetite and have that sort of woozy feeling which you get if you need to eat. I've also got slight heartburn again. I'm finding it interesting as to what symptoms return as, before, I just accepted the way I was feeling as down to age rather than HRT. It's still worth it though to be rid of the drenchings!

Oestrogen only HRT does seem much kinder to the body.

Taz x


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Re: Restarted HRT
« Reply #19 on: April 19, 2014, 06:23:38 PM »

After your operation then you can choose oestrogen patches or a little gel just to get the flushes under control.

I am on conti HRT so have the progesterone all the time which is not great but I am prepared to tolerate it so I can sometimes sleep at night.
I often wonder whether HRT does help me sleep as I have gone through periods of insomnia for years and years. I was always worse on the run up to a period then I would sleep like a log. 
Just want to feel normal, whatever that is  :P



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Re: Restarted HRT
« Reply #20 on: April 19, 2014, 06:55:11 PM »

You may only need a low dose of oestrogen after the op Taz. I like patches, but gel is good too.


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Re: Restarted HRT
« Reply #21 on: April 19, 2014, 07:14:34 PM »

I'm not sure why the op will  make any difference to how much oestrogen I'll need but time will tell!

Taz x


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Re: Restarted HRT
« Reply #22 on: April 19, 2014, 09:28:54 PM »

Sure will Taz. But don't them fob you off if you need it, you need it.


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Re: Restarted HRT
« Reply #23 on: April 20, 2014, 09:58:19 PM »

The reason i asked Taz is that i am 52 and at present restarted on half of 75mcg patch (37.5) because i was still getting odd flushes/sweats etc i upped it to 50 but whether it was a coincidence or not, i did not feel well pmt symptoms, headache and racing heart although i sometimes get these anyway! but i am going to try again in a week or so.

All the best with your hyster, mine was a prolapse and i flew through it but because i was still peri, my hormonal balance was off the wall! you will be fine as you are post meno :) xx


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Re: Restarted HRT
« Reply #24 on: April 21, 2014, 07:36:11 PM »

Taz - At least you won't need the progestogen after the op so will be able to take however much oestrogen you like to feel good!  Do you have a date yet?

sweettooth - it is common to feel temporary side effects from increasing oestrogen (such as breast pain, headaches, nausea etc) but these should settle and if 37.5 mcg is not controlling the flushes/sweats (it didn't with me) then you definitely need a higher dose. I would stick with the 50 mcg for at least a month and hopefully you will reap the benefits...

Hurdity x


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Re: Restarted HRT
« Reply #25 on: May 06, 2014, 03:24:19 PM »

Well I've finished my one remaining box of patches after an eight month nightmare without HRT and can report that I feel great now. The sweats have gone completely, night and day ones, my skin is really supple and not dry anymore, I'm sleeping really well for me - this means I sleep for around three hours without waking up at all now and then when I do wake up I go straight back to sleep for a couple more hours instead of waking up in a saturated puddle twice an hour. My stiff muscles are much better although still not as good as I would like and people are noticing that I'm more "your old self" - not sure about the "old"!!

Today I finally got to see my lovely GP and knew that I had to confess because I was hoping she would renew my prescription. The first confession was to be that I hadn't started the Citalopram she prescribed in Feb when I was really low and the second one was the fact that I had put myself back onto HRT when she was adamant that I couldn't have any because of my age. I walked into her room and she said "My you look fab - Citalopram is obviously working then. I thought it would". So I straight away had to fess up to what I'd done. She said "Of course you feel great but that doesn't mean you should be on it - especially with the hyster coming up" We talked about the pros and cons of stopping HRT before operations and she said that pelvic and orthopaedic surgeries were the worst for blood clots. Having had one friend who developed a clot after an abdominal hyster six months ago and a friend's mum who is in hospital with two lung clots following minor knee surgery I sort of agreed. She phoned a colleague for his advice which was the same. In the "older" woman HRT is to be stopped at least four weeks (eight preferably) before any planned surgery.She agreed it was strange this wasn't in my letter about my op but did point out that in the letter she had received from the consultant it did say that "I understand that this lady is no longer on HRT"  :-X

She was really helpful with hints re recovery time and said that week one and two you feel quite good because you have had the op and survived but that week three is often one when women can feel quite low and miserable. She also said that I would probably be in hospital for four to five days which seems an incredibly long time to me! I mentioned the anxiety - hate knowing I can't go out if I need to - and she said not to start Citalopram before the op but to make sure GAD is written on my notes when I go for the pre-op so that I can have sleeping tablets if I need it. This saves having to get it authorised by a doc which can take up to three hours which is a long time to be in a panic.

As for HRT - she said that if I really can't cope after I've had the hyster and given it a couple of months then at least my HRT will be oestrogen only which is better but that I had to understand that at some stage of my life I will have to go through these symptoms. I, of course, did mention that if I took it for the rest of my life then that wouldn't happen. She did agree that up to the age of 70 risks and benefits are thought to be equal.

I am sad that my month of feeling great (apart from the horrible period that started yesterday) is at an end and that the flushes/sweats will be back pretty soon. At least I know though that if I can persuade someone to prescribe it then that little patch makes me feel a whole lot better.

Taz x


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Re: Restarted HRT
« Reply #26 on: May 06, 2014, 03:31:13 PM »

So does that mean you are off HRT now Taz until after your operation? Such a pity given the fact you have been doing so well. Your GP sounds a real gem.
Really surprised that you will be in the hospital for that long, I thought they chucked you out really quickly but I suppose if you count the operation day as day one and the coming out day as day five it's not so long at all.

Hope your flushes don't come back too soon.



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Re: Restarted HRT
« Reply #27 on: May 06, 2014, 03:38:29 PM »

Thanks honeyb. Yes off HRT until at least September and only then if I really push for it. I did say that I lost a total of 10lbs when I was off it and she said "yes, HRT can cause an overall roundness in some women" which made me giggle. I have put on 6lbs since going back on it and have got my boobies back - yay. One thing I found out about her today is that for two days a week she works at a women's natural health centre . The other thing she's doing is getting me tested for low Vitamin D levels because of the muscle stiffness and weakness plus fatigue. You are right she is a gem.

Taz x


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Re: Restarted HRT
« Reply #28 on: May 06, 2014, 03:47:22 PM »

Is it a blood test for Vit D ?

I don't think my surgery do it but maybe if I asked. Although I do like the sun we don't get much of it up here and sometimes I wonder if I lack something that makes me tired a lot. Hubby says it's because I never sit still, I get bored easily and don't do relaxing very well  ::)

I could always send you some patches....I won't tell if you don't  ;)



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Re: Restarted HRT
« Reply #29 on: May 06, 2014, 03:51:16 PM »

It's a blood test yes. She said it is readily available on the NHS and she feels that everyone over the age of 65 should take a supplement automatically. She has put seven patients on it over the last week as their levels were "through the floor". She said that they prescribe pills but that sprays are more efficient but you have to pay for them. She suggested it. She knows that I don't like sunny days and love he long dark winter nights. We had a chat about that too and she explained about the pineal gland and that mine works in reverse to most peoples. It is the pineal gland which is implicated in bi-polar disorder too which is why if you google Reverse Sad you will find that it is always linked into depression.

Taz x
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