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Author Topic: HRT and migraines  (Read 5299 times)


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HRT and migraines
« on: May 09, 2014, 01:33:49 PM »

I've been in evorel hrt patches for the last few years, and these even went up to 100. I've had a mirena for progesterone fitted for 2 1/2 years. I've had two migraines in about a one year period, so one GP has said she would prefer me to come down to a 25 patch to see if I could manage with this instead of the 50 I had been on before. I tried 25 for a month, and have been having bad night sweats, palpitations, no energy, brain fog and have just gone in to ask for an increase to 50 again. She was clearly reluctant to do this, but has done. I thought this was due to an increased risk of strokes, but according to the Migraine Trust there is no evidence to support this.
Anyone had any similar experiences? Going to give it a go again, I just can't see the point in being miserable on 25 if 50 will help and it's ok to take it?...


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Re: HRT and migraines
« Reply #1 on: May 09, 2014, 02:33:44 PM »

Hi lizzog

Sorry to hear about your experiences with migraines, patches and your doc.

I'm not sure what you mean by similar experiences - do you mean to reducing the patch dose or migraines?

In my case - I do get migraines from time to time - in fact I'm really hoping I'm not about to get one now because it feels like the start of one! Mine happened when I was peri-menopausal, and pre-menstrual. Then they happened due to certain types of progestogen in HRT - norethisterone, then when I changed the progestogen (to progesterone as Cyclogest), I would get them often just after stopping the progesterone phase of HRT the pre-menstrual withdrawal - which is well known), and now on a different method of delivery (Utrogestan) I sometimes just get them when I'm on that part of the cycle! I have never been to the doctor about them because I just see it as part of how I react to the progesterone or withdrawal from it.

I use transdermal oestrogen as you do, and this method of delivery is recommended if you suffer from migraines. You haven't said if yours are classic or with aura, and I don't know whether one is more problematic (in terms of stroke risk) than the other. Mine are classic - no aura. Also two in a year is hardly frequent (even though unpleasant when they occur).

In terms of reducing your patch - my doc suggested I did this a few years back. I was 58 and had just stopped HRT completely because I was fed up with the migraines at the time. She suggested I tried 25 mcg - which I did for 3 months. They worked initially but like you the symptoms crept back so I went back to 50 mcg. A reduction was suggested again last year when I had some investigations done - this time to 37.5 mcg and amazingly I experienced a resumption of some symptoms - night sweats and some flushes. The latter weren't too bad, but I couldn't cope with the disturbed sleep and tossing and turning so I'm back on 50 mcg and happy!

I agree - no point in being miserable - and I presume you are not at a controversial age re continuing HRT?

Hurdity x


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Re: HRT and migraines
« Reply #2 on: May 11, 2014, 06:59:48 PM »

Hi lizzog and hurdity

I am on evorel conti 50 patches and just had a blood test because I keep getting migraines and I mean 1to 2 a month and have been getting them for years and hence the reason For going on hrt to try and help but they haven't helped at all and have now decided to reduce it to half so that will be 25 I know I will probably have the night sweats back again.  But my doctor said there is no point of hrt if it's not helping  with the headaches although it does help with the night sweats but I have been on  for 5 years now so will slowly come off it and see where my body is at I am awaiting results of blood test but if they don't find anything then I think I will just have to try and find a alternative like magnesium I've heard helps with headaches and migraines anyone else who can advise on this will be appreciated



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Re: HRT and migraines
« Reply #3 on: May 11, 2014, 08:32:01 PM »

Earlier this year I was getting about one migraine aura a week, but they stopped.
I started taking magnesium and they stopped about this time, but I had to stop that due to diarrhoea and I only got one about two weeks ago.
I've changed my diet recently so that may be why my auras are gone.


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Re: HRT and migraines
« Reply #4 on: May 12, 2014, 03:33:42 PM »

Hi joy

Your doc is out of order in suggesting you should come off HRT - I mean prevention of headaches is not the only reason for HRT! If it helps the night sweats and other menopausal symptoms then surely it is worth continuing?

It may well be that the continuous progestogen in Evorel conti - norethisterone is contributing to your headaches - although if you've had them for years this may not be the case. Your doctor should be suggesting you try a different HRT, unless you want to try to come off, and depending on how old you are ( ie if you are still under 50 then you should carry on with it if possible).

For example you could try an oestrogen patch or gel and micronised progesterone (Utrogestan) which is the same substance that we make in our own bodies and for some has fewer side effects. You would take 100 mg every day ( or nearly so) - and you could at least see whether your headaches lessen.

Have you any triggers for your headaches/mgraines and do you keep a diary? Mght be worth seeing if there is something else causing them - but I expect you've done this already.

I get them sometimes when I'm on the progesterone phase of my HRT ( I still have a cycle) but also sometimes a small amount of wine late in the evening can trigger one even when I'm not on the prog part.

I wouldn't take Magnesium personally.

Hurdity x



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Re: HRT and migraines
« Reply #5 on: May 12, 2014, 06:50:11 PM »

Hi hurdity

Thanks for your info I am 55 and have tried everything watching what I eat and keeping a diary of when I get them what I ate and have even tried preventatives I.e amytriptan and naproxen and still get them so I really don't know what else I can do I've had MRI scans and tried not eating wheat, stop drinking coffee, chocolate tomatoes, cheese everything that is associated with headaches and migraines and still get them it might be the progesterone part of the hrt but I was getting headaches before I went on hrt if it is hormonal then I really don't know what else's I can do but I have also seen a neurologist he seems to think they will lessen as I get older. I am still waiting but I think I might try half of the patch and see what happens I did try femseven hrt but they didn't stick properly and I think I still got heads on that

I wish I could take my head off when I get the migraines and put a new head on I'm sure other sufferers agree with me when we suffer these days they are really so debilitating

